• 初试PyOpenGL一 (Python+OpenGL)




      首先我们需要下载Python: http://www.python.org/getit/


      和PyOpenGL库常连在一起用的二个库,一个库numpy,提供常用的科学计算包含矩阵运算,数组转换与序列化,还有一个是3D常用的图片处理库:Python Imaging Library (PIL)。

      numpy下载:http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/ 简介:http://sebug.net/paper/books/scipydoc/numpy_intro.html

      Python Imaging Library (PIL)下载:http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/

      当上面环境安装完成后,我们先来实现一个基本的球体VBO实现,代码请参考前面的WebGL 利用FBO完成立方体贴图中的球的代码:

     1 #common.py
     2 import math
     3 from OpenGL.GL import *
     4 from OpenGL.arrays import vbo
     5 from OpenGL.GLU import *
     6 from OpenGL.GLUT import *
     7 #import OpenGL.GLUT as glut
     8 import numpy as ny
     9 #Python Imaging Library (PIL)
    10 class common:
    11     bCreate = False
    13 #球的实现
    14 class sphere(common):
    15     def __init__(this,rigns,segments,radius):
    16         this.rigns = rigns
    17         this.segments = segments
    18         this.radius = radius
    19     def createVAO(this):
    20         vdata = []
    21         vindex = []
    22         for y in range(this.rigns):
    23             phi = (float(y) / (this.rigns - 1)) * math.pi
    24             for x in range(this.segments):
    25                 theta = (float(x) / float(this.segments - 1)) * 2 * math.pi
    26                 vdata.append(this.radius * math.sin(phi) * math.cos(theta))
    27                 vdata.append(this.radius * math.cos(phi))
    28                 vdata.append(this.radius * math.sin(phi) * math.sin(theta))
    29                 vdata.append(math.sin(phi) * math.cos(theta))
    30                 vdata.append(math.cos(phi))
    31                 vdata.append(math.sin(phi) * math.sin(theta))
    32         for y in range(this.rigns - 1):
    33             for x in range(this.segments - 1):
    34                 vindex.append((y + 0) * this.segments + x)
    35                 vindex.append((y + 1) * this.segments + x)
    36                 vindex.append((y + 1) * this.segments + x + 1)
    37                 vindex.append((y + 1) * this.segments + x + 1)
    38                 vindex.append((y + 0) * this.segments + x + 1)
    39                 vindex.append((y + 0) * this.segments + x)
    40         #this.vboID = glGenBuffers(1)
    41         #glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,this.vboID)
    42         #glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, len(vdata)*4, vdata, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
    43         #this.eboID = glGenBuffers(1)
    44         #glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,this.eboID)
    45         #glBufferData (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, len(vIndex)*4, vIndex,
    46         #GL_STATIC_DRAW)
    47         this.vbo = vbo.VBO(ny.array(vdata,'f'))
    48         this.ebo = vbo.VBO(ny.array(vindex,'H'),target = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)
    49         this.vboLength = this.segments * this.rigns
    50         this.eboLength = len(vindex)
    51         this.bCreate = True
    52     def drawShader(this,vi,ni,ei):
    53         if this.bCreate == False:
    54             this.createVAO()
    55         #glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,this.vboID)
    56         #glVertexAttribPointer(vi,3,GL_FLOAT,False,24,0)
    57         #glEnableVertexAttribArray(vi)
    58         #glVertexAttribPointer(ni,3,GL_FLOAT,False,24,12)
    59         #glEnableVertexAttribArray(ni)
    60         #glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,this.eboID)
    61         #glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,this.eboLength,GL_UNSIGNED_INT,0)
    62         this.vbo.bind()
    63     def draw(this):
    64         if this.bCreate == False:
    65             this.createVAO()
    66         #glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,this.vboID)
    67         #glInterleavedArrays(GL_N3F_V3F,0,None)
    68         #glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,this.eboID)
    69         #glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,this.eboLength,GL_UNSIGNED_INT,None)
    70         this.vbo.bind()
    71         glInterleavedArrays(GL_N3F_V3F,0,None)
    72         this.ebo.bind()
    73         glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,this.eboLength,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,None)  


      这里先说下python,和我之前接触的语言来看,我发现这个出乎意料的最和F#比较接近,虽然他们一个是动态语言,一个是静态语言,但是他们首先都是强类型语言,并且都支持多范式(对象式,过程式,函数式),同做为强类型语言,默认都不需要声明类型,不知Python是否和F#一样,是用的类型推导,有个比较明显的地方和F#一样的地方就是,在这里def __init__(this,rigns,segments,radius),首先righs,segments,radius开始鼠标移上去都是unknow type,但是在别的地方调用common.sphere(16,16,1)后,他就能推断出righs,segments,radius都为int.并且和F#一样,声明类的方法时,都需要带一个表示自己的参数,且都和C#不一样(限定this)可以自定义这个参数的名称.当然还有最大的共同点,他们都是用缩进来控制语言块(满分),现在写C#代码有些不爽的地方就是缩进。基于以上这些,写python感觉很亲切,也很爽,和F#一样,能写出很简洁的代码,相信一个学习过F#的人来写python,肯定也有此类感觉。当然python做为动态语言,比F#,C#来说,开发效率更高,比如,在上面一段中,this.vboLength = this.segments * this.rigns,这里直接动态声明一个属性vboLength,而不需要和F#与C#一样来先声明一个这样的属性,当然,net4.0中的DLR来说,也是能实现这种效果,但是用起来感觉就不一样了。

      大家如果有兴趣了解各编程语言,强烈推荐郑晖大神的冒号课堂系列文章 第一篇冒号课堂§1.1:开班发言

      下面是网格的代码,代码也可以参考前面柏林噪声实践(一) 海波,一样是生成网格上所有的x,z点,然后组织索引,看代码:

     1 class plane(common):
     2     def __init__(this,xres,yres,xscale,yscale):
     3         this.xr,this.yr,this.xc,this.yc = xres - 1,yres - 1,xscale,yscale
     4     def createVAO(this):
     5         helfx = this.xr * this.xc * 0.5
     6         helfy = this.yr * this.yc * 0.5
     7         vdata = []
     8         vindex = []
     9         for y in range(this.yr):
    10             for x in range(this.xr):
    11                 vdata.append(this.xc * float(x) - helfx)
    12                 vdata.append(0.)
    13                 vdata.append(this.yc * float(y) - helfy)
    14         for y in range(this.yr - 1):
    15             for x in range(this.xr - 1):
    16                 vindex.append((y + 0) * this.xr + x)
    17                 vindex.append((y + 1) * this.xr + x)
    18                 vindex.append((y + 0) * this.xr + x + 1)
    19                 vindex.append((y + 0) * this.xr + x + 1)
    20                 vindex.append((y + 1) * this.xr + x)
    21                 vindex.append((y + 1) * this.xr + x + 1)
    22         print len(vdata),len(vindex)
    23         this.vbo = vbo.VBO(ny.array(vdata,'f'))
    24         this.ebo = vbo.VBO(ny.array(vindex,'H'),target = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER)
    25         this.eboLength = len(vindex)
    26         this.bCreate = True
    27     def draw(this):
    28         if this.bCreate == False:
    29             this.createVAO()
    30         this.vbo.bind()
    31         glInterleavedArrays(GL_V3F,0,None)
    32         this.ebo.bind()
    33         glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,this.eboLength,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,None)   


     1 class camera:
     2     origin = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
     3     length = 1.
     4     yangle = 0.
     5     zangle = 0.
     6     __bthree = False
     7     def __init__(this):
     8         this.mouselocation = [0.0,0.0]
     9         this.offest = 0.01
    10         this.zangle = 0. if not this.__bthree else math.pi
    11     def setthree(this,value):
    12         this.__bthree = value
    13         this.zangle = this.zangle + math.pi
    14         this.yangle = -this.yangle          
    15     def eye(this):
    16         return this.origin if not this.__bthree else this.direction()
    17     def target(this):
    18         return this.origin if this.__bthree else this.direction()
    19     def direction(this):
    20         if this.zangle > math.pi * 2.0 :
    21             this.zangle < - this.zangle - math.pi * 2.0
    22         elif this.zangle < 0. :
    23             this.zangle < - this.zangle + math.pi * 2.0
    24         len = 1. if not this.__bthree else this.length if 0. else 1.
    25         xy = math.cos(this.yangle) * len
    26         x = this.origin[0] + xy * math.sin(this.zangle)
    27         y = this.origin[1] + len * math.sin(this.yangle)
    28         z = this.origin[2] + xy * math.cos(this.zangle)        
    29         return [x,y,z]
    30     def move(this,x,y,z):
    31         sinz,cosz = math.sin(this.zangle),math.cos(this.zangle)        
    32         xstep,zstep = x * cosz + z * sinz,z * cosz - x * sinz
    33         if this.__bthree : 
    34             xstep = -xstep
    35             zstep = -zstep
    36         this.origin = [this.origin[0] + xstep,this.origin[1] + y,this.origin[2] + zstep]        
    37     def rotate(this,z,y):
    38         this.zangle,this.yangle = this.zangle - z,this.yangle + y if not this.__bthree else -y
    39     def setLookat(this):
    40         ve,vt = this.eye(),this.target()
    41         #print ve,vt
    42         glLoadIdentity()
    43         gluLookAt(ve[0],ve[1],ve[2],vt[0],vt[1],vt[2],0.0,1.0,0.0)        
    44     def keypress(this,key, x, y):
    45         if key in ('e', 'E'):
    46             this.move(0.,0.,1 * this.offest)
    47         if key in ('f', 'F'):
    48             this.move(1 * this.offest,0.,0.)
    49         if key in ('s', 'S'):
    50             this.move(-1 * this.offest,0.,0.)
    51         if key in ('d', 'D'):
    52             this.move(0.,0.,-1 * this.offest)
    53         if key in ('w', 'W'):
    54             this.move(0.,1 * this.offest,0.)
    55         if key in ('r', 'R'):
    56             this.move(0.,-1 * this.offest,0.)
    57         if key in ('v', 'V'):
    58             #this.__bthree = not this.__bthree
    59             this.setthree(not this.__bthree)
    60         if key == GLUT_KEY_UP:
    61             this.offest = this.offest + 0.1
    62         if key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN:
    63             this.offest = this.offest - 0.1
    64     def mouse(this,x,y):  
    65         rx = (x - this.mouselocation[0]) * this.offest * 0.1
    66         ry = (y - this.mouselocation[1]) * this.offest * -0.1
    67         this.rotate(rx,ry)
    68         print x,y
    69         this.mouselocation = [x,y]

      代码很简单,当然,做为一个类来说,其实setLookat,keypress,mouse这三个方法应该分离出去的,不过用了使用方便,也便于放在一起理解。其中keypress与mouse实现键盘启用常用的基本漫游,其中EDSF前后左右移动,WR分别向上与向下,鼠标右键加移动鼠标控制方向,V切换第一人称与第三人称。UP与DOWN切换前面操作的移动幅度。其中len = 1. if not this.__bthree else this.length if 0. else 1.这个解释下,在不是第三人称漫游下,长度为1,否则在第三人称漫游下,长度取length的长度,如果length为0,则取1的长度.其实就是相当二个三元运算符,但是感觉理解起来更方便.


     1 from OpenGL.GL import *
     2 from OpenGL.GLUT import *
     3 from OpenGL.GLU import *
     5 import common
     6 import sys
     8 window = 0
     9 sph = common.sphere(16,16,1)
    10 camera = common.camera()
    11 plane = common.plane(12,12,1.,1.)
    12 def InitGL(width,height):
    13     glClearColor(0.1,0.1,0.5,0.1)
    14     glClearDepth(1.0)
    15     glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE)
    16     glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
    17     glLoadIdentity()
    18     gluPerspective(45.0,float(width)/float(height),0.1,100.0)    
    19     camera.move(0.0,3.0,-5)    
    21 def DrawGLScene():
    23     glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)     
    24     camera.setLookat()
    25     plane.draw() 
    26     glTranslatef(-1.5,0.0,0.0)
    27     glBegin(GL_QUADS)                  
    28     glVertex3f(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0)          
    29     glVertex3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)           
    30     glVertex3f(1.0, -1.0, 0.0)          
    31     glVertex3f(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0)        
    32     glEnd()    
    33     glTranslatef(3.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    34     sph.draw()                         
    35     glutSwapBuffers()
    37 def mouseButton( button, mode, x, y ):    
    38     if button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON:
    39         camera.mouselocation = [x,y]
    41 def ReSizeGLScene(Width, Height): 
    42     glViewport(0, 0, Width, Height)        
    43     glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
    44     glLoadIdentity()
    45     gluPerspective(45.0, float(Width)/float(Height), 0.1, 100.0)
    46     glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
    48 def main():
    49     global window
    50     glutInit(sys.argv)
    51     glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH)
    52     glutInitWindowSize(640,400)
    53     glutInitWindowPosition(800,400)
    54     window = glutCreateWindow("opengl")
    55     glutDisplayFunc(DrawGLScene)
    56     glutIdleFunc(DrawGLScene)
    57     glutReshapeFunc(ReSizeGLScene)
    58     glutMouseFunc( mouseButton )
    59     glutMotionFunc(camera.mouse)
    60     glutKeyboardFunc(camera.keypress)
    61     glutSpecialFunc(camera.keypress)
    62     InitGL(640, 480)
    63     glutMainLoop()
    65 main()

      代码很简单,把球,网络,漫游摄像机应用进去。注意glutMouseFunc( mouseButton )与glutMotionFunc(camera.mouse)组合用才能达到原来OpenTK提供的鼠标检测功能,因为glutmousefunc只检测鼠标的按下等动作,意思你一直按下移动他是不会引用的,在这引用的是glutmotionfunc,这个大家可以自己去试验。



      代码下载:代码 和上面说的一样,其中EDSF前后左右移动,WR分别向上与向下,鼠标右键加移动鼠标控制方向,V切换第一人称与第三人称。UP与DOWN切换前面操作的移动幅度。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhouxin/p/3526402.html
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