• [Typescript] Class Param properties

    For the following class:

    class Car {
      make: string
      model: string
      year: number
      constructor(make: string, model: string, year: number) {
        this.make = make
        this.model = model
        this.year = year

    We can write like this:

    class Car {
        public make: string,
        public model: string,
        public year: number
      ) {}
    const myCar = new Car("Honda", "Accord", 2017)

    The first argument passed to the constructor should be a string, and should be available within the scope of the constructor as make. This also creates a public class field on Car called make and pass it the value that was given to the constructor

    It is important to understand the order in which “constructor-stuff” runs.

    class Base {}
    class Car extends Base {
      foo = console.log("class field initializer")
      constructor(public make: string) {
        console.log("custom constructor stuff")
    const c = new Car("honda")

    The order of execution:

    "use strict";
    class Base {
    class Car extends Base {
        constructor(make) {
            this.make = make;
            this.foo = console.log("class field initializer");
            console.log("custom constructor stuff");
    const c = new Car("honda");

    Note the following order of what ends up in the class constructor:

    1. super()
    2. param property initialization
    3. other class field initialization
    4. anything else that was in your constructor after super()

    Before V4.6, the follow code is not possible:

    class Base {}
    class Car extends Base {
      foo = console.log("class field initializer")
      constructor(public make: string) {
        console.log("before super")
        console.log("custom constructor stuff")
    const c = new Car("honda")

    A 'super' call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties, parameter properties, or private identifiers.

    To fix it:

    class Base {}
    class Car extends Base {
      private make: string;
      constructor(make: string) {
        console.log("before super")
        this.make = make;
        console.log("custom constructor stuff")
    const c = new Car("honda")

    But after Typescript v4.6, it is possible to have some other code before super() call.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/16541025.html
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