• linux命令chown修改文件所有权

      Changing User Ownership  

          To apply appropriate permissions, the first thing to consider is ownership. To do this, there is the  chown  command. The syntax of this command is not hard to understand:    
    ■    chown who what    
           For instance, the following command changees ownership for the file account to user linda:    
    ■    chown linda account    
           The  chown  command has a few options, of which one is particularly useful:   -R . You might guess what it does, because this option is available for many other commands as well. It allows you to set ownership recursively, which allows you to set ownership of the current directory and everything below. The following command changes ownership for the directory /home and everything beneath it to user linda:    
    ■    chown -R linda /home/linda

      Changing Group Ownership  

            There are actually two ways to change group ownership. You can do it using  chown , but there is also a specific command with the name  chgrp  that does the job. If you want to use the  chown  command, use a  .  or  :  in front of the group name. The following changes the group owner of directory /home/account to the group account:    
    chown .account /home/account  

           You can use  chown  to change user and/or group ownership in a number of ways, an overview of which follows:    
    ■   chown lisa myfile     Sets user lisa as the owner of myfile    
    ■    chown lisa.sales myfile     Sets user lisa as user owner and group sales as group owner of myfile    
    ■    chown lisa:sales myfile     Sets user lisa as user owner and group sales as group owner of myfile    
    ■    chown .sales myfile     Sets group sales as group owner of myfile without changing the user owner    
    ■    chown :sales myfile     Sets group sales as group owner of myfile without changing the user owner    
          You can also use the  chgrp  command to change group ownership. Consider the following example, where you can use  chgrp  to set group ownership for the directory / home/account to the group account:    
    ■    chgrp account /home/account    
          As is the case for  chown , you can use the option  -R  with  chgrp  as well to change group ownership recursively.  

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