字段 | 说明 |
film_id | 电影id |
title | 电影名称 |
description | 电影描述信息 |
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS film (film_id smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',title varchar(255) NOT NULL,description text,PRIMARY KEY (film_id));
字段 | 说明 |
category_id | 电影分类id |
name | 电影分类名称 |
last_update | 电影分类最后更新时间 |
CREATE TABLE category (category_id tinyint(3) NOT NULL ,name varchar(25) NOT NULL, `last_update` timestamp,PRIMARY KEY ( category_id ));
字段 | 说明 |
film_id | 电影id |
category_id | 电影分类id |
last_update | 电影id和分类id对应关系的最后更新时间 |
CREATE TABLE film_category (film_id smallint(5) NOT NULL,category_id tinyint(3) NOT NULL, `last_update` timestamp);
INSERT INTO film VALUES(1,'ACADEMY DINOSAUR','A Epic Drama of a Feminist And a Mad Scientist who must Battle a Teacher in The Canadian Rockies');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(2,'ACE GOLDFINGER','A Astounding Epistle of a Database Administrator And a Explorer who must Find a Car in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(3,'ADAPTATION HOLES','A Astounding Reflection of a Lumberjack And a Car who must Sink a Lumberjack in A Baloon Factory');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(4,'AFFAIR PREJUDICE','A Fanciful Documentary of a Frisbee And a Lumberjack who must Chase a Monkey in A Shark Tank');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(5,'AFRICAN EGG','A Fast-Paced Documentary of a Pastry Chef And a Dentist who must Pursue a Forensic Psychologist in The Gulf of Mexico');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(6,'AGENT TRUMAN','A Intrepid Panorama of a robot And a Boy who must Escape a Sumo Wrestler in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(7,'AIRPLANE SIERRA','A Touching Saga of a Hunter And a Butler who must Discover a Butler in A Jet Boat');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(8,'AIRPORT POLLOCK','A Epic Tale of a Moose And a Girl who must Confront a Monkey in Ancient India');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(9,'ALABAMA DEVIL','A Thoughtful Panorama of a Database Administrator And a Mad Scientist who must Outgun a Mad Scientist in A Jet Boat');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(10,'ALADDIN CALENDAR','A Action-Packed Tale of a Man And a Lumberjack who must Reach a Feminist in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(1,'Action','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(2,'Animation','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(3,'Children','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(4,'Classics','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(5,'Comedy','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(6,'Documentary','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(7,'Drama','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(8,'Family','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(9,'Foreign','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(10,'Games','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(11,'Horror','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(12,'Music','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(13,'New','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(14,'Sci-Fi','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(15,'Sports','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(16,'Travel','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(1,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(2,11,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(3,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(4,11,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(5,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(6,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(7,5,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(8,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(9,11,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(10,15,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(2,'ACE GOLDFINGER','A Astounding Epistle of a Database Administrator And a Explorer who must Find a Car in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(3,'ADAPTATION HOLES','A Astounding Reflection of a Lumberjack And a Car who must Sink a Lumberjack in A Baloon Factory');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(4,'AFFAIR PREJUDICE','A Fanciful Documentary of a Frisbee And a Lumberjack who must Chase a Monkey in A Shark Tank');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(5,'AFRICAN EGG','A Fast-Paced Documentary of a Pastry Chef And a Dentist who must Pursue a Forensic Psychologist in The Gulf of Mexico');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(6,'AGENT TRUMAN','A Intrepid Panorama of a robot And a Boy who must Escape a Sumo Wrestler in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(7,'AIRPLANE SIERRA','A Touching Saga of a Hunter And a Butler who must Discover a Butler in A Jet Boat');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(8,'AIRPORT POLLOCK','A Epic Tale of a Moose And a Girl who must Confront a Monkey in Ancient India');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(9,'ALABAMA DEVIL','A Thoughtful Panorama of a Database Administrator And a Mad Scientist who must Outgun a Mad Scientist in A Jet Boat');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(10,'ALADDIN CALENDAR','A Action-Packed Tale of a Man And a Lumberjack who must Reach a Feminist in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(1,'Action','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(2,'Animation','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(3,'Children','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(4,'Classics','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(5,'Comedy','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(6,'Documentary','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(7,'Drama','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(8,'Family','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(9,'Foreign','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(10,'Games','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(11,'Horror','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(12,'Music','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(13,'New','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(14,'Sci-Fi','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(15,'Sports','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(16,'Travel','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(1,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(2,11,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(3,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(4,11,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(5,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(6,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(7,5,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(8,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(9,11,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(10,15,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
分类名称category.name | 电影数目count(film.film_id) |
Documentary | 1 |
select category.name as '分类名称(category.name)',count(film.film_id) as '电影数目(count(film_id))' from film_category,category,film where film_category.category_id IN (SELECT category_id FROM film_category GROUP BY category_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 5) and film.film_id=film_category.film_id and film_category.category_id=category.category_id and film.description like '%robot%' GROUP BY film_category.category_id;