• MSE初始化和基本操作

    MSE默认的登录账户密码可能是:login/password (admin/admin).
    l 初始化配置完成后,下次使用root登录时,仅显示Linux shell提示符,而不是安装脚本。 您可以随时重新运行安装脚本,以root身份登录并运行/opt/mse/setup/setup.sh来更改设置。
    l 安装脚本生成一个日志文件,可以在/opt/mse/setup/setup.log中找到。
    l 如果需要在安装MSE后添加或更改NTP服务器安装,请重新运行自动安装脚本。 您可以仅通过脚本选项卡来配置NTP服务器而无需调整其他值。 要重新运行自动脚本,请以root身份登录并运行/opt/mse/setup/setup.sh
    l 要将MSE配置为在启动后自动进入启动,请输入:
    [root @mse-server1]#chkconfig msed on
    l 要手动启动镜像,请输入:/etc/init.d/msed start
    l 您可以随时验证MSE软件状态。 在MSE的CLI界面中,输入:/etc/init.d/msed status
    l MSE软件在初始配置后和每次重新引导后自动运行。
    步骤1要停止软件,请输入:/etc/init.d/msed stop
    步骤2要检查状态,请输入:/etc/init.d/msed status
    步骤3要启动软件,请输入:/etc/init.d/msed start
    l MSE镜像升级更新有两种方法,

    Downloading Software Using Cisco WCS部分
    第二是手动在MSE上升级,也就是通过本地console 或者SSH登录升级:
    1、 传输新镜像到MSE上。(使用root账户登录。并使用二进制从外部FTP根目录传输镜像到MSE上)
    2、 操作情况大体如下所示:
    Step 1:使用root账户登录,并传输镜像
    a.配置FTP server参数和获取镜像
    # cd /opt/installers
    # ftp <FTP Server IP address>
    Name: <login> 《访问FTP的用户名》
    Password: <password> 《访问FFP的密码》
    Binary 《二进制方式》
    get CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x-64bit.bin.gz 《获取对应镜像》
    b. 验证MSE镜像是否在MSE的/opt/installers目录
    b. Verify that the image ( CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x-64bit.bin.gz) is in the mobility services engine /opt/installers directory.
    c. 解压缩镜像文件
    c. To decompress (unzip) the image file enter:
    gunzip CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x-64bit.bin.gz

    The decompression yields a bin file.
    d. 要确保产生的.bin文件有root用户的执行权限,如果没有按照如下执行
    d. Make sure that the CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x.bin file has execute permissions for the root user. If not, enter:
    chmod 755 CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x.bin
    Step 2 :To manually stop the mobility services engine, login as root and enter:
    /etc/init.d/msed stop.

    Step 3 To install the new mobility services engine image, enter:

    Step 4 To start the new mobility services software, by enter:
    /etc/init.d/msed start
    Caution Do not complete the next step, which uninstalls the script files, unless the system instructs you to do so. Removing the files unnecessarily erases your historical data.
    警告:除非系统指示您执行此操作,否则请勿完成卸载脚本文件的下一步。 删除文件会不必要地删除历史数据
    Step 5 To uninstall the mobility services engine’s script files, enter:
    Recovering a Lost Root Password
    If you lose or forget the root password for a mobility services engine, follow these steps:

    Step 1 When the GRUB screen comes up, press Esc to enter the boot menu.

    Caution If you forget the GRUB password, you cannot login and you will need to contact TAC to arrange for an RMA.

    Note The connection must be made over the console port, not by connecting a keyboard, mouse and monitor to the unit.

    Step 2 Press e to edit.
    Step 3 Navigate to the line beginning with "kernel," and press e.
    At the end of the line enter a space and the number one (1). Press Enter to save this change.
    Step 4 Press b to begin boot sequence.
    At the end of the boot sequence, a shell prompt appears.

    Note The shell prompt does not appear if you have set up a single user mode password.

    Step 5 You can change the root password by entering the passwd command.
    Step 6 Enter and confirm the new password.
    Step 7 Restart the machine.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MomentsLee/p/9914752.html
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