使用Ubuntu 10.04 desktop的iso文件启动,按F4选择语言,再按F6跳出其它选项菜单。按ESC取消其它选项菜单并编辑引导选项,在“=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash --”中将 quiet splash -- 替换为 vga=788 noreplace-paravirt,如:
=/casper/initrd.gz vga=788 noreplace-paravirt
如果上面的启动方法,在VPC中不能使用Ubuntu LiveCD环境的话,请添加vga=788参数启动。如:
=/casper/initrd.gz vga=788 quiet splash --
安装完成后,直接使用硬盘启动会提示:CPU复位。还需要进入Ubuntu LiveCD环境,修改/boot/grub/grub.cfg文件。
sudo -i
gedit /media/<guid>/boot/grub/grub.cfg
找到10_linux节的 linux /boot/vmlinuz-xxxx-generic root=<guid> ro quiet splash 语句,把 quiet splash 替换为 vga=788 noreplace-paravirt
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
修改启动参数 grub_cmdline_linux_default="quiet splash vga=788 noreplace-paravirt"
也可删除参数:quiet splash
sudo update-grub
注:vga=788是800*600 16bit / vga=791是1024*768 16bit
参考1:Installing ubuntu 10.04 LTS in Microsoft VPC
参考2:Virtual PC 2007 SP1虚拟机上安装Ubuntu 9.04桌面版
EXAMPLE SoundBlaster SB16 non PNP ISA card:
1. Add following line to the /etc/modules file. This will make the driver to load at boot time.
2. Add following line to the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa_local and /etc/modutils/alsa_local files.
options snd-sb16 isapnp=0 port=0x220 irq=5 dma8=1 dma16=5 mpu_port=0x330
Note! Propably alsa_local files does not exist so create them first.
Note! isapnp=0 will turn isapnp off so non pnp card can be found.
Perhaps /etc/modutils/alsa_local is not needed but I did not test.
You can test the driver and the options at alsa_local file without reboot:
sudo modprobe snd-sb16
If your card is set to 'standard' io, irq settings then you just need to do an insmod snd-sb16 isapnp=0. Set this up for boot time application by adding snd-sb16 to /etc/modules and making a file called snd-sb16 in /etc/modprobe.d with the following in it:
options snd-sb16 isapnp=0
If your card is not set to standard then things get longer, put this into your /etc/modprobe.d/snd-sb16 file:
options snd-sb16 index=0 id="SB-16" port=0x220 mpu_port=0x330 irq=5 dma8=1 dma16=5 isapnp=0
obviously you need to change the values I've plonked in above to suit your card.
Hope that helps. Remember, gnome won't boot past the gdm screen if you use the alsa driver (snd-sb16).