• JavaScript设计模式-14.组合模式实现

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3     <head>
      4         <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5         <title>javascript高级语法14-组合模式实现</title>
      6     </head>
      7     <body>
      8         <script>
      9             //接口
     10             var Interface = function(name,methods){
     11                 if(arguments.length != 2){
     12                     alert("interface must have two paramters...");
     13                 }
     14                 this.name = name;//这个是接口的名字
     15                 this.methods = [];//定义个空数组来转载函数名
     16                 for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
     17                     if(typeof methods[i] != "string"){
     18                         alert("method name must is String ...")
     19                     }else{
     20                         this.methods.push(methods[i])
     21                     }
     22                 }
     23             }
     24             //定义接口的一个静态方法来实现接口与实现类的直接检验
     25             //静态方法不要写成Interface.prototype.* 因为这是写到接口原型连上的
     26             //我们要把静态的函数直接写到类层次上
     27             Interface.ensureImplements = function(object){
     28                 if(arguments.length<2){
     29                     alert("必须最少是2个参数");
     30                     return false;
     31                 }
     32                 //遍历
     33                 for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
     34                     var inter = arguments[i];
     35                     //如果你是接口就必须是Interface类型的
     36                     if(inter.constructor != Interface){
     37                         throw new Error("if is interface class must is Interface type");
     38                     }
     39                     //遍历函数集合并分析
     40                     for (var j = 0; j < inter.methods.length; j++) {
     41                         var method = inter.methods[j];
     42                         //实现类中必须有方法名字 和 接口中所有的方法名项目
     43                         if(!object[method] || typeof object[method] != "function"){
     44                             throw new Error("实现类并没有完全实现接口中的所有方法...");
     45                         }
     46                     }
     47                 }
     48             }
     50             /*
     51              * 组合模式
     52              */
     54             function demo(){
     55                 var composite = new Interface("composite",["getChildByName","add"]);
     56                 var student = new Interface("composite",["goToClass","finishClass"]);
     57                 //定义组合类
     58                 var compositeObj = function(name){
     59                     this.name = name;
     60                     this.type = "com";  //默认是组合类
     61                     var childs = new Array();
     62                     //得到相关的所有孩子节点
     63                     this.getChildByName=function(name){
     64                         //涉及到递归
     65                         var toChilds = new Array();
     66                         if(!name){
     67                             for(var i=0;i<childs.length;i++){
     68                                 if(childs[i].type == "com"){ //组合节点
     69                                     toChilds = toChilds.concat(childs[i].getChildByName());
     70                                 }else{  //叶子节点
     71                                     toChilds.push(childs[i]);
     73                                 }
     74                             }
     75                         }else{
     76                             for(var i=0;i<childs.length;i++){
     77                                 if(childs[i].name == name){
     78                                     if(childs[i].type == "com"){
     79                                         toChilds = toChilds.concat(childs[i].getChildByName());
     80                                         break;
     81                                     }else{
     82                                         toChilds.push(childs[i]);
     83                                         break;
     84                                     }
     85                                 }else{
     86                                     if(childs[i].type == "com"){
     87                                         toChilds = toChilds.concat(childs[i].getChildByName(name));
     88                                     }
     89                                 }
     90                             }
     91                         }
     92                         return toChilds;
     93                     }
     94                     //增加子节点
     95                     this.add = function(child){
     96                         childs.push(child);
     97                         return this;
     98                     }
     99                     //上课
    100                     this.goToClass = function(name){
    101                         var toChilds = this.getChildByName(name);
    102                         for(var i=0;i<toChilds.length;i++){
    103                             toChilds[i].goToClass(); //子类的GoToClass方法
    104                         }
    105                     }
    106                     //下课
    107                     this.finishClass = function(name){
    108                         var toChilds = this.getChildByName(name);
    109                         for(var i=0;i<toChilds.length;i++){
    110                             toChilds[i].finishClass(); //子类的GoToClass方法
    111                         }
    112                     }
    113                     //接口验证
    114                     Interface.ensureImplements(this,composite,student);
    115                 }
    116                 //定义叶子类
    117                 var studentObj = function(name){
    118                     this.name = name;
    119                     this.type = "stu";//默认是叶子
    121                         //得到相关的所有孩子节点
    122                     this.getChildByName=function(name){
    123                         if(this.name == name){
    124                             return this;
    125                         }else{
    126                             return null;
    127                         }
    128                     }
    129                     //增加子节点
    130                     this.add = function(child){
    131                         throw new Error("add 不能被初始化在叶子类中!");
    132                     }
    133                     //上课
    134                     this.goToClass = function(name){
    135                         document.write(this.name + "去上课<br>")
    136                     }
    137                     //下课
    138                     this.finishClass = function(name){
    139                         document.write(this.name + " 下课<br>")
    140                     }
    141                     Interface.ensureImplements(this,composite,student);
    142                 }
    144                 //测试;
    145                 var a = new studentObj("a");
    146                 var b = new studentObj("b");
    147                 var c = new studentObj("c");
    148                 var d = new studentObj("d");
    149                 var e = new studentObj("e");
    150                 var f = new studentObj("f");
    151                 var g = new studentObj("g");
    152                 var h = new studentObj("h");
    153                 var one = new compositeObj("一班");
    154                     var  oneOne = new compositeObj("一班一组");
    155                         oneOne.add(a).add(b);
    156                     var  oneTwo = new compositeObj("一班二组");
    157                         oneTwo.add(c).add(d);
    158                     one.add(oneOne).add(oneTwo);
    159                 var two = new compositeObj("二班");
    160                     var  twoOne = new compositeObj("二班一组");
    161                         twoOne.add(e).add(f);
    162                     var  twoTwo = new compositeObj("二班二组");
    163                         twoTwo.add(g).add(h);
    164                     two.add(twoOne).add(twoTwo);
    165                 var xuexiao = new compositeObj("新学校");
    166                    xuexiao.add(one).add(two);
    168                    //客户端调用API
    169                    xuexiao.goToClass();
    170                    document.write("------------------------<br>");
    171                    xuexiao.goToClass("一班");
    172                    document.write("------------------------<br>");
    173                    xuexiao.goToClass("二班一组");
    174                    document.write("------------------------<br>");
    175                    xuexiao.goToClass("a");
    177             }
    178             demo();
    179         </script>
    180     </body>
    181 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chengyunshen/p/7191801.html
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