• 每日一库:140 medley

     * 140 medley //medley混杂物,混合物;杂录;[体]混合径赛;混战
     * (c) 2011 - Honza Pokorny
     * Licensed under the terms of the BSD license
     * This is a micro-framework or a collection of small, helpful utilities for
     * common javascript tasks.
     * Size:
     *   Source:  8.6 kb
     *   Minified: 821 bytes
     *   gzipped: 504 bytes
     * Features:
     *  - templating - t();
     *  - local storage - s();
     *  - bind/unbind events - b();
     *  - create DOM elements - m();
     *  - DOM selector - $();
     *  - Get cross-browser xhr - j();
     * Templating
     * Usage:
     *  var hello = t("Hello, #{this.name || 'world'}!")
     *  console.log( // => "Hello, Jed!"
     *    hello({name: "Jed"})
     *  )
     * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL
     * More: https://gist.github.com/964762
    var t = function(
      a, // the string source from which the template is compiled
      b  // the default `with` context of the template (optional)
      return function(
        c, // the object called as `this` in the template
        d  // the `with` context of this template call (optional)
        return a.replace(
          /#{([^}]*)}/g, // a regexp that finds the interpolated code: "#{<code>}"
            a, // not used, only positional
            e  // the code matched by the interpolation
            return Function(
              "with(x)return " + e // the result of the interpolated code
              c,    // pass the data object as `this`, with
              d     // the most
              || b  // specific
              || {} // context.
     * LocalStorage
     * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL
     * More: https://gist.github.com/966030
    var s = function(
      a, // placeholder for storage object
      b  // placeholder for JSON
      return b
        ? {                 // if JSON is supported
          get: function(    // provide a getter function
            c               // that takes a key
            return a[c] &&  // and if the key exists
              b.parse(a[c]) // parses and returns it,
          set: function(     // and a setter function
            c,               // that takes a key
            d                // and a value
            a[c] =           // and sets
              b.stringify(d) // its serialization.
        : {}                 // if JSON isn't supported, provide a shim.
      this.localStorage // use native localStorage if available
      || {},            // or an object otherwise
      JSON              // use native JSON (required)
     * Bind/Unbind events
     * Usage:
     *   var el = document.getElementyById('#container');
     *   b(el, 'click', function() {
     *     console.log('clicked');
     *   });
     * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL
     * More: https://gist.github.com/968186
    var p = function(
      a, // a DOM element
      b, // an event name such as "click"
      c, // (placeholder)
      d  // (placeholder)
      c = c || document; // use the document by default
      d = c[             // save the current onevent handler
        b = "on" + b     // prepent the event name with "on"
      a = c[b] =                 // cache and replace the current handler
        function(e) {            // with a function that
          d = d && d(            // executes/caches the previous handler
            e = e || c.event     // with a cross-browser object,
          return (a = a && b(e)) // and calls the passed function,
            ? b                  // returning the current handler if it rebinds
            : d                  // and the previous handler otherwise.
      c = this // cache the window to fetch IE events
     * Create DOM element
     * Usage:
     *   var el = m('<h1>Hello</h1>');
     *   document.body.appendChild(el);
     *                    Version 2, December 2004
     * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL
     * More: https://gist.github.com/966233
    var m = function(
      a, // an HTML string
      b, // placeholder
      c  // placeholder
      b = document;                   // get the document,
      c = b.createElement("p");       // create a container element,
      c.innerHTML = a;                // write the HTML to it, and
      a = b.createDocumentFragment(); // create a fragment.
      while (                         // while
        b = c.firstChild              // the container element has a first child
      ) a.appendChild(b);             // append the child to the fragment,
      return a                        // and then return the fragment.
     * DOM selector
     * Usage:
     *   $('div');
     *   $('#name');
     *   $('.name');
     * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is> - WTFPL
     * More: https://gist.github.com/991057
    var $ = function(
      a,                         // take a simple selector like "name", "#name", or ".name", and
      b                          // an optional context, and
      a = a.match(/^(\W)?(.*)/); // split the selector into name and symbol.
      return(                    // return an element or list, from within the scope of
        b                        // the passed context
        || document              // or document,
        "getElement" + (         // obtained by the appropriate method calculated by
            ? a[1] == "#"
              ? "ById"           // the node by ID,
              : "sByClassName"   // the nodes by class name, or
            : "sByTagName"       // the nodes by tag name,
        a[2]                     // called with the name.
     * Get cross browser xhr object
     *                    Version 2, December 2004
     * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt <http://jed.is>
     * More: https://gist.github.com/993585
    var j = function(
      a // cursor placeholder
      for(                     // for all a
        a=0;                   // from 0
        a<4;                   // to 4,
        a++                    // incrementing
      ) try {                  // try
        return a               // returning
          ? new ActiveXObject( // a new ActiveXObject
              [                // reflecting
                ,              // (elided)
                "Msxml2",      // the various
                "Msxml3",      // working
                "Microsoft"    // options
              ][a] +           // for Microsoft implementations, and
              ".XMLHTTP"       // the appropriate suffix,
            )                  // but make sure to
          : new XMLHttpRequest // try the w3c standard first, and
      catch(e){}               // ignore when it fails.
  • 相关阅读:
    django admin基础
    admin 模块功能
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuzf/p/medley.html
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