# 文件和异常: # 读取文件 --读取所有 file = 'D:/liuzhuanfang/python/Hogwartsliu/xueqiu/file_read.txt' # 第2个实参定义 "w" --写入(删除原文件),"r" --读取,"a" --写入(原文件后添加),"r+" --读写 with open(file,"r+") as f: content1 = f.write("I love play5. ") # " " --换行 content2 = f.read() print(content2) # 读取文件 --按行读取 file = 'D:/liuzhuanfang/python/Hogwartsliu/xueqiu/file_read.txt' with open(file) as f: for line in f: print(line.strip()) # 删除首尾空格 time.sleep(2) # 读取文件 file = 'D:/liuzhuanfang/python/Hogwartsliu/xueqiu/file_read.txt' with open(file) as f: lines = f.readlines() # 文件读取后以 列表显示 pi = "" for line in lines: pi+=line.strip() # 组合成一个新的字符串 print(lines[:10] + "...") # 切片查询 print(len(pi)) # 异常处理: # try-except:出现异常 程序还能继续运行 try: print(5/0) except ZeroDivisionError: print("you can't divide by zero !") # ZeroDivisionError --处理分子不能为0: while True: first = input(" number1:") if first=="q": break # 遇到break 直接退出循环 second = input("number2:") if second =="q": break try: answer = int(first)/int(second) # 执行条件 except ZeroDivisionError: # 条件异常抛出错误 并继续往后执行 print("you can't divide by 0!") else: print(answer) # FileNotFoundError --处理文件找不到 filenaem = "ali.txt" try: with open(filenaem) as f : contents = f.read() except FileNotFoundError: print("file is not fond") 案例: def count(file): try: with open(file) as f : contents = f.read() except FileNotFoundError: pass # 相当于 占位符 # print(file +"file is not fond") else: words = contents.split(sep=",") # 以逗号分隔 num = len(words) print("the file"+ file + "has about " + str(num)+ " words.") file = 'D:/liuzhuanfang/python/Hogwartsliu/xueqiu/file_read1.txt' count(file)