Remove the minimum number of invalid parentheses in order to make the input string valid. Return all possible results.
Note: The input string may contain letters other than the parentheses (
and )
"()())()" -> ["()()()", "(())()"]
"(a)())()" -> ["(a)()()", "(a())()"]
")(" -> [""]
Special thanks to @hpplayer for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
class Solution { private: bool isValid(string s){ int count=0; for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ if(s[i]=='(') count++; else if(s[i]==')'){ if(count==0) return false; count--; } } return count==0; } vector<string> ret; public: vector<string> removeInvalidParentheses(string s) { unordered_map<string,int> map; queue<string> q; q.push(s); map[s]=1; bool found=false; while(!q.empty()){ string str=q.front(); q.pop(); if(isValid(str)){ ret.push_back(str); found=true; } if(found) continue; for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){ if(str[i]!=')'&&str[i]!='(') continue; //将这个括号从字符串中去除 string sub=str.substr(0,i)+str.substr(i+1); if(map.find(sub)==map.end()){ q.push(sub); map[sub]=1; } } } return ret; } };