• 【AtCoder Grand Contest 007E】Shik and Travel [Dfs][二分答案]

    Shik and Travel

    Time Limit: 50 Sec  Memory Limit: 512 MB




      移动一次的费用为路径上的边权之和,第一次和最后一次免费,移动的最大费用 最小可以是多少。



      之后两个数x, y,若在第 i 行,表示 i+1 -> x 有一条权值为 y 的边。



    Sample Input

      1 1
      1 1
      2 1
      2 1
      3 1
      3 1

    Sample Output



      2 < n < 131,072
      0 ≤ y ≤ 131,072



      对于子树u维护二元组(a, b),表示存在方案可以 从 与u距离为a的点 出发 然后走到 与u距离为b的点,并且遍历了u中的所有叶子节点

      运用Dfs从叶子节点往上推。我们现在考虑如何合并子树u、v的(a, b)。给一棵子树编号(a1, b1),另一棵为(a2, b2)
      我们新二元组的走法应该是 a1->b1, b1->a2, a2->b2 的,
      只要保证 b1->a2 这一条路径 权值和<=K 即可合并成(a1 + (u->fa), b2 + (v->fa))
      显然用(a1, b1)去合并只有一个有用状态:满足b1 + a2 + (u->fa) + (v->fa)<=Ka2尽量大,因为这样b2会尽量小



    using namespace std;
    typedef long long s64;
    const int ONE = 1000005;
    const s64 INF = 1e18;
    #define next nxt
    int get()
            int res = 1, Q = 1; char c;
            while( (c = getchar()) < 48 || c > 57)
                if(c == '-') Q = -1;
            if(Q) res = c - 48;
            while( (c = getchar()) >= 48 && c <= 57)
                res = res * 10 + c - 48;
            return res * Q;
    struct power
            s64 a, b;
            bool operator <(power A) const
                if(A.a != a) return a < A.a;
                return b < A.b;
    vector <power> A[ONE], R;
    int n;
    int x, y;
    s64 l, r, K;
    int next[ONE], first[ONE], go[ONE], w[ONE], tot;
    int size[ONE], fat[ONE];
    void Add(int u, int v, int z)
            next[++tot] = first[u], first[u] = tot, go[tot] = v, w[tot] = z;
            next[++tot] = first[v], first[v] = tot, go[tot] = u, w[tot] = z;
    int dist[ONE];
    int len_x, len_y;
    s64 a1, b1, a2, b2;
    int Find()
            if(len_y == 0) return len_y;
            int l = 0, r = len_y - 1;
            while(l < r - 1)
                int mid = l + r >> 1;
                a2 = A[y][mid].a, b2 = A[y][mid].b;
                if(b1 + a2 + dist[x] + dist[y] <= K) l = mid;
                else r = mid;
            a2 = A[y][r].a, b2 = A[y][r].b; if(b1 + a2 + dist[x] + dist[y] <= K) return r;
            a2 = A[y][l].a, b2 = A[y][l].b; if(b1 + a2 + dist[x] + dist[y] <= K) return l;
            return len_y;
    void Update(int u)
            x = 0, y = 0;
            for(int e = first[u]; e; e = next[e])
                if(go[e] != fat[u])
                    if(!x) x = go[e]; else y = go[e];
            if(size[x] > size[y]) swap(x, y);
            len_x = A[x].size(), len_y = A[y].size();
            for(int i = 0; i < len_x; i++)
                a1 = A[x][i].a, b1 = A[x][i].b;
                if(Find() >= len_y) continue;
                R.push_back((power){a1 + dist[x], b2 + dist[y]});
                R.push_back((power){b2 + dist[y], a1 + dist[x]});
            sort(R.begin(), R.end());
            int len = R.size();
            s64 maxx = INF;
            for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                if(R[i].b < maxx)
                    A[u].push_back(R[i]), maxx = R[i].b;
    void Dfs(int u, int father)
            size[u] = 1;
            int pd = 0;
            for(int e = first[u]; e; e = next[e])
                int v = go[e];
                if(v == father) continue;
                fat[v] = u, dist[v] = w[e];
                Dfs(v, u);
                size[u] += size[v], pd++;
                if(pd == 2) Update(u);
            if(!pd) A[u].push_back((power){0, 0});
    int Check()
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            Dfs(1, 0);
            return A[1].size() > 0;
    int main()
            n = get();
            for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
                x = get(), y = get();
                Add(i, x, y), r += y;
            while(l < r - 1)
                K = l + r >> 1;
                if(Check()) r = K;
                else l = K;
            K = l;
            if(Check()) printf("%lld", l);
            else printf("%lld", r);
    View Code


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BearChild/p/7896497.html
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