• spark读写Oracle、hive的艰辛之路(二)-Oracle的date类型




     2、数据量较大时候,使用spark.read.jdbc(orclUrl,table_name,分区条件,orclProperties)方法,分区读取,该方法可根据分区条件同时多线程读取;原理为在读取Oracle的SQL最后加入where+不同的分区条件;例如oracle 中的id为1~10;分区之后为where id >=1 and id <=5和where id >=6 and id <=10;两个线程同时读取;


       * Construct a `DataFrame` representing the database table accessible via JDBC URL
       * url named table using connection properties. The `predicates` parameter gives a list
       * expressions suitable for inclusion in WHERE clauses; each one defines one partition
       * of the `DataFrame`.
       * Don't create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster; otherwise Spark might crash
       * your external database systems.
       * @param url JDBC database url of the form `jdbc:subprotocol:subname`
       * @param table Name of the table in the external database.
       * @param predicates Condition in the where clause for each partition.
       * @param connectionProperties JDBC database connection arguments, a list of arbitrary string
       *                             tag/value. Normally at least a "user" and "password" property
       *                             should be included. "fetchsize" can be used to control the
       *                             number of rows per fetch.
       * @since 1.4.0
      def jdbc(
          url: String,
          table: String,
          predicates: Array[String],
          connectionProperties: Properties): DataFrame = {
        // connectionProperties should override settings in extraOptions.
        val params = extraOptions.toMap ++ connectionProperties.asScala.toMap
        val options = new JDBCOptions(url, table, params)
        val parts: Array[Partition] = predicates.zipWithIndex.map { case (part, i) =>
          JDBCPartition(part, i) : Partition
        val relation = JDBCRelation(parts, options)(sparkSession)

    在实际工作中发现。spark读取Oracle时,Oracle中的date类型并不能得到很好的支持,例如:2018-10-10 23:00格式的时间,在去读取到hive表中之后只剩下了2018-10-10,小时和分钟没了;


    import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcDialect;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcDialects;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.JdbcType;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;
    import org.apache.spark.sql.types.MetadataBuilder;
    import scala.Option;
    import java.sql.Types;
    public class OracleDateTypeInit {
        public static void oracleInit() {
            JdbcDialect dialect = new JdbcDialect() {
                public boolean canHandle(String url) {
                    return url.startsWith("jdbc:oracle");
                public Option<DataType> getCatalystType(int sqlType, String typeName, int size, MetadataBuilder md) {
                    if (sqlType == Types.DATE && typeName.equals("DATE") && size == 0)
                        return Option.apply(DataTypes.TimestampType);
                    return Option.empty();
                public Option<JdbcType> getJDBCType(DataType dt) {
                    if (DataTypes.StringType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("VARCHAR2(255)", Types.VARCHAR));
                    } else if (DataTypes.BooleanType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(1)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.IntegerType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(10)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.LongType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(19)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.DoubleType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(19,4)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.FloatType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(19,4)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.ShortType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(5)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.ByteType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(3)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    } else if (DataTypes.BinaryType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("BLOB", Types.BLOB));
                    } else if (DataTypes.TimestampType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("DATE", Types.DATE));
                    } else if (DataTypes.DateType.sameType(dt)) {
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("DATE", Types.DATE));
                    } else if (DataTypes.createDecimalType()
                            .sameType(dt)) { //unlimited
    /*                    return DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale)
                                =>Some(JdbcType("NUMBER(" + precision + "," + scale + ")",
                        return Option.apply(
                                new JdbcType("NUMBER(38,4)", Types.NUMERIC));
                    return Option.empty();


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