Occasionally, you might need to perform custom logic before or after a map occurs. These should be a rarity, as it's more obvious to do this work outside of AutoMapper. You can create global before/after map actions:
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<Source, Dest>()
.BeforeMap((src, dest) => src.Value = src.Value + 10)
.AfterMap((src, dest) => dest.Name = "John");
Or you can create before/after map callbacks during mapping:
int i = 10;
Mapper.Map<Source, Dest>(src, opt => {
opt.BeforeMap((src, dest) => src.Value = src.Value + i);
opt.AfterMap((src, dest) => dest.Name = HttpContext.Current.Identity.Name);
The latter configuration is helpful when you need contextual information fed into before/after map actions.