• xgboost 源码学习


    XGboost 回归时,损失函数式平方误差损失


    Coding Guide
    This file is intended to be notes about code structure in xgboost
    Project Logical Layout // 依赖关系,IO -> LEANER(计算梯度并且传导给GBM)-> GBM(梯度提升) -> TREE(构建树的算法)  
    * Dependency order: io->learner->gbm->tree
      - All module depends on data.h
    * tree are implementations of tree construction algorithms.
    * gbm is gradient boosting interface, that takes trees and other base learner to do boosting.
      - gbm only takes gradient as sufficient statistics, it does not compute the gradient.
    * learner is learning module that computes gradient for specific object, and pass it to GBM
    File Naming Convention // .h定义数据结构和接口,.hpp实现接口
    * .h files are data structures and interface, which are needed to use functions in that layer.
    * -inl.hpp files are implementations of interface, like cpp file in most project.
      - You only need to understand the interface file to understand the usage of that layer
    * In each folder, there can be a .cpp file, that compiles the module of that layer
    How to Hack the Code // 目标函数定义和修改
    * Add objective function: add to learner/objective-inl.hpp and register it in learner/objective.h ```CreateObjFunction``` 
      - You can also directly do it in python
    * Add new evaluation metric: add to learner/evaluation-inl.hpp and register it in learner/evaluation.h ```CreateEvaluator``` 
    * Add wrapper for a new language, most likely you can do it by taking the functions in python/xgboost_wrapper.h, which is purely C based, and call these C functions to use xgboost


    XGBoost: eXtreme Gradient Boosting 

    An optimized general purpose gradient boosting library. The library is parallelized, and also provides an optimized distributed version.
    It implements machine learning algorithm under gradient boosting framework, including generalized linear model and gradient boosted regression tree (GBDT). XGBoost can also also distributed and scale to Terascale data.

      1. LazyInitDMatrix(train); 
      2. PredictRaw(train, &preds_); 
      3. obj_->GetGradient(preds_, train->info(), iter, &gpair_); 
      4. gbm_->DoBoost(train, &gpair_, obj_.get());

    objective.h 文件

     * file objective.h
     * rief interface of objective function used for gradient boosting
     * author Tianqi Chen, Kailong Chen
    #include "dmatrix.h"
    namespace xgboost {
    namespace learner {
    /*! rief interface of objective function */
    class IObjFunction{/// 所有目标函数的基类定义
      /*! rief virtual destructor */
      virtual ~IObjFunction(void){} /// 虚析构函数,释放空间
       * rief set parameters from outside
       * param name name of the parameter
       * param val value of the parameter
      virtual void SetParam(const char *name, const char *val) = 0;  /// 参数名、参数值
       * rief get gradient over each of predictions, given existing information
       * param preds prediction of current round
       * param info information about labels, weights, groups in rank
       * param iter current iteration number
       * param out_gpair output of get gradient, saves gradient and second order gradient in
      virtual void GetGradient(const std::vector<float> &preds,
                               const MetaInfo &info,
                               int iter,
                               std::vector<bst_gpair> *out_gpair) = 0; /// 计算梯度
    eturn the default evaluation metric for the objective */
      virtual const char* DefaultEvalMetric(void) const = 0; /// 默认评测函数
      // the following functions are optional, most of time default implementation is good enough
       * rief transform prediction values, this is only called when Prediction is called
       * param io_preds prediction values, saves to this vector as well
      virtual void PredTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds){}
       * rief transform prediction values, this is only called when Eval is called, 
       *  usually it redirect to PredTransform
       * param io_preds prediction values, saves to this vector as well
      virtual void EvalTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds) {
       * rief transform probability value back to margin
       * this is used to transform user-set base_score back to margin 
       * used by gradient boosting
    eturn transformed value
      virtual float ProbToMargin(float base_score) const {
        return base_score;
    }  // namespace learner
    }  // namespace xgboost
    // this are implementations of objective functions  /// .hpp中是目标函数的实现
    #include "objective-inl.hpp"
    // factory function
    namespace xgboost {
    namespace learner {
    /*! rief factory funciton to create objective function by name */
    inline IObjFunction* CreateObjFunction(const char *name) { /// 实现的目标函数,根据传入名称确定调用哪个
      using namespace std;
      /// RegLossObj类实现,传入不同的参数对应不同的损失
      if (!strcmp("reg:linear", name)) return new RegLossObj(LossType::kLinearSquare);
      if (!strcmp("reg:logistic", name)) return new RegLossObj(LossType::kLogisticNeglik);
      if (!strcmp("binary:logistic", name)) return new RegLossObj(LossType::kLogisticClassify);
      if (!strcmp("binary:logitraw", name)) return new RegLossObj(LossType::kLogisticRaw);
      /// PoissonRegression类实现
      if (!strcmp("count:poisson", name)) return new PoissonRegression();
      /// SoftmaxMultiClassObj 类实现
      if (!strcmp("multi:softmax", name)) return new SoftmaxMultiClassObj(0);
      if (!strcmp("multi:softprob", name)) return new SoftmaxMultiClassObj(1);
      /// 分别由LambdaRankObj LambdaRankObjNDCG  LambdaRankObjMAP 实现
      if (!strcmp("rank:pairwise", name )) return new PairwiseRankObj();
      if (!strcmp("rank:ndcg", name)) return new LambdaRankObjNDCG();
      if (!strcmp("rank:map", name)) return new LambdaRankObjMAP();  
      utils::Error("unknown objective function type: %s", name);
      return NULL;
    }  // namespace learner
    }  // namespace xgboost
    /// .h定义数据结构和接口,.hpp实现接口
    /// 八种定义,针对不同的目标函数有不同的求解结果
    “reg:linear” –线性回归。
    “reg:logistic” –逻辑回归。
    “binary:logistic” –二分类的逻辑回归问题,输出为概率。
    “binary:logitraw” –二分类的逻辑回归问题,输出的结果为wTx。
    “count:poisson” –计数问题的poisson回归,输出结果为poisson分布。 在poisson回归中,max_delta_step的缺省值为0.7。(used to safeguard optimization)
    “multi:softmax” –让XGBoost采用softmax目标函数处理多分类问题,同时需要设置参数num_class(类别个数)
    “multi:softprob” –和softmax一样,但是输出的是ndata * nclass的向量,可以将该向量reshape成ndata行nclass列的矩阵。没行数据表示样本所属于每个类别的概率。
    “rank:pairwise” –set XGBoost to do ranking task by minimizing the pairwise loss,比如AUC 这类的,就是pairwise
      1. LazyInitDMatrix(train); 
      2. PredictRaw(train, &preds_); 
      3. obj_->GetGradient(preds_, train->info(), iter, &gpair_); 
      4. gbm_->DoBoost(train, &gpair_, obj_.get());



    objective-inl.hpp 文件:

     * file objective-inl.hpp
     * rief objective function implementations
     * author Tianqi Chen, Kailong Chen
    /// 关于目标函数的求解可以参看: https://www.cnblogs.com/harvey888/p/7203256.html
    /// 算法原理:http://wepon.me/files/gbdt.pdf
    /// 目标函数推导分析:https://blog.csdn.net/yuxeaotao/article/details/90378782
    /// https://blog.csdn.net/a819825294/article/details/51206410
    /// 源码流程:https://blog.csdn.net/matrix_zzl/article/details/78699605
    /// 源码主要函数:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39750084/article/details/83244191
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <utility>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <functional>
    #include "../data.h"
    #include "./objective.h"
    #include "./helper_utils.h"
    #include "../utils/random.h"
    #include "../utils/omp.h"
    namespace xgboost {
    namespace learner {/// 实现一些常用的计算功能,并定义为inline
    /*! rief defines functions to calculate some commonly used functions */
    struct LossType {
      /*! rief indicate which type we are using */
      int loss_type;
      // list of constants
      static const int kLinearSquare = 0; /// 线性回归
      static const int kLogisticNeglik = 1; /// 逻辑回归,输出概率
      static const int kLogisticClassify = 2; /// 二分类,输出概率
      static const int kLogisticRaw = 3; /// 输出原始的值,sigmoid 之后就能得到概率和上面的两个相同
       * rief transform the linear sum to prediction
       * param x linear sum of boosting ensemble
    eturn transformed prediction
      inline float PredTransform(float x) const {/// 0和3 输出一样,1和2输出一样
        switch (loss_type) {
          case kLogisticRaw:
          case kLinearSquare: return x;
          case kLogisticClassify:
          case kLogisticNeglik: return 1.0f / (1.0f + std::exp(-x));
          default: utils::Error("unknown loss_type"); return 0.0f;
       * rief check if label range is valid
      inline bool CheckLabel(float x) const {/// 判定label是否合理
        if (loss_type != kLinearSquare) {
          return x >= 0.0f && x <= 1.0f;
        return true;
       * rief error message displayed when check label fail
      inline const char * CheckLabelErrorMsg(void) const {
        if (loss_type != kLinearSquare) {
          return "label must be in [0,1] for logistic regression";
        } else {
          return "";
       * rief calculate first order gradient of loss, given transformed prediction
       * param predt transformed prediction
       * param label true label
    eturn first order gradient
      inline float FirstOrderGradient(float predt, float label) const {/// 计算不同目标函数的一阶导数,可以看到kLogisticClassify 和 kLogisticNeglik 是一样的返回值
        switch (loss_type) {
          case kLinearSquare: return predt - label;
          case kLogisticRaw: predt = 1.0f / (1.0f + std::exp(-predt));
          case kLogisticClassify:
          case kLogisticNeglik: return predt - label;
          default: utils::Error("unknown loss_type"); return 0.0f;
       * rief calculate second order gradient of loss, given transformed prediction
       * param predt transformed prediction
       * param label true label
    eturn second order gradient
      inline float SecondOrderGradient(float predt, float label) const {/// 计算出二阶导数
        // cap second order gradient to postive value
        const float eps = 1e-16f;
        switch (loss_type) {
          case kLinearSquare: return 1.0f;
          case kLogisticRaw: predt = 1.0f / (1.0f + std::exp(-predt));
          case kLogisticClassify:
          case kLogisticNeglik: return std::max(predt * (1.0f - predt), eps); /// 设置梯度阈值
          default: utils::Error("unknown loss_type"); return 0.0f;
       * rief transform probability value back to margin
      inline float ProbToMargin(float base_score) const {/// 将概率转化到范围内
        if (loss_type == kLogisticRaw ||
            loss_type == kLogisticClassify ||
            loss_type == kLogisticNeglik ) {
          utils::Check(base_score > 0.0f && base_score < 1.0f,
                       "base_score must be in (0,1) for logistic loss");
          base_score = -std::log(1.0f / base_score - 1.0f);
        return base_score;
      /*! rief get default evaluation metric for the objective */
      inline const char *DefaultEvalMetric(void) const {/// 默认的评测函数
        if (loss_type == kLogisticClassify) return "error";
        if (loss_type == kLogisticRaw) return "auc";
        return "rmse";
    /*! rief objective function that only need to */  /// 逻辑回归
    class RegLossObj : public IObjFunction {/// explicit 关键字,防止构造函数的隐式自动转化,IObjFunction 来自objective.h
      explicit RegLossObj(int loss_type) {/// 原则上应该在所有的构造函数前加explicit关键字,这样可以大大减少错误的发生
        loss.loss_type = loss_type;
        scale_pos_weight = 1.0f;
      virtual ~RegLossObj(void) {}/// 基类,虚析构函数(防止被子类继承在析构时发生内存泄漏)
      virtual void SetParam(const char *name, const char *val) {/// 虚函数,实现多态
        using namespace std;
        if (!strcmp("scale_pos_weight", name)) {
          scale_pos_weight = static_cast<float>(atof(val));
      virtual void GetGradient(const std::vector<float> &preds,
                               const MetaInfo &info,
                               int iter,
                               std::vector<bst_gpair> *out_gpair) {
        utils::Check(info.labels.size() != 0, "label set cannot be empty");
        utils::Check(preds.size() % info.labels.size() == 0,
                     "labels are not correctly provided");
        std::vector<bst_gpair> &gpair = *out_gpair;
        // check if label in range
        bool label_correct = true;
        // start calculating gradient
        const unsigned nstep = static_cast<unsigned>(info.labels.size());
        const bst_omp_uint ndata = static_cast<bst_omp_uint>(preds.size());
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) /// 下面的循环,多线程并行编程,静态调度
        for (bst_omp_uint i = 0; i < ndata; ++i) {
          const unsigned j = i % nstep;
          float p = loss.PredTransform(preds[i]);
          float w = info.GetWeight(j);
          if (info.labels[j] == 1.0f) w *= scale_pos_weight;
          if (!loss.CheckLabel(info.labels[j])) label_correct = false;
          gpair[i] = bst_gpair(loss.FirstOrderGradient(p, info.labels[j]) * w,
                               loss.SecondOrderGradient(p, info.labels[j]) * w);
        utils::Check(label_correct, loss.CheckLabelErrorMsg());
      virtual const char* DefaultEvalMetric(void) const {
        return loss.DefaultEvalMetric();
      virtual void PredTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds) {
        std::vector<float> &preds = *io_preds;
        const bst_omp_uint ndata = static_cast<bst_omp_uint>(preds.size());
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for (bst_omp_uint j = 0; j < ndata; ++j) {
          preds[j] = loss.PredTransform(preds[j]);
      virtual float ProbToMargin(float base_score) const {
        return loss.ProbToMargin(base_score);
    /// 定义的类内变量为protected 可以被该类中的函数、子类的函数、以及其友元函数访问,但不能被该类的对象访问
      float scale_pos_weight;
      LossType loss;
    // poisson regression for count   ///泊松回归
    class PoissonRegression : public IObjFunction {
      explicit PoissonRegression(void) {
        max_delta_step = 0.0f;
      virtual ~PoissonRegression(void) {}
      virtual void SetParam(const char *name, const char *val) {
        using namespace std;
        if (!strcmp( "max_delta_step", name )) {
          max_delta_step = static_cast<float>(atof(val));
      virtual void GetGradient(const std::vector<float> &preds,
                               const MetaInfo &info,
                               int iter,
                               std::vector<bst_gpair> *out_gpair) {
        utils::Check(max_delta_step != 0.0f,
                     "PoissonRegression: need to set max_delta_step");
        utils::Check(info.labels.size() != 0, "label set cannot be empty");
        utils::Check(preds.size() == info.labels.size(),
                     "labels are not correctly provided");
        std::vector<bst_gpair> &gpair = *out_gpair;
        // check if label in range
        bool label_correct = true;
        // start calculating gradient
        const long ndata = static_cast<bst_omp_uint>(preds.size());
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for (long i = 0; i < ndata; ++i) {
          float p = preds[i];
          float w = info.GetWeight(i);
          float y = info.labels[i];
          if (y >= 0.0f) {
            gpair[i] = bst_gpair((std::exp(p) - y) * w,
                                 std::exp(p + max_delta_step) * w);
          } else {
            label_correct = false;
                     "PoissonRegression: label must be nonnegative");
      virtual void PredTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds) {
        std::vector<float> &preds = *io_preds;
        const long ndata = static_cast<long>(preds.size());
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for (long j = 0; j < ndata; ++j) {
          preds[j] = std::exp(preds[j]);
      virtual void EvalTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds) {
      virtual float ProbToMargin(float base_score) const {
        return std::log(base_score);
      virtual const char* DefaultEvalMetric(void) const {
        return "poisson-nloglik";
     private: /// 定义的类内变量为private 只能由该类中的函数、其友元函数访问,不能被任何其他访问,该类的对象也不能访问. 
      float max_delta_step;
    // softmax multi-class classification   /// 多分类
    class SoftmaxMultiClassObj : public IObjFunction {
      explicit SoftmaxMultiClassObj(int output_prob)
          : output_prob(output_prob) {
        nclass = 0;
      virtual ~SoftmaxMultiClassObj(void) {}
      virtual void SetParam(const char *name, const char *val) {
        using namespace std;
        if (!strcmp( "num_class", name )) nclass = atoi(val);
      virtual void GetGradient(const std::vector<float> &preds,
                               const MetaInfo &info,
                               int iter,
                               std::vector<bst_gpair> *out_gpair) {
        utils::Check(nclass != 0, "must set num_class to use softmax");
        utils::Check(info.labels.size() != 0, "label set cannot be empty");
        utils::Check(preds.size() % (static_cast<size_t>(nclass) * info.labels.size()) == 0,
                     "SoftmaxMultiClassObj: label size and pred size does not match");
        std::vector<bst_gpair> &gpair = *out_gpair;
        const unsigned nstep = static_cast<unsigned>(info.labels.size() * nclass);
        const bst_omp_uint ndata = static_cast<bst_omp_uint>(preds.size() / nclass);
        int label_error = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel
          std::vector<float> rec(nclass);
          #pragma omp for schedule(static)
          for (bst_omp_uint i = 0; i < ndata; ++i) {
            for (int k = 0; k < nclass; ++k) {
              rec[k] = preds[i * nclass + k];
            const unsigned j = i % nstep;
            int label = static_cast<int>(info.labels[j]);
            if (label < 0 || label >= nclass)  {
              label_error = label; label = 0;
            const float wt = info.GetWeight(j);
            for (int k = 0; k < nclass; ++k) {
              float p = rec[k];
              const float h = 2.0f * p * (1.0f - p) * wt;
              if (label == k) {
                gpair[i * nclass + k] = bst_gpair((p - 1.0f) * wt, h);
              } else {
                gpair[i * nclass + k] = bst_gpair(p* wt, h);
        utils::Check(label_error >= 0 && label_error < nclass,
                     "SoftmaxMultiClassObj: label must be in [0, num_class),"
                     " num_class=%d but found %d in label", nclass, label_error);
      virtual void PredTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds) {
        this->Transform(io_preds, output_prob);
      virtual void EvalTransform(std::vector<float> *io_preds) {
        this->Transform(io_preds, 1);
      virtual const char* DefaultEvalMetric(void) const {
        return "merror";
      inline void Transform(std::vector<float> *io_preds, int prob) {
        utils::Check(nclass != 0, "must set num_class to use softmax");
        std::vector<float> &preds = *io_preds;
        std::vector<float> tmp;
        const bst_omp_uint ndata = static_cast<bst_omp_uint>(preds.size()/nclass);
        if (prob == 0) tmp.resize(ndata);
        #pragma omp parallel
          std::vector<float> rec(nclass);
          #pragma omp for schedule(static)
          for (bst_omp_uint j = 0; j < ndata; ++j) {
            for (int k = 0; k < nclass; ++k) {
              rec[k] = preds[j * nclass + k];
            if (prob == 0) {
              tmp[j] = static_cast<float>(FindMaxIndex(rec));
            } else {
              for (int k = 0; k < nclass; ++k) {
                preds[j * nclass + k] = rec[k];
        if (prob == 0) preds = tmp;
      // data field
      int nclass;
      int output_prob;
    /*! rief objective for lambda rank */   /// LambdaRankObj 排序目标函数
    class LambdaRankObj : public IObjFunction {
      LambdaRankObj(void) {
        loss.loss_type = LossType::kLogisticRaw;
        fix_list_weight = 0.0f;
        num_pairsample = 1;
      virtual ~LambdaRankObj(void) {}
      virtual void SetParam(const char *name, const char *val) {
        using namespace std;
        if (!strcmp( "loss_type", name )) loss.loss_type = atoi(val);
        if (!strcmp( "fix_list_weight", name)) fix_list_weight = static_cast<float>(atof(val));
        if (!strcmp( "num_pairsample", name)) num_pairsample = atoi(val);
      virtual void GetGradient(const std::vector<float> &preds,
                               const MetaInfo &info,
                               int iter,
                               std::vector<bst_gpair> *out_gpair) {
        utils::Check(preds.size() == info.labels.size(), "label size predict size not match");
        std::vector<bst_gpair> &gpair = *out_gpair;
        // quick consistency when group is not available
        std::vector<unsigned> tgptr(2, 0); tgptr[1] = static_cast<unsigned>(info.labels.size());
        const std::vector<unsigned> &gptr = info.group_ptr.size() == 0 ? tgptr : info.group_ptr;
        utils::Check(gptr.size() != 0 && gptr.back() == info.labels.size(),
                     "group structure not consistent with #rows");
        const bst_omp_uint ngroup = static_cast<bst_omp_uint>(gptr.size() - 1);
        #pragma omp parallel
          // parall construct, declare random number generator here, so that each
          // thread use its own random number generator, seed by thread id and current iteration
          random::Random rnd; rnd.Seed(iter* 1111 + omp_get_thread_num());
          std::vector<LambdaPair> pairs;
          std::vector<ListEntry>  lst;
          std::vector< std::pair<float, unsigned> > rec;
          #pragma omp for schedule(static)
          for (bst_omp_uint k = 0; k < ngroup; ++k) {
            lst.clear(); pairs.clear();
            for (unsigned j = gptr[k]; j < gptr[k+1]; ++j) {
              lst.push_back(ListEntry(preds[j], info.labels[j], j));
              gpair[j] = bst_gpair(0.0f, 0.0f);
            std::sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), ListEntry::CmpPred);
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < lst.size(); ++i) {
              rec[i] = std::make_pair(lst[i].label, i);
            std::sort(rec.begin(), rec.end(), CmpFirst);
            // enumerate buckets with same label, for each item in the lst, grab another sample randomly
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < rec.size(); ) {
              unsigned j = i + 1;
              while (j < rec.size() && rec[j].first == rec[i].first) ++j;
              // bucket in [i,j), get a sample outside bucket
              unsigned nleft = i, nright = static_cast<unsigned>(rec.size() - j);
              if (nleft + nright != 0) {
                int nsample = num_pairsample;
                while (nsample --) {
                  for (unsigned pid = i; pid < j; ++pid) {
                    unsigned ridx = static_cast<unsigned>(rnd.RandDouble() * (nleft+nright));
                    if (ridx < nleft) {
                      pairs.push_back(LambdaPair(rec[ridx].second, rec[pid].second));
                    } else {
                      pairs.push_back(LambdaPair(rec[pid].second, rec[ridx+j-i].second));
              i = j;
            // get lambda weight for the pairs
            this->GetLambdaWeight(lst, &pairs);
            // rescale each gradient and hessian so that the lst have constant weighted
            float scale = 1.0f / num_pairsample;
            if (fix_list_weight != 0.0f) {
              scale *= fix_list_weight / (gptr[k+1] - gptr[k]);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) {
              const ListEntry &pos = lst[pairs[i].pos_index];
              const ListEntry &neg = lst[pairs[i].neg_index];
              const float w = pairs[i].weight * scale;
              float p = loss.PredTransform(pos.pred - neg.pred);
              float g = loss.FirstOrderGradient(p, 1.0f);
              float h = loss.SecondOrderGradient(p, 1.0f);
              // accumulate gradient and hessian in both pid, and nid
              gpair[pos.rindex].grad += g * w;
              gpair[pos.rindex].hess += 2.0f * w * h;
              gpair[neg.rindex].grad -= g * w;
              gpair[neg.rindex].hess += 2.0f * w * h;
      virtual const char* DefaultEvalMetric(void) const {
        return "map";
      /*! rief helper information in a list */
      struct ListEntry {
        /*! rief the predict score we in the data */
        float pred;
        /*! rief the actual label of the entry */
        float label;
        /*! rief row index in the data matrix */
        unsigned rindex;
        // constructor
        ListEntry(float pred, float label, unsigned rindex)
            : pred(pred), label(label), rindex(rindex) {}
        // comparator by prediction
        inline static bool CmpPred(const ListEntry &a, const ListEntry &b) {
          return a.pred > b.pred;
        // comparator by label
        inline static bool CmpLabel(const ListEntry &a, const ListEntry &b) {
          return a.label > b.label;
      /*! rief a pair in the lambda rank */
      struct LambdaPair {
        /*! rief positive index: this is a position in the list */
        unsigned pos_index;
        /*! rief negative index: this is a position in the list */
        unsigned neg_index;
        /*! rief weight to be filled in */
        float weight;
        // constructor
        LambdaPair(unsigned pos_index, unsigned neg_index)
            : pos_index(pos_index), neg_index(neg_index), weight(1.0f) {}
       * rief get lambda weight for existing pairs 
       * param list a list that is sorted by pred score
       * param io_pairs record of pairs, containing the pairs to fill in weights
      virtual void GetLambdaWeight(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
                                   std::vector<LambdaPair> *io_pairs) = 0;
      // loss function
      LossType loss;
      // number of samples peformed for each instance
      int num_pairsample;
      // fix weight of each elements in list
      float fix_list_weight;
    class PairwiseRankObj: public LambdaRankObj{
      virtual ~PairwiseRankObj(void) {}
      virtual void GetLambdaWeight(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
                                   std::vector<LambdaPair> *io_pairs) {}
    // beta version: NDCG lambda rank
    class LambdaRankObjNDCG : public LambdaRankObj {
      virtual ~LambdaRankObjNDCG(void) {}
      virtual void GetLambdaWeight(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
                                   std::vector<LambdaPair> *io_pairs) {
        std::vector<LambdaPair> &pairs = *io_pairs;
        float IDCG;
          std::vector<float> labels(sorted_list.size());
          for (size_t i = 0; i < sorted_list.size(); ++i) {
            labels[i] = sorted_list[i].label;
          std::sort(labels.begin(), labels.end(), std::greater<float>());
          IDCG = CalcDCG(labels);
        if (IDCG == 0.0) {
          for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) {
            pairs[i].weight = 0.0f;
        } else {
          IDCG = 1.0f / IDCG;
          for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) {
            unsigned pos_idx = pairs[i].pos_index;
            unsigned neg_idx = pairs[i].neg_index;
            float pos_loginv = 1.0f / std::log(pos_idx + 2.0f);
            float neg_loginv = 1.0f / std::log(neg_idx + 2.0f);
            int pos_label = static_cast<int>(sorted_list[pos_idx].label);
            int neg_label = static_cast<int>(sorted_list[neg_idx].label);
            float original =
                ((1 << pos_label) - 1) * pos_loginv + ((1 << neg_label) - 1) * neg_loginv;
            float changed  =
                ((1 << neg_label) - 1) * pos_loginv + ((1 << pos_label) - 1) * neg_loginv;
            float delta = (original - changed) * IDCG;
            if (delta < 0.0f) delta = - delta;
            pairs[i].weight = delta;
      inline static float CalcDCG(const std::vector<float> &labels) {
        double sumdcg = 0.0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i) {
          const unsigned rel = static_cast<unsigned>(labels[i]);
          if (rel != 0) {
            sumdcg += ((1 << rel) - 1) / std::log(static_cast<float>(i + 2));
        return static_cast<float>(sumdcg);
    // map LambdaRank
    class LambdaRankObjMAP : public LambdaRankObj {
      virtual ~LambdaRankObjMAP(void) {}
      struct MAPStats {
        /*! rief the accumulated precision */
        float ap_acc;
         * rief the accumulated precision,
         *   assuming a positive instance is missing 
        float ap_acc_miss;
         * rief the accumulated precision,
         * assuming that one more positive instance is inserted ahead
        float ap_acc_add;
        /* rief the accumulated positive instance count */
        float hits;
        MAPStats(void) {}
        MAPStats(float ap_acc, float ap_acc_miss, float ap_acc_add, float hits)
            : ap_acc(ap_acc), ap_acc_miss(ap_acc_miss), ap_acc_add(ap_acc_add), hits(hits) {}
       * rief Obtain the delta MAP if trying to switch the positions of instances in index1 or index2
       *        in sorted triples
       * param sorted_list the list containing entry information
       * param index1,index2 the instances switched
       * param map_stats a vector containing the accumulated precisions for each position in a list
      inline float GetLambdaMAP(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
                                int index1, int index2,
                                std::vector<MAPStats> *p_map_stats) {
        std::vector<MAPStats> &map_stats = *p_map_stats;
        if (index1 == index2 || map_stats[map_stats.size() - 1].hits == 0) {
          return 0.0f;
        if (index1 > index2) std::swap(index1, index2);
        float original = map_stats[index2].ap_acc;
        if (index1 != 0) original -= map_stats[index1 - 1].ap_acc;
        float changed = 0;
        float label1 = sorted_list[index1].label > 0.0f ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
        float label2 = sorted_list[index2].label > 0.0f ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
        if (label1 == label2) {
          return 0.0;
        } else if (label1 < label2) {
          changed += map_stats[index2 - 1].ap_acc_add - map_stats[index1].ap_acc_add;
          changed += (map_stats[index1].hits + 1.0f) / (index1 + 1);
        } else {
          changed += map_stats[index2 - 1].ap_acc_miss - map_stats[index1].ap_acc_miss;
          changed += map_stats[index2].hits / (index2 + 1);
        float ans = (changed - original) / (map_stats[map_stats.size() - 1].hits);
        if (ans < 0) ans = -ans;
        return ans;
       * rief obtain preprocessing results for calculating delta MAP
       * param sorted_list the list containing entry information
       * param map_stats a vector containing the accumulated precisions for each position in a list
      inline void GetMAPStats(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
                              std::vector<MAPStats> *p_map_acc) {
        std::vector<MAPStats> &map_acc = *p_map_acc;
        float hit = 0, acc1 = 0, acc2 = 0, acc3 = 0;
        for (size_t i = 1; i <= sorted_list.size(); ++i) {
          if (sorted_list[i - 1].label > 0.0f) {
            acc1 += hit / i;
            acc2 += (hit - 1) / i;
            acc3 += (hit + 1) / i;
          map_acc[i - 1] = MAPStats(acc1, acc2, acc3, hit);
      virtual void GetLambdaWeight(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
                                   std::vector<LambdaPair> *io_pairs) {
        std::vector<LambdaPair> &pairs = *io_pairs;
        std::vector<MAPStats> map_stats;
        GetMAPStats(sorted_list, &map_stats);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) {
          pairs[i].weight =
              GetLambdaMAP(sorted_list, pairs[i].pos_index,
                           pairs[i].neg_index, &map_stats);
    }  // namespace learner
    }  // namespace xgboost


    /// 关于目标函数的求解可以参看: https://www.cnblogs.com/harvey888/p/7203256.html
    /// 算法原理:http://wepon.me/files/gbdt.pdf
    /// 目标函数推导分析:https://blog.csdn.net/yuxeaotao/article/details/90378782
    /// https://blog.csdn.net/a819825294/article/details/51206410

    /// 源码流程:https://blog.csdn.net/matrix_zzl/article/details/78699605
    /// 源码主要函数:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39750084/article/details/83244191

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