(1). 需要一个保存类的唯一实例的静态成员变量:
1 private static $_instance;
(2). 构造函数和克隆函数必须声明为私有的,防止外部程序new类从而失去单例模式的意义:
1 private function __construct() 2 { 3 $this->_db = pg_connect('xxxx'); 4 } 5 private function __clone() 6 { 7 }//覆盖__clone()方法,禁止克隆 8
(3). 必须提供一个访问这个实例的公共的静态方法(通常为getInstance方法),从而返回唯一实例的一个引用
1 public static function getInstance() 2 { 3 if(! (self::$_instance instanceof self) ) 4 { 5 self::$_instance = new self(); 6 } 7 return self::$_instance; 8 9 }
如果系统中需要有一个类来全局控制某些配置信息, 那么使用单例模式可以很方便的实现.
1 <?php 2 ...... 3 //初始化一个数据库句柄 4 $db = new DB(...); 5 6 //添加用户信息 7 $db->addUserInfo(...); 8 9 ...... 10 11 //在函数中访问数据库,查找用户信息 12 function getUserInfo() 13 { 14 $db = new DB(...);//再次new 数据库类,和数据库建立连接 15 $db = query(....);//根据查询语句访问数据库 16 } 17 18 ?>
1 <?php 2 3 class DB 4 { 5 private $_db; 6 private static $_instance; 7 8 private function __construct(...) 9 { 10 $this->_db = pg_connect(...);//postgrsql 11 } 12 13 private function __clone() {}; //覆盖__clone()方法,禁止克隆 14 15 public static function getInstance() 16 { 17 if(! (self::$_instance instanceof self) ) { 18 self::$_instance = new self(); 19 } 20 return self::$_instance; 21 } 22 23 24 25 public function addUserInfo(...) 26 { 27 28 29 30 } 31 32 public function getUserInfo(...) 33 { 34 35 } 36 37 } 38 39 //test 40 41 $db = DB::getInstance(); 42 43 $db->addUserInfo(...); 44 45 $db->getUserInfo(...); 46 47 48 ?>
1 <?php 2 class db { 3 public $conn; 4 public static $sql; 5 public static $instance=null; 6 private function __construct(){ 7 require_once('db.config.php'); 8 $this->conn = mysql_connect($db['host'],$db['user'],$db['password']); 9 if(!mysql_select_db($db['database'],$this->conn)){ 10 echo "失败"; 11 }; 12 mysql_query('set names utf8',$this->conn); 13 } 14 public static function getInstance(){ 15 if(is_null(self::$instance)){ 16 self::$instance = new db; 17 } 18 return self::$instance; 19 } 20 /** 21 * 查询数据库 22 */ 23 public function select($table,$condition=array(),$field = array()){ 24 $where=''; 25 if(!empty($condition)){ 26 27 foreach($condition as $k=>$v){ 28 $where.=$k."='".$v."' and "; 29 } 30 $where='where '.$where .'1=1'; 31 } 32 $fieldstr = ''; 33 if(!empty($field)){ 34 35 foreach($field as $k=>$v){ 36 $fieldstr.= $v.','; 37 } 38 $fieldstr = rtrim($fieldstr,','); 39 }else{ 40 $fieldstr = '*'; 41 } 42 self::$sql = "select {$fieldstr} from {$table} {$where}"; 43 $result=mysql_query(self::$sql,$this->conn); 44 $resuleRow = array(); 45 $i = 0; 46 while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ 47 foreach($row as $k=>$v){ 48 $resuleRow[$i][$k] = $v; 49 } 50 $i++; 51 } 52 return $resuleRow; 53 } 54 /** 55 * 添加一条记录 56 */ 57 public function insert($table,$data){ 58 $values = ''; 59 $datas = ''; 60 foreach($data as $k=>$v){ 61 $values.=$k.','; 62 $datas.="'$v'".','; 63 } 64 $values = rtrim($values,','); 65 $datas = rtrim($datas,','); 66 self::$sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$values}) VALUES ({$datas})"; 67 if(mysql_query(self::$sql)){ 68 return mysql_insert_id(); 69 }else{ 70 return false; 71 }; 72 } 73 /** 74 * 修改一条记录 75 */ 76 public function update($table,$data,$condition=array()){ 77 $where=''; 78 if(!empty($condition)){ 79 80 foreach($condition as $k=>$v){ 81 $where.=$k."='".$v."' and "; 82 } 83 $where='where '.$where .'1=1'; 84 } 85 $updatastr = ''; 86 if(!empty($data)){ 87 foreach($data as $k=>$v){ 88 $updatastr.= $k."='".$v."',"; 89 } 90 $updatastr = 'set '.rtrim($updatastr,','); 91 } 92 self::$sql = "update {$table} {$updatastr} {$where}"; 93 return mysql_query(self::$sql); 94 } 95 /** 96 * 删除记录 97 */ 98 public function delete($table,$condition){ 99 $where=''; 100 if(!empty($condition)){ 101 102 foreach($condition as $k=>$v){ 103 $where.=$k."='".$v."' and "; 104 } 105 $where='where '.$where .'1=1'; 106 } 107 self::$sql = "delete from {$table} {$where}"; 108 return mysql_query(self::$sql); 109 110 } 111 112 public static function getLastSql(){ 113 echo self::$sql; 114 } 115 116 117 118 } 119 120 $db = db::getInstance(); 121 //$list = $db->select('demo',array('name'=>'tom','password'=>'ds'),array('name','password')); 122 //echo $db->insert('demo',array('name'=>'最近你啦','password'=>'123')); 123 //echo $db->update('demo',array("name"=>'xxx',"password"=>'123'),array('id'=>1)); 124 echo $db->delete('demo',array('id'=>'2')); 125 db::getLastSql(); 126 echo "<pre>"; 127 ?>