• JQuery Tooltipster


    A powerful, flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to easily create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS.




    1. 在页面上<head>标签中添加如下代码

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/tooltipster.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.tooltipster.min.js"></script>

    2. 对标签的title和class属性进行设置

    <img src="my-image.png" class="tooltip" title="This is my image's tooltip message!" />
    <a href="http://calebjacob.com" class="ketchup tooltip" title="This is my link's tooltip message!">Link</a>
    <div class="tooltip" title="This is my div's tooltip message!"> 
        <p>This div has a tooltip when you hover over it!</p>

    3. 启用tooltipster

            $(document).ready(function() {


    1. 使用带标签的Tooltip

    <a href="#" class="tooltip" title="<img src='my-image.png' width='100' height='100' /> Here is an image and <b>bold text!</b>">Link</a>

    2. 自定义Style

    .my-custom-theme {
    	border-radius: 5px; 
    	border: 2px solid #000;
    	background: #4c4c4c;
    	color: #fff;
    /* Use this next selector to style things like font-size and line-height: */
    .my-custom-theme .tooltipster-content {
    	font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    	font-size: 14px;
    	line-height: 16px;
    	padding: 8px 10px;


        theme: '.my-custom-theme'

    3. 自定义tooltipster的功能

       animation: 'fade',
       arrow: true,
       arrowColor: '',
       content: '',
       delay: 200,
       fixedWidth: 0,
       maxWidth: 0,
       functionBefore: function(origin, continueTooltip) {
       functionReady: function(origin, tooltip) {},
       functionAfter: function(origin) {},
       icon: '(?)',
       iconDesktop: false,
       iconTouch: false,
       iconTheme: '.tooltipster-icon',
       interactive: false,
       interactiveTolerance: 350,
       offsetX: 0,
       offsetY: 0,
       onlyOne: true,
       position: 'top',
       speed: 350,
       timer: 0,
       theme: '.tooltipster-default',
       touchDevices: true,
       trigger: 'hover',
       updateAnimation: true


    animation fade, grow, swing, slide, fall 说明Tooltip显示和消失的效果,默认:'fade'
    arrow boolean 说明Tooltip显示的时候是否有箭头指向,默认:true
    arrowColor hex code/rgb 说明箭头的颜色,默认:从tooltip背景色继承
    content string tooltip内容,默认:空
    fixedWidth integer 固定宽度,默认:0(AutoSize)
    maxWidth integer 最大宽度,默认:0(没有最大宽度)
    functionBefore function 默认:function(origin, continueTooltip) { continueTooltip(); }
    functionReady function 默认:function(origin, tooltip) {}
    functionAfter function 默认:function(origin) {}
    icon string 如果设置了iconDesktop或者iconTouch选项,这里设置图标内容,默认: '(?)'
    iconTheme CSS class 如果设置了iconDesktop或者iconTouch选项,这里设置icon的css, 默认: '.tooltipster-icon'
    iconDesktop boolean 在内容旁边生成一个图标,用于在非触摸设备上激活Tooltip,默认:false
    iconTouch boolean 在内容旁边生成一个图标,用于在触摸设备上激活Tooltip,默认:false
    interactive boolean 设置tooltip显示之后是否延迟关闭以便用户可以与tooltip互动,如点击tooltip中含有连接。默认:false
    interactiveTolerance integer 设置一个时间段,鼠标离开tooltip源之后,一段时间内没有移动到tooltip上,则关闭tooltip,默认:350
    offsetX integer 设置tooltip在横向上的距离(像素),默认:0
    offsetY integer 设置tooltip在纵向上的距离(像素),默认:0
    onlyOne boolean 设置tooltip是否在同一时间只显示一个,默认:true
    position right, left, top, top-right, top-left,
    bottom, bottom-right, bottom-left
    speed integer 显示速度,默认:350
    timer integer 设置tooltip在关闭之前显示多长时间,默认:0
    theme CSS class 设置tooltip使用的主题,默认:'.tooltipster-default'
    touchDevices boolean 如果为true,tooltip将会运行在触摸设备上,默认:true
    trigger hover, click, custom 设置tooltip如何被显示,具体如何使用custom可参考高级部分,默认:'hover'
    updateAnimation boolean 当tooltip显示时,内容更新,当内容更新是显示动画,默认:true


    1. 常用Tooltipster API

    Tooltipster API是以灵活、易用为原则创建的。通过API,使用者可以创建

    • 自定义触发函数:Custom Trigger、
    • 更新Tooltip内容:Update Tooltip Content、
    • 功能性销毁Tooltipster:Destory Tooltipster Functionality、
    • 显示唯一性:Reposition Tooltips For Unique Use Case。


    // show a tooltip
    // hide a tooltip
    // temporarily disable a tooltip from being able to open
    // if a tooltip was disabled from opening, reenable its previous functionality
    // hide and destroy tooltip functionality
    // update tooltip content
    $(...).tooltipster('update', 'My new content');
    // reposition and resize the tooltip


    // show all tooltips belonging to origins with the class .tooltip
    // hide all open tooltips in the body
    // update a single tooltip's content (whether the tooltip is open or not)
    $('#my-unique-origin').tooltipster('update', 'My new content');

    2. 使用Ajax生成Tooltip内容



       content: 'Loading...',
       functionBefore: function(origin, continueTooltip) {
          // we'll make this function asynchronous and allow the tooltip to go ahead and show the loading notification while fetching our data
          // next, we want to check if our data has already been cached
          if (origin.data('ajax') !== 'cached') {
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'example.php',
                success: function(data) {
                   // update our tooltip content with our returned data and cache it
                   origin.tooltipster('update', data).data('ajax', 'cached');

    3. 手动运行/隐藏tooltip



    <span class="tooltip" id="example" title="My tooltip content">Example</span>


    // first, launch the Tooltipster plugin
    $(document).ready(function() {
    // on window load, show the tooltip
    $(window).load(function() {
       // once a key is pressed on your keyboard, hide the tooltip
       $(window).keypress(function() {

    4. 更新Tooltip的内容




    $('#my-special-tooltip').tooltipster('update', 'My new content');
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhuhc/p/2972791.html
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