• 验证码的实现

     1     //js函数
     2     function _hyz()//换一张函数JS代码
     3        {
     4          /*
     5          1. 获取<img>元素
     6          2. 给它的src指向/tools/VerifyCodeServlet
     7          */
     8          var img=document.getElementById("imgVerifyCode");
     9          //需要给出一个参数,这个参数每次都不同,这样才能刷新浏览器缓存!
    10          img.src = "/tools/VerifyCodeServlet?a="+ new Date().getTime();
    11        }
    12      //jsp中代码 13      验证码:<input type="text" name="verifyCode"/><br> 14      <img src="/tools/VerifyCodeServlet" id="imgVerifyCode"/> 15     <a href="javascript:_hyz()">换一张</a><br> 16
    17   public String login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 18 throws ServletException, IOException { 19 /* 20 * 校验验证码 21 * 1.获取表单中的验证码 22 * 2.获取图片上的文字 23 */ 24 String verifyCode =request.getParameter("verifyCode"); 25 //VerifyCodeServlet会把真正的验证码保存到session中 26 String vcode =(String) request.getSession().getAttribute("vCode");// 27 28 System.out.println(vcode+" "+verifyCode); 29 System.out.println(verifyCode.equalsIgnoreCase(vcode));//不区分大小写比较 30 31 return null; 32 }
     1 //生成验证码的过程JAVA代码,这个在网上有很多,也可以自己随自己的需求设计。
     2 public class VerifyCode {
     3     private int w = 70;
     4     private int h = 35;
     5      private Random r = new Random();
     6      // 验证码中字体、数字、字母和背景颜色
     7     private String[] fontNames  = {"宋体", "华文楷体", "黑体", "微软雅黑", "楷体_GB2312"};
     8     private String codes  = "23456789abcdefghjkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ";
     9     private Color bgColor  = new Color(255, 255, 255);
    10     private String text ;
    12     private Color randomColor () {
    13         int red = r.nextInt(150);
    14         int green = r.nextInt(150);
    15         int blue = r.nextInt(150);
    16         return new Color(red, green, blue);
    17     }
    19     private Font randomFont () {
    20         int index = r.nextInt(fontNames.length);
    21         String fontName = fontNames[index];
    22         int style = r.nextInt(4);
    23         int size = r.nextInt(5) + 24; 
    24         return new Font(fontName, style, size);
    25     }
    27     private void drawLine (BufferedImage image) {
    28         int num  = 3;
    29         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)image.getGraphics();
    30         for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    31             int x1 = r.nextInt(w);
    32             int y1 = r.nextInt(h);
    33             int x2 = r.nextInt(w);
    34             int y2 = r.nextInt(h); 
    35             g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5F)); 
    36             g2.setColor(Color.BLUE); 
    37             g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    38         }
    39     }
    41     private char randomChar () {
    42         int index = r.nextInt(codes.length());
    43         return codes.charAt(index);
    44     }
    46     private BufferedImage createImage () {
    47         BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); 
    48         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)image.getGraphics(); 
    49         g2.setColor(this.bgColor);
    50         g2.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
    51          return image;
    52     }
    54     public BufferedImage getImage () {
    55         BufferedImage image = createImage(); 
    56         Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)image.getGraphics();
    57         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    58         // 向图片中画4个字符
    59         for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)  {
    60             String s = randomChar() + ""; 
    61             sb.append(s); 
    62             float x = i * 1.0F * w / 4; 
    63             g2.setFont(randomFont()); 
    64             g2.setColor(randomColor()); 
    65             g2.drawString(s, x, h-5); 
    66         }
    67         this.text = sb.toString(); 
    68         drawLine(image); 
    69         return image;        
    70     }
    72     public String getText () {
    73         return text;
    74     }
    76     public static void output (BufferedImage image, OutputStream out) 
    77                 throws IOException {
    78         ImageIO.write(image, "JPEG", out);
    79     }
    80 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    81             throws ServletException, IOException {
    82         VerifyCode vc = new VerifyCode();
    83         BufferedImage image = vc.getImage();//获取一次性验证码图片
    84         //该方法必须在getImage()方法之后来调用
    85     //System.out.println(vc.getText());//获取图片上的文本
    86         VerifyCode.output(image, response.getOutputStream());//把图片写到指定流中
    87         // 把文本保存到session中,为LoginServlet验证做准备
    88         request.getSession().setAttribute("vCode", vc.getText());
    89     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zou-zou/p/6129540.html
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