• HashMap实现缓存(二)

        package com.cache; 
        import java.util.*; 
         //Description: 管理缓存 
        public class CacheManager { 
            private static HashMap cacheMap = new HashMap(); 
            private CacheManager() { 
            public static boolean getSimpleFlag(String key){ 
                    return (Boolean) cacheMap.get(key); 
                }catch(NullPointerException e){ 
                    return false; 
            public static long getServerStartdt(String key){ 
                try { 
                    return (Long)cacheMap.get(key); 
                } catch (Exception ex) { 
                    return 0; 
            public synchronized static boolean setSimpleFlag(String key,boolean flag){ 
                if (flag && getSimpleFlag(key)) {//假如为真不允许被覆盖 
                    return false; 
                    cacheMap.put(key, flag); 
                    return true; 
            public synchronized static boolean setSimpleFlag(String key,long serverbegrundt){ 
                if (cacheMap.get(key) == null) { 
                    return true; 
                    return false; 
            private synchronized static Cache getCache(String key) { 
                return (Cache) cacheMap.get(key); 
            private synchronized static boolean hasCache(String key) { 
                return cacheMap.containsKey(key); 
            public synchronized static void clearAll() { 
            public synchronized static void clearAll(String type) { 
                Iterator i = cacheMap.entrySet().iterator(); 
                String key; 
                ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); 
                try { 
                    while (i.hasNext()) { 
                        java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) i.next(); 
                        key = (String) entry.getKey(); 
                        if (key.startsWith(type)) { //如果匹配则删除掉 
                    for (int k = 0; k < arr.size(); k++) { 
                } catch (Exception ex) { 
            public synchronized static void clearOnly(String key) { 
            public synchronized static void putCache(String key, Cache obj) { 
                cacheMap.put(key, obj); 
            public static Cache getCacheInfo(String key) { 
                if (hasCache(key)) { 
                    Cache cache = getCache(key); 
                    if (cacheExpired(cache)) { //调用判断是否终止方法 
                    return cache; 
                    return null; 
            public static void putCacheInfo(String key, Cache obj, long dt,boolean expired) { 
                Cache cache = new Cache(); 
                cache.setTimeOut(dt + System.currentTimeMillis()); //设置多久后更新缓存 
                cache.setExpired(expired); //缓存默认载入时,终止状态为FALSE 
                cacheMap.put(key, cache); 
            public static void putCacheInfo(String key,Cache obj,long dt){ 
                Cache cache = new Cache(); 
            public static boolean cacheExpired(Cache cache) { 
                if (null == cache) { //传入的缓存不存在 
                    return false; 
                long nowDt = System.currentTimeMillis(); //系统当前的毫秒数 
                long cacheDt = cache.getTimeOut(); //缓存内的过期毫秒数 
                if (cacheDt <= 0||cacheDt>nowDt) { //过期时间小于等于零时,或者过期时间大于当前时间时,则为FALSE 
                    return false; 
                } else { //大于过期时间 即过期 
                    return true; 
            public static int getCacheSize() { 
                return cacheMap.size(); 
            public static int getCacheSize(String type) { 
                int k = 0; 
                Iterator i = cacheMap.entrySet().iterator(); 
                String key; 
                try { 
                    while (i.hasNext()) { 
                        java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) i.next(); 
                        key = (String) entry.getKey(); 
                        if (key.indexOf(type) != -1) { //如果匹配则删除掉 
                } catch (Exception ex) { 
                return k; 
            public static ArrayList getCacheAllkey() { 
                ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); 
                try { 
                    Iterator i = cacheMap.entrySet().iterator(); 
                    while (i.hasNext()) { 
                        java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) i.next(); 
                        a.add((String) entry.getKey()); 
                } catch (Exception ex) {} finally { 
                    return a; 
            //获取缓存对象中指定类型 的键值名称 
            public static ArrayList getCacheListkey(String type) { 
                ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); 
                String key; 
                try { 
                    Iterator i = cacheMap.entrySet().iterator(); 
                    while (i.hasNext()) { 
                        java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry) i.next(); 
                        key = (String) entry.getKey(); 
                        if (key.indexOf(type) != -1) { 
                } catch (Exception ex) {} finally { 
                    return a; 
        package com.cache; 
        public class Cache { 
                private String key;//缓存ID 
                private Object value;//缓存数据 
                private long timeOut;//更新时间 
                private boolean expired; //是否终止 
                public Cache() { 
                public Cache(String key, Object value, long timeOut, boolean expired) { 
                        this.key = key; 
                        this.value = value; 
                        this.timeOut = timeOut; 
                        this.expired = expired; 
                public String getKey() { 
                        return key; 
                public long getTimeOut() { 
                        return timeOut; 
                public Object getValue() { 
                        return value; 
                public void setKey(String string) { 
                        key = string; 
                public void setTimeOut(long l) { 
                        timeOut = l; 
                public void setValue(Object object) { 
                        value = object; 
                public boolean isExpired() { 
                        return expired; 
                public void setExpired(boolean b) { 
                        expired = b; 
        class Test { 
            public static void main(String[] args) { 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("abc", new Cache()); 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("def", new Cache()); 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("ccc", new Cache()); 
        //        CacheManager.clearOnly(""); 
        //        Cache c = new Cache(); 
        //        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
        //            CacheManager.putCache("" + i, c); 
        //        } 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("aaaaaaaa", c); 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("abchcy;alskd", c); 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("cccccccc", c); 
        //        CacheManager.putCache("abcoqiwhcy", c); 
        //        System.out.println("删除前的大小:"+CacheManager.getCacheSize()); 
        //        CacheManager.getCacheAllkey(); 
        //        CacheManager.clearAll("aaaa"); 
        //        System.out.println("删除后的大小:"+CacheManager.getCacheSize()); 
        //        CacheManager.getCacheAllkey(); 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zxiong/p/5379108.html
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