• Shuffle Cards(牛客第三场+splay)





      1 #include <map>
      2 #include <set>
      3 #include <cmath>
      4 #include <ctime>
      5 #include <stack>
      6 #include <queue>
      7 #include <cstdio>
      8 #include <cctype>
      9 #include <bitset>
     10 #include <string>
     11 #include <vector>
     12 #include <cstring>
     13 #include <iostream>
     14 #include <algorithm>
     15 #include <functional>
     16 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     17 #define debug(x) cout<<"["<<x<<"]";
     18 #define FIN freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);
     19 #define FOUT freopen("output.txt","w+",stdout);
     21 inline int read() {//读入挂
     22     int ret = 0, c, f = 1;
     23     for(c = getchar(); !(isdigit(c) || c == '-'); c = getchar());
     24     if(c == '-')
     25         f = -1, c = getchar();
     26     for(; isdigit(c); c = getchar())
     27         ret = ret * 10 + c - '0';
     28     if(f < 0)
     29         ret = -ret;
     30     return ret;
     31 }
     33 const int MX = 1e5 + 7;
     34 const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
     36 int size[MX];
     37 int num[MX], col[MX], n, m;
     38 int son[MX][2], fa[MX], root, sz;
     39 void Link(int x, int y, int c) {
     40     fa[x] = y;
     41     son[y][c] = x;
     42 }
     43 void push_up(int rt) {
     44     size[rt] = size[son[rt][0]] + size[son[rt][1]] + 1;
     45 }
     46 void push_down(int rt) {
     47     if(col[rt]) {
     48         col[son[rt][0]] ^= 1;
     49         col[son[rt][1]] ^= 1;
     50         int x = son[rt][0];
     51         son[rt][0] = son[rt][1];
     52         son[rt][1] = x;
     53         col[rt] = 0;
     54     }
     55 }
     56 void Rotate(int x, int c) {
     57     int y = fa[x];
     58     push_down(y);
     59     push_down(x);
     60     Link(x, fa[y], son[fa[y]][1] == y);
     61     Link(son[x][!c], y, c);
     62     Link(y, x, !c);
     63     push_up(y);
     64 } /*把节点x旋转到g的下面*/
     66 void Splay(int x, int g) {
     67     push_down(x);    /*剪断[a,b]放到c后面*/
     68     while(fa[x] != g) {
     69         int y = fa[x], cx = son[y][1] == x, cy = son[fa[y]][1] == y;
     70         if(fa[y] == g)
     71             Rotate(x, cx);
     72         else {
     73             if(cx == cy)
     74                 Rotate(y, cy);
     75             else
     76                 Rotate(x, cx);
     77             Rotate(x, cy);
     78         }
     79     }
     80     push_up(x);
     81     if(!g)
     82         root = x;
     83 }
     84 void NewNode(int f, int &rt) {
     85     rt = ++sz;
     86     fa[rt] = f, size[rt] = 1;
     87     son[rt][0] = son[rt][1] = col[rt] = 0;
     88 } /*把第k个找出来,放到g的下面*/ int Select(int k, int g) {
     89     int rt = root;
     90     while(size[son[rt][0]] != k) {
     91         if(size[son[rt][0]] > k)
     92             rt = son[rt][0];
     93         else
     94             k -= size[son[rt][0]] + 1, rt = son[rt][1];
     95         push_down(rt);
     96     }
     97     Splay(rt, g);
     98     return rt;
     99 }
    100 void Build(int l, int r, int &rt, int f) {
    101     if(l > r)
    102         return;
    103     int m = (l + r) >> 1, t;
    104     NewNode(f, rt);
    105     num[rt] = m;
    106     Build(l, m - 1, son[rt][0], rt);
    107     Build(m + 1, r, son[rt][1], rt);
    108     push_up(rt);
    109 }
    110 void Prepare(int n) {
    111     sz = 0;
    112     NewNode(0, root);
    113     num[1] = 0;
    114     NewNode(root, son[root][1]);
    115     num[2] = 0;
    116     Build(1, n, son[2][0], 2);
    117     Splay(3, 0);
    118 }
    119 void Print(int rt, int &DFN) {
    120     if(!rt)
    121         return;
    122     push_down(rt);
    123     Print(son[rt][0], DFN);
    124     if(num[rt])
    125         printf("%d%c", num[rt], ++DFN == n ? '
    ' : ' ');
    126     Print(son[rt][1], DFN);
    127 }
    128 void Flip(int l, int r) {
    129     Select(l - 1, 0);
    130     Select(r + 1, root);
    131     col[son[son[root][1]][0]] ^= 1;
    132 }
    134 void Cut(int a, int b, int c) {
    135     Select(a - 1, 0);    /*平衡树操作*/
    136     Select(b + 1, root);
    137     int w = son[son[root][1]][0];
    138     son[son[root][1]][0] = 0;
    139     Splay(son[root][1], 0);
    140     Select(c, 0);
    141     Select(c + 1, root);
    142     son[son[root][1]][0] = w;
    143     Splay(son[root][1], 0);
    144 }
    145 void NewNode(int f, int x, int &rt) {
    146     rt = ++sz;
    147     fa[rt] = f, size[rt] = 1;
    148     son[rt][0] = son[rt][1] = 0;
    149     num[rt] = x;
    150 }
    151 int Kth(int k) {
    152     int rt = root;
    153     while(size[son[rt][0]] != k) {
    154         if(size[son[rt][0]] > k)
    155             rt = son[rt][0];
    156         else
    157             k -= size[son[rt][0]] + 1, rt = son[rt][1];
    158     }
    159     Splay(rt, 0);
    160     return num[rt];
    161 }
    162 void Insert(int x) {
    163     int rt = root;
    164     while(true) {
    165         int nxt = x > num[rt];
    166         if(!son[rt][nxt]) {
    167             NewNode(rt, x, son[rt][nxt]);
    168             Splay(sz, 0);
    169             return;
    170         }
    171         rt = son[rt][nxt];
    172     }
    173 }
    176 int main() {
    177     while(~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)) {
    178         Prepare(n);
    179         int x, y;
    180         for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    181             scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
    182             Cut(x, x + y - 1, 0);
    183         }
    184         int DFN = 0;
    185         Print(root, DFN);
    186     }
    187     return 0;
    188 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dillonh/p/9373653.html
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