• [笔记]新概念英语听力


    黑色 black

    炭黑 carbon black;charcoal black

    暗黑 pitch-black ; pitch-dark

    漆黑 dull black

    白色 white

    象牙白 ivory white

    牡蛎白 oyster white

    珍珠白 pearl white

    玉石白 jade white

    银白 silver white

    羊毛白 wool white

    乳白 milky white

    米白 off-white; shell

    雪白 snow-white

    灰白 greyish white

    纯白 pure white

    本白 raw white ;off white

    粉红白 pinky white 

    浅紫白 lilac white

    灰色 grey

    银灰色 silver grey

    炭灰色 charcoal grey

    烟灰 smoky grey

    雾灰 misty grey

    黑灰 grey black

    金色 gold

    银色 silver

    青古铜色 bronze;bronzy

    驼色 camel ;light tan

    米色 beige;cream; gray sand

    卡其色 khaki

    奶油色 cream

    豆沙色 cameo brown

    水晶色 crystal

    荧光色 iridescent

    彩虹色 iris; rainbow

    棕色 brown

    茶褐 umber;auburn

    淡褐 light brown

    咖啡 coffee


    《外研社英语口语权威教程》初级/中级/高级 19CD全精工版(oral workshop)

    oral workshop是国内最权威、最系统的口语教材.北京外国语大学,北京大学,清华大学等国内顶级高校英语专业指定口语教材.教材编写时间长达6年之久.系统学完本课程,口语交流随心所欲.教材分初级,中级,高级三部分.
    英语口语教程(oral workshop)文本+音频



    ad.=advertisement(名)广告。advisory (名)咨询,公告

    • 新概念英语第一册:


    http://www.bosw.net/yingyu/xgny/a25ca8096cb7b56d/ 英语视频学习。




    黑皮肤: dark skin.黑皮肤女孩:dark skinned girl


    what is your favorite color? light red浅红色,dark red深红色。laundromat自助洗衣机。the clothes are dry干了。blouse女衬衫,shirt男衬衫。



    direction:east, west, south,north

    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,  December

    day and night early late

    1-2:Excuse me   句型练习 pattern drills  Watch the story and answer the question

    Pen,pencil,book,watch, coat外套,dress连衣裙, skirt短裙,shirt男士衬衫,car,house,handbag.

    Is this your..? Yes, it is. Is this it?

    3-4: sentence patterns 句型结构。

    Is this your..?  No, it isn’t.

    Does the man get his umbrella back? Cloakroom衣帽存放处。kokrem

    A cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡Ticket ,please.请出示你的票 My coat and umbrella, please.我的大衣和伞。

    Here is my ticket.=> Here is your coat and your umbrella.

    Number five. 5号,Room 302.302房间,Class two 二班

    Suit 男士西装 school, teacher, son


    Good morning,Mr. Blake. 

    This is Miss Sophie名 Dupont姓.  He is Chinese. Nice to meet you(发秋音)=>Glad/pleased to meet you. 


    He is a teacher. =>Toyota is a Japanese car.=>he is German.不要加a,国家 

    What make is it?它是什么牌子的车。It is a Ford. 


    Is it a French car?Yes, it is. 

    Is it Japanese or German? It isn’t Japanese, it is German. 

    Is it a Korean or an English car? It isn’t an English car, it is a Korean car.

    Is it an Italian car? 



    Keyboard operator 电脑键盘操作员。Engineer工程师。Nationality国籍. job 

    I am a new student. 

    Where are you from?=>what nationality are you? What’s your nationality? 


    What’s your name? what nationality are you? What’s your job? 

    I am Robert. I am Italian. I am an engineer.=> are you Italian? 

    询问职业teacher, policeman,policewoman, taxi driver汽车司机,air hostess空中小姐.postman邮递员。Nurse护士。Mechanic技工,汽车维修员。Hairdresser理发师.housewife家庭主妇。Milkman送牛奶的人。 

    What is her job? She is a nurse. What is his job? He is a hairdresser. 

    I am a policewoman. I am an air hostess. 



    How’s Emma? She is very well很好. And you? I’m fine, thanks.

    How are you doing? What’s new? Byte, see you 

    Nice to see you见到你真好。=>nice seeing you. 

    形容词:fat, thin,tall,short矮,clean,dirty.cold,hot,old,young.lazy懒惰,busy 

    Is she thin? Yes. She is. 

    Is that mechanic dirty or clean. he isn’t clean, he is dirty. 

    Is he cold or hot? He is cold. 

    That milkman is old. That housewife is lazy. 


    Catch抓住。Whose shirt is white? Daughter/father/brother/mother/sister/ 



    A new dress/hat.the colour is green/white/blue/black/grey灰色的/brown棕色的/yellow黄色的/orange橙色的。 Color(美式英语)。Come upstair上楼.case箱子/carpet地毯。Blouse女士衬衫。Tie领带 

    Look at, nice漂亮smart时髦,聪明lovely可爱。 

    The hat/dog is brown and white. What color is his hat? 



    What nationality are you? 


    Here it is.=>Here they are. Aren’t读音。 


     What are their jobs? 

    How do you do.你们好。采用同样的回答。 

    Hard working=, keyboard operator. 

     Office assistant办公室助理。Employee雇员。Sales reps=representatives(代表)销售员,推销员。Mechanics汽车维修员。Customs officers海关。Postman邮递员。Dishes碟子。Life=>lives生命。Knife=>knives餐刀。Fork叉子。Spoon勺子。Glass杯子。Cup茶杯。Bottle瓶子。Housewives. 


    Tired,thirsty,light,heavy,small,big,open,closed=shut.fat,thin,dirty,clean.sharp,blunt钝的,large, little,empty,full,hungry, 

    Gotta=have got to必须。What’s the matter, children=what’s wrong.are you ok/all right now 

    A pair of shoes. Hands. These shops are open/shut. grandfather.hairdresser美发师。 

    21-22:                 沪江英语 

    Give me a book please, Jame. Here you are. 

    Knife and fork(sharp/blunt), tin罐子(old/new), 

    Are you kidding me?你不是在开玩笑?what a pity太遗憾了。Give me a hug, please?给我一个拥抱。


    Which ones do you want? The ones on the shelf在架子。Pens-Under the desk书桌.ties-on the chair. The spoons is on the talbe桌子.dishes碟子/plates盘子-cupboard(读音,p不发音)橱柜。Cigarettes香烟-television. boxes-floor.bottles-the dressing table梳妆台.books-shelf. magazines-bed.newspapers报纸-stereo立体箱 


    There is a table in the middle of room. On the left/right. 

    Kitchen=cook house. Refrigerator=fridge电冰箱. electric cooker电炉。Cook厨师。 


    There are some armchairs, the(读音) armchairs are near the table. 

    Are there any books in the shelf? No, there aren’t any. 

    living/dining/meeting room客厅 

    Television=TV/window/magazine/table/newspapers/stereo/door/ books/armchairs扶手椅/pictures/one the wall 

    Plates/on the cooker/trouses/bed/shirt/bottles/refrigerator/shoes/floor/forks/near those spoons/shelf

    Where are they exactly? They are in that hangbag. 


    Come in. Shut the door/box/window. Bedroom(发音)卧室.tidy整洁的/happyàuntidy乱的/unhappy。 

    Open the window and air(动词,通风) the room. 

    Put these clothes(close) in the wardrobe衣柜(ward病房,robe礼服). 

    Make the bed捕床。 

    Dust(名作动)掸掉灰尘the dressing table(梳妆台)。Sweep扫/mop拖 the floor. 

    31-32: 沪江英语-现在进行时


    In the garden. Planning/climbing the tree.

    What about the dog?=what is the dog doing? the dog is running across横穿the grass草地.

    She is sitting under the tree.  I beg your pardon?不敢相信,而又再问了下。

    Typing a letter打一封信. Emptying a basket倒一个废纸篓.Shutting the door. Eating a bone吃骨头.looking at a picture正在看画.cleaning his teeth正在刷牙.cooking a meal正在做饭.drinking a milk.sharpening(写法) a pencil.turning on the light正在开灯. Turning off the tap正在关水龙头. Taking off her coat正在拿她的外套.


    A fine day: there are some clouds(adj. cloudy) in the sky, but the sun is shining.

    Walking/Working over the bridge在桥上工作/过桥(fridge电冰箱)。Some boats on the river. The ship is going under the bridge.The aeroplane(=airplane) is flying over the river.

    What are the cooks doing? They are cooking. sleeping, shaving刮脸.doing the homework. Washing dishes. Birds-Flying over the river. Waiting for a bus等车.



    Shop,living room.

    A photograph照片of our village村庄。

    In a (连读)valley山谷 between two hills(here)小山,another三者或三者以上之一,on the river在河边.house on the road路旁的房子。walk along the banks河岸(银行)of the river,street街道,park公园,school building大楼建筑物,office building办公大楼。In the water=in the river. Swimming across (反义词around在周围)the river横过河,come out of the building, go into the park, beside在…旁边=next to,near.

    The aeroplane is flying under the bridge.


    be going to打算做什么。与现在进行时区别。DIY=do it yourself.

     What are you going to do?@ What are you doing now?

     I am going to shave刮胡子.@ I am shaving now.

     cook a meal, air the room

     Make cakes/a dress/a bookcase(=book shelf)书橱,书架。Hammer锤子。 paint涂,上漆the table orange/brown/pink粉色(colour)。daughter, favorite(=favourite).flowers/book/music

    39-40: be going to

    In the end最后。vase(读音:袜子)花瓶、瓶子。photgraphs. put it on the bed把它放在床上. put on it 穿上它。Don’t do that. In front of the window.

    drop it放弃,摔碎。give/show/send/take

    41-42:疑问,反问,否定àany  与吃的有关


    Who is the tin(n.罐子) of tobacco(烟草cigarette香烟) for?那罐烟丝是买给谁的?

    窗前有什么?what’s in front of window。

    幽默的回答:is that tin of tobacco for me? Well, it is certainly not for me.

    A piece of paper/cheese一块奶酪(干酪,乳酪)。A loaf of bread(连读)一条面包。A piece /slice of bread.一片面包。黄油面包bread and butter. A bar of soap(soup汤)一块肥皂。A bar(块,条,酒吧) of chocolate一块巧克力。Half a glass/bottle of milk一杯/半杯 一瓶/半瓶牛奶。A pound(磅,英磅) of sugar一磅糖。half a pound of coffee(连读)半磅咖啡。A quarter of(四分之一) a pound of tea(连读)四分之一磅茶。

    A quarter of mile四分之一英里。你有两块奶酪和三个面包you have two pieces of cheese and tree loafs of bread. Desk/chair/table/shelf

    A passport护照/spoon勺子/tie/hammer. A vase on the radio. A suit in the wardrobe. A newspaper on the television.

    Is there som bread? Yes, there is some on the table. is与some并存少见。

    Is there a hammer here? Yes, there is one on the bookcase.书架,书橱。


    Penny and Sam。Can I help you? Can you make the tea?

    Are there any glasses on the table?

    Is there any water in the kettle水壶?-->bottle

    Make a bookcase做书架. In front of 反义词behind.

    Make the tea沏茶,泡茶。Teapot茶壶。Here it is就在这儿。There it is=over there就在那儿。Hurry up! The kettle’s boiling沸腾。Hurry up, we’ll be late. Because he can’t find anything,such as tea,teapot,cups.

    Ah,Yes. Where are the cups? There are some in the cupboard橱柜.of course=certainly当然 


    box, boss(读音)can you come here a minute/moment(=half a minute). Next door=in the next room/office在隔壁。our next door neighbor.我们隔壁的邻居。Ask her, please问她下?ask a question问一个问题。what’s the matter? Why can’t Pamela type the letter? Because the boss’s handwriting(手写) is terrible. A terrible day糟糕的一天。terrible weather 糟糕的天气。

    Put your hat帽子 on(连读).paint the bookcase.lift the chair搬得动椅子。Jump off the wall从墙上跳下来.make biscuits做饼干make cakes做蛋糕.put the vase花瓶 on the shelf.


    A cup of coffee. We are having coffee我们正在喝咖啡。

    Do you like coffee? Yes. I do(= like coffee).No, I don’t. Do you want a cup? Do you want any sugar? Yes, please. No, thank you. Iwant some sugar, but I don’t any milk. I like coffee, but I don’t want a cup, now.(不用any)。

    black(读音) coffee清咖啡。

    I like whiskey, but I don’t want any. 我希望威士忌,但是我现在不想喝。white coffee是加了牛奶的咖啡。black tea红茶。fresh eggs鲜鲜的鸡蛋。butter黄油。pure honey纯蜂蜜。ripe bananas熟透的香蕉。jam果酱。Ice creams冰淇淋.Scotch Whiskey英格兰威士忌。葡萄酒wine.饼干biscuit.啤酒beer.


    At the butcher’s在肉店.butcher屠夫。meat肉类的总称.beef牛肉,pork/pig猪肉。steak(发音ei)牛排。pork steak猪排。lamb(b不发音)羔羊肉。husband丈夫。pie馅饼(tie). mince肉馅,饺肉。chicken鸡肉。To tell you the truth告诉你实情à说老实话,I don’t  like the chicken either也。肯定句中“也”用too。Mrs. Bird

    Do you want beef or lamb? Beef,please. a nice piece of steak一块很好的牛排 and a pound of mince, too.

    choice tomatoes精选西红柿(复数表示)。new potatoes新土豆。fresh cabbages鲜鲜的卷心菜。fresh lettuces鲜鲜的莴苣。garden beans豆荚。garden peas花园豌豆。Choice pears优质的梨。Choice peaches优质的桃子。Choice grapes优质的葡萄。sweet  oranges/an orange甜橙。choice apples精选苹果。


    Where does he come from? = where is he from?询问国家(美国)。what’s his nationality?=what nationary is he?询问国籍(美国人)。

    Come from = be from,Greece希腊人,Japan日本人, China中国人, French。

    国家和国籍:the U.S.美国, American美国人。Brazil巴西,Brazilian巴西人。Holland荷兰,Dutch荷兰人。England英国,English英国人。France法国,French法国人。Germany德国,German德国人。

    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.国籍和月份前无the

    What’s the climate天气、气候in your country?,it’s very pleasant怡人.what’s the weather like in spring? It’s often windy in March, it’s always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. What’s it like in summer? It’s always hot in June, July, August, the sun shines every day. Is it cold or warm in autumn? It’s always warm in September and October, it’s often cold in November and it rains sometimes有时候(可位于任何位置。). Is it very cold in winter? It’s often cold in December, Janunary and February, it snows sometimes. 

    53-54:东西南北:east, west, south, north. mild(发音)温和的、温暖的。season季节。It’s certainly interesting有趣的,有意思的。Which seasons do you like best? I like Spring best.

    北部的天气如何?what’s the weather like in the North?

    国家和国籍:Australia澳大利亚,Australian澳大利亚人。Austria奥地利,Austrian奥地利人。Canada加拿大,Canadian(发音keneidian)加拿大人。Finland荷兰,Finnish荷兰人。India印度,Indian印度人。China, Chinese. Japan,Japanese.Korea韩国, Korean韩国人.Nigeria(发音nagierie)尼日利亚,Nigerian尼日利亚人-非洲。Poland波兰,Polish波兰人。Thailand泰国,Thai(ta)泰国人。Turkey土耳其,Turkish土耳其人.

    The weather of England is varied, so it is their favourite subject(科目,话题) of(无the) conversation. the sun rises上升early and sets下降late.太阳很早升起,很晚才落下。

    • 新概念英语第一册Lesson 55-56

    do housework家务,eat her lunch午饭 at noon/midday正午。live in Beijing, live at 87 King Street.

    take hime to school带他去学校. stay at home every day呆在家里。go shopping/drink tea together一起逛街。in the morning /afternoon /evening傍晚。at night晚上 go to bed

    下班回家,到家很晚:he comes home from work and arrives home late. arrive at a village/arrive in Shanghai.

    read his newspaper/an interesting book, watch television. make the bed铺床 shave刮胡子。listen to the stereo听录音机。clean the blackboard擦黑板。wash dishes


    新概念英语第一册Lesson 57-58

    at eight o'clock, cook the meal.

    It's eight o'clock. what time is it?=what's the time? on foot, by car/train/plane=>How are they going to school today?

     in the garden. wait a moment等一下。come here a moment来一下。at the/this/that moment此时。in the living room.

    • 新概念英语第一册Lesson 59-60

    writing paper信纸, I only have small pads小.envelope信封(可数的)。

    Do you have any chalk粉笔(不可数).a piece of chalk, a large box of chalk. a bottle of glue一瓶胶水。

    that's all就这些了 what else do you want?你还想要什么?I want my change我想要我的零钱 keep the change留着零钱。

    Do you have any cheese? Ihave some butter.

    cheese奶酪(不可数)butter黄油 bread biscuits饼干potatoes土豆,peas豌豆。tomatoes西红柿,beans菜豆。cabbages卷心菜 lettuces莴苣。eggs ,peaches桃子。bananas香蕉 grape葡萄。steak猪排mince肉馅。chicken鸡腿, beer啤酒。whisky威士忌, wine酒。tobacco烟草, soap肥皂

    one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifth sixth

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