• HDU2818 并查集

    Building Block

    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 5341    Accepted Submission(s): 1638

    Problem Description
    John are playing with blocks. There are N blocks (1 <= N <= 30000) numbered 1...N。Initially, there are N piles, and each pile contains one block. Then John do some operations P times (1 <= P <= 1000000). There are two kinds of operation:

    M X Y : Put the whole pile containing block X up to the pile containing Y. If X and Y are in the same pile, just ignore this command. 
    C X : Count the number of blocks under block X 

    You are request to find out the output for each C operation.
    The first line contains integer P. Then P lines follow, each of which contain an operation describe above.
    Output the count for each C operations in one line.
    Sample Input
    M 1 6
    C 1
    M 2 4
    M 2 6
    C 3
    C 4
    Sample Output
    p次操作,M x y 表示将x所在的一堆所有数放到y所在的一堆上面,C x 表示询问数字x下方有几个数字。
     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<cstdio>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 int fat[30004],num[30004],sum[30004];//num[i]记录数i下面有几个数,sum[i]记录以i为根节点的并查集有几个元素
     5 void init()
     6 {
     7     for(int i=0;i<=30001;i++){
     8         fat[i]=i;
     9         num[i]=0;
    10         sum[i]=1;
    11     }
    12 }
    13 int find(int x)
    14 {
    15     if(fat[x]!=x){
    16         int tem=fat[x];
    17         fat[x]=find(tem);
    18         num[x]+=num[tem];
    19     }
    20     return fat[x];
    21 }
    22 void connect(int x,int y)
    23 {
    24     int a=find(x),b=find(y);
    25     if(a!=b){
    26         fat[a]=b;
    27         num[a]=sum[b];
    28         sum[b]+=sum[a];
    29     }
    30 }
    31 int main()
    32 {
    33     int p,x,y;
    34     char ch;
    35     while(scanf("%d",&p)!=EOF){
    36         init();
    37         while(p--){
    38             cin>>ch;
    39             if(ch=='M'){
    40                 scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
    41                 connect(x,y);
    42             }
    43             else{
    44                 scanf("%d",&x);
    45                 find(x);  //更新一下num
    46                 printf("%d
    47             }
    48         }
    49     }
    50     return 0;
    51 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/--ZHIYUAN/p/6228941.html
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