• 指定查询条件,查询对应的集合List(单表)


     public void findCollectionByConditionNoPage(){
      ApplicationContext ac = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
      IElecTextService elecTextService = (IElecTextService) ac.getBean(IElecTextService.SERVICE_NAME);
      ElecText electText = new ElecText();
      List<ElecText> list = elecTextService.findCollectionByConditionNoPage(electText);
      if(list!=null && list.size()>0){
       for (ElecText text : list) {


      * SELECT * FROM elec_text o WHERE 1=1
      AND o.textName LIKE '%李%'
      AND o.textRemark LIKE '%李%'
      ORDER BY o.textDate DESC,o.textName ASC
     public List<ElecText> findCollectionByConditionNoPage(ElecText electText) {
      String condition = "";
      List<Object> paramsList = new ArrayList<Object>();//存放'?'对应的可变参量
      String textName = electText.getTextName();
       condition += " AND o.textName LIKE ?";
      String textRemark = electText.getTextRemark();
       condition += " AND o.textRemark LIKE ?";
      Object [] params = paramsList.toArray();
      Map<String, String> orderby = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
      orderby.put("o.textDate", "desc");
      orderby.put("o.textName", "asc");
      List<ElecText> list = elecTextDao.findCollectionByConditionNoPage(condition,params,orderby);
      return list;


      * SELECT * FROM elec_text o WHERE 1=1
      AND o.textName LIKE '%李%'
      AND o.textRemark LIKE '%李%'
      ORDER BY o.textDate DESC,o.textName ASC
     public List<T> findCollectionByConditionNoPage(String condition,
       Object[] params, Map<String, String> orderby) {
      String hql = " FROM "+entityClass.getSimpleName()+" o WHERE 1=1 ";
      //ORDER BY o.textDate DESC,o.textName ASC
      String orderbyHql = orderby(orderby);
      String finalHql = hql + condition + orderbyHql;
      List<T> list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(finalHql,params);
      return list;
     private String orderby(Map<String, String> orderby){
      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("");
      if(orderby!=null && orderby.size()>0){
       buffer.append(" ORDER BY ");
       for(Map.Entry<String, String> map:orderby.entrySet()){
      return buffer.toString();

    Service层下orderby.put("o.textDate ", "desc");   不加空格会报错


    Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: textDatedesc of: cn.itcast.elec.domain.ElecText [ FROM cn.itcast.elec.domain.ElecText o WHERE 1=1  AND o.textName LIKE ? AND o.textRemark LIKE ? ORDER BY o.textDatedesc,o.textNameasc]


      Map<String, String> orderby = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
      orderby.put("o.textDate", "desc");
      orderby.put("o.textName", "asc");
      List<ElecText> list = elecTextDao.findCollectionByConditionNoPage(condition,params,orderby);
      return list;

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zjiacun/p/4537223.html
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