#Anonymous functions
def cal(x): return x+1 res = cal(10) print(res) func = lambda x : x+1 print(func(10)) # fun = x:x+'_sb' func = lambda x,y,z: x+y+z printq(func(1,2,3)) func = lambda x,y,z: (x+1,y+1,z+1) print(func(1,2,3))
#*******the fuctional theory********
1:face to process
2:face to fuction
3:face to object
# Higher-order function
#******1:transfer a function to another function as a parameter
def foo(n): # print(n) return n def bar(name): print('my name is %s'%name) foo(bar('alex'))
#******2:return a function
def bar(): print('alex') def foo(): print('zxver') return bar a = foo() a()
# *************map finction*********
a = [65,88,2,5,6,34,12] def map_test(func,array): a1 = [] for i in array: res = func(i) a1.append(res) return a1 print(map_test(lambda x:x+1,a)) res = map(lambda x:x+1,a) print('the inner setting function is :',res) print(list(res)) msg = 'I am zxver' print(list(map(lambda x:x.upper(),msg)))
# ************filter****************
program_people = ['alex','sb_alex','zxver','sb_zxver'] ret = [] for p in program_people: if not p.startswith('sb'): ret.append(p) print(ret)
program_people = ['alex','sb_alex','zxver','sb_zxver'] def filter_test(array): ret = [] for p in array: if not p.startswith('sb'): # not appropriate for other demand ret.append(p) return ret print(filter_test(program_people))
program_people = ['alex','sb_alex','zxver','sb_zxver'] # def sb_show(n): # n.endswith('sb') # the best version:no the define above def filter_test(func,array): ret = [] for i in array: if not func(i): ret.append(i) return ret #print(filter_test(sb_show,program_people)) res = filter_test(lambda x:x.endswith('sb'),program_people) print(res)
# *********reduce function**********
# from functools import reduce num_1 = [34,56,12] def reduce_test(func,array,init=None): if init is None: ret = array.pop(0) else: ret = init for i in array: ret = func(ret,i) return ret print(reduce_test(lambda x,y:x*y,num_1,100))
# Inner functions
print(abs(-1)) print(all('')) # a blank is true print(all(['a'])) print(all(['',0])) print(any(['',1])) name = 'hello' print(bytes(name,encoding = 'utf-8')) print(bytes(name,encoding = 'utf-8').decode ('utf_8')) print(bytes(name,encoding = 'gbk')) print(bytes(name,encoding = 'gbk').decode ('gbk')) print(bytes(name,encoding = 'ascii')) # can't be used for Chinese print(chr(46)) print(dir(dict)) print(help(all)) print(divmod(10,3)) dic = {'name':'alex'}
# ********************eval
dic_str = str(dic) print(dic_str) print(eval(dic_str)) express = '1-(4*5-6)/2' print(eval(express))
# ***********hash:can be used to judge if the content been changed
print(hash(name)) print('>>>before',hash(name)) name='zx' print('>>>after',hash(name)) print(bin(10)) print(hex(12)) print(oct(6)) a = [1,4,6,9] print(max(a)) print(min(a))
#*******zip:use for sequence:tuple,list and string
print(list(zip(('alex',3,[5,6]),(1,2,3)))) p = {'name':'alex','age':26,'gender':'man'} print(list(zip(p.keys(),p.values())))
# ***** max(min): for iterable,like the for sentence:extract every character to compare and can't be used for different types;every chareacter compared with sequence ,if the fisrt character has been judged ,there's no need to compare the left characters
dic = {'alex':19,'zxver':26} print(max(zip(dic.keys(),dic.values()))) people = [ {'name':'zxver','age':19}, {'name':'chen','age':26}, {'name':'keyu','age':18}, {'name':'linda','age':56}, ] print(max(people,key=lambda dic:dic['age'])) print(sorted(people,key=lambda dic:dic['age'])) print(chr(97)) print(ord('a')) print(str({'name':'alex'})) dic_str=str({'name':'alex'}) print(eval(dic_str)) print(pow(2,3)) print(pow(2,3,4)) # 2**4%4 a=[1,2,3,4] print(sum(a)) print(list(reversed(a))) print(round(3.4)) print(set('hello')) l = 'hello' a1=slice(2,3) a2 = slice(1,5,2) print(l[a2]) def test(): msg ='snhxhdnsjjs' print(locals()) print(vars()) print(vars(int)) test()
# import:can't use for string-->>sys-->>_import_():can be used for string