• 自定义绘制View

            The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. 
            To draw something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hold the pixels, a Canvas to host the draw calls (writing into the bitmap), a drawing primitive (e.g. Rect, Path, text, Bitmap), anda paint (to describe the colors and styles for the drawing). 
    1. rotate(float degrees,float px,float py)//对canvas执行旋转变换
    2. scale(float sx,float sy)//对canvas执行缩放
    3. skew(float sx,float sy)//对canvas执行倾斜变换
    4. translate(float dx,float dy)//移动canvas,向右dx,向下dy
    5. //
    6. setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap)
    1. //Path
    2. moveTo(float x,float y)//Set the beginning of the next contour to the point (x,y).
    3. lineTo(float x,float y)//Add a line from the last point to the specified point (x,y).
    5. //canvas
    6. drawTextOnPath(String text, Path path, float hOffset, float vOffset, Paint paint)//hOffset水平偏移 vOffset垂直偏移
     ComposePathEffect    CornerPathEffect    DashPathEffect    DiscretePathEffect    PathDashPathEffect    SumPathEffect
    1. Paint paint =newPaint();
    2. paint.setPathEffect(PathEffect effect);
    1. publicclassDrawView extends View
    2. {
    3.     // 定义记录前一个拖动事件发生点的坐标
    4.     float preX;
    5.     float preY;
    6.     privatePath path;
    7.     publicPaint paint = null;
    8.     // 定义一个内存中的图片,该图片将作为缓冲区
    9.     Bitmap cacheBitmap = null;
    10.     // 定义cacheBitmap上的Canvas对象
    11.     Canvas cacheCanvas = null;
    13.     publicDrawView(Context context,int width ,int height)
    14.     {
    15.         super(context);
    16.         // 创建一个与该View相同大小的缓存区
    17.         cacheBitmap =Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,
    18.             Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    19.         cacheCanvas =newCanvas();
    20.         path =newPath();
    21.         // 设置cacheCanvas将会绘制到内存中的cacheBitmap上
    22.         cacheCanvas.setBitmap(cacheBitmap);
    24.         // 设置画笔的颜色
    25.         paint =newPaint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG);
    26.         paint.setColor(Color.RED);
    27.         // 设置画笔风格
    28.         paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
    29.         paint.setStrokeWidth(1);
    30.         // 反锯齿
    31.         paint.setAntiAlias(true);
    32.         paint.setDither(true);
    33.     }
    35.     @Override
    36.     public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
    37.     {
    38.         // 获取拖动事件的发生位置
    39.         float x = event.getX();
    40.         float y = event.getY();
    41.         switch(event.getAction())
    42.         {
    43.             caseMotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
    44.                 // 从前一个点绘制到当前点之后,把当前点定义成下次绘制的前一个点
    45.                 path.moveTo(x, y);
    46.                 preX = x;
    47.                 preY = y;
    48.                 break;
    49.             caseMotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
    50.                 // 从前一个点绘制到当前点之后,把当前点定义成下次绘制的前一个点
    51.                 path.quadTo(preX, preY, x, y);
    52.                 preX = x;
    53.                 preY = y;
    54.                 break;
    55.             caseMotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
    56.                 cacheCanvas.drawPath(path, paint);// ①
    57.                 path.reset();
    58.                 break;
    59.         }
    60.         invalidate();
    61.         // 返回true表明处理方法已经处理该事件
    62.         returntrue;
    63.     }
    64.     @Override
    65.     publicvoid onDraw(Canvas canvas)
    66.     {
    67.         Paint bmpPaint =newPaint();
    68.         // 将cacheBitmap绘制到该View组件上
    69.         canvas.drawBitmap(cacheBitmap,0,0, bmpPaint);// ②
    70.         // 沿着path绘制
    71.         canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
    72.     }
    73. }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Doing-what-I-love/p/5533053.html
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