# 面向对象 class Student(): # (1)类变量 sum1 = 0 name = 'qiyue' age = 0 # 构造函数 # 初始化类的各种特征和行为 def __init__(self,name,age): # 初始化对象的属性 # (2)实例变量 self.name = name self.age = age self.__score = 0 # self.__class__.sum1 +=1 # print('当前班级学生总数为:' + str(self.__class__.sum1)) # print('student') # print(age) # print(name) # print(self.name) # print(sum1) # NameError: name 'sum1' is not defined # print(Student.sum1) # 0 # print(self.__class__.sum1) # 0 # 行为与特征 # 1.实例方法 def do_homework(self): # 内部调用类方法 self.do_english() print(self) # print('homework') def do_english(self): print('内部调用') def marking(self,score): if score < 0: return '分数不能为负数' self.__score = score print(self.name + '同学本次考试分数为:' +str(self.__score)) # 2.类方法 @classmethod def plus_sum(cls): cls.sum1 +=1 print('类方法--当前班级学生总数为:' + str(cls.sum1)) # 3.静态方法 @staticmethod def add(x,y): print(Student.sum1) # 0 # print(name) # NameError: name 'name' is not defined print('this is static method') # class Printer(): # def print_file(self): # print('name:' + self.name) # print('age:' + str(self.age)) # student = Student() # student.print_file() # student1 = Student() # student2 = Student() # student3 = Student() # print(id(student1)) #79438224 # print(id(student2)) #79438192 # print(id(student3)) #79439440 # student1.do_homework() # a=student1.__init__() # print(type(a)) # student1 = Student('zouke',18) # student2 = Student('喜小乐',22) # print(student1.name) # zouke 打印实例变量 # print(student2.name) # 喜小乐 打印实例变量 # print(Student.name) # qiyue 打印类变量 # print(student1.__dict__) # {'name': 'zouke', 'age': 18} # print(Student.__dict__) # {'__module__': '__main__', 'name': 'qiyue', 'age': 0, '__init__': <function Student.__init__ at 0x055C5150>, 'do_homework': <function Student.do_homework at 0x055C5108>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Student' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Student' objects>, '__doc__': None} # student1.do_homework() # <__main__.Student object at 0x04B02170> # student2.do_homework() # <__main__.Student object at 0x04B02270> # print(Student.sum1) # 0 student1 = Student('zouke',18) # 当前班级学生总数为:1 student2 = Student('喜小乐',22) # 当前班级学生总数为:2 student3 = Student('zhangsan',23) # 当前班级学生总数为:3 # 类方法的调用 # student1.plus_sum() # 类方法--当前班级学生总数为:1 # student2.plus_sum() # 类方法--当前班级学生总数为:2 # student3.plus_sum() # 类方法--当前班级学生总数为:3 # student1.add(1,2) # this is static method # Student.add(1,2) # this is static method # student1.plus_sum() # Student.plus_sum() # result = student1.marking(59) # zouke同学本次考试分数为:59 # print(result) # 分数不能为负数 # 成员的可见性 # student1.__score = -1 # print(student1.__dict__) # {'name': 'zouke', 'age': 18, '_Student__score': 59, '__score': -1} # print(student1.__score) # -1 # print(student2.__dict__) # {'name': '喜小乐', 'age': 22, '_Student__score': 0} # print(student2.__score) # AttributeError: 'Student' object has no attribute '__score' # print(student2._Student__score) # 0 # 面向对象的3大特性 # 继承、封装、多态
class Human(): sum = 0 def __init__(self,name,age): self.name = name self.age = age def get_name(self): print(self.name) def do_homework(self): print('this is parent homework')
from n3 import Human class Student(Human): def __init__(self,school,name,age): self.school = school # 方法1--推荐 # Human.__init__(self,name,age) # 方法2--不推荐 super(Student,self).__init__(name,age) def do_homework(self): print('this is child homework') super(Student,self).do_homework() student1 = Student('中国矿业大学','zouke',18) # print(student1.sum) # print(Student.sum) # print(student1.name) # zouke # print(student1.age) # 18 # student1.get_name() # zouke # Student.do_homework() # TypeError: do_homework() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' # Student.do_homework(student1) # homework # Student.do_homework('') # homework student1.do_homework() # this is child homework