• 风水风水风风水水水水风风

    SZU Problem(B40):Fengshui

    这道题超级坑,就是一个大大的坑,后台有三组数据,总题目的时间不能超过3秒,但是每组数组不能超过1秒,否则case time limited. 




    Judge Info

    • Memory Limit: 32768KB
    • Case Time Limit: 15000MS
    • Time Limit: 30000MS
    • Judger: Normal


    Fengshui is an ancient subject in Chinese tradition. Someone considers it as science and someone criticizes it as blind faith. Who knows! However, in modern days, everyone should respect culture from our ancestor!

    Fengshui focus on geography,environment and staffs' position, all the theory come from a very old book named "YI". YI means change. Everything is always changing in the world. Fengshui wishes to guide changing, make life change to a better situation. Now let's look at Fengshui's changing.

    At first we must know about the traditional five elements system which composed by GOLD,WOOD,GROUND,WATER and FIRE. Everything in the world can be represented by one and only one element. For example, river is represented by WATER, hill is represented by GROUND. Here, we only consider the elements. In this system, once element can kill another element, and one element can born anther element. Five elements compose as a circuit, as in Figure 1.

    Every place has eight direction - east, west, north, south, northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. Every direction has a represented element. Now, our problem is about the elements at these eight directions which form a Fengshui situation. Figure 2 is an example of one Fengshui situation.

    • But Fengshui situation can change! There're two change ways:
      • TURN: The whole situation turn clockwise one step. Figure 3 shows the situation that situation in Figure 2 makes one TURN change.
      • REBORN: Based on kill and born relation, one direction's element can be killed by another direction's (at any other place) element in the situation, and then the killed element will born out as the new element at its direction. Of course, kill and born are all according as the relation of the system as in Figure 1. In situation of Figure 3, WATER in east can kill FIRE in southeast, then southeast place change to be GROUND, as in Figure 4.

    Each change, no matter TURN or REBORN, const one step.

    Now, there're two Fengshui situation, we want to know is it possible that first one can change to the second one? And if possible, how many steps it need at least?


    There're several cases, the first line of input is the number of cases. Every case includes 6 lines, the first 3 lines indeicate the first Fengshui situation, the last 3 lines incicate the second Fengshui situation.

    The format of one situation is as follow, there may be arbitrary blanks between adjacent directions.

    northwest  north  northeast
    west                   east
    southwest  south  southeast


    For every case, output the number of the least changing steps on a single line, if it is possible, or output -1.

    Sample Input

    WATER     FIRE
    WOOD       WATER
    GOLD         FIRE
    GOLD         FIRE

    Sample Output


      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <string.h>
      3 #define L 5
      4 #define N 8
      5 #define M 3125050
      6 int former[N];
      7 int goal[N];
      8 int sign[L];
      9 int kill[] = { 3, 0, 4, 2, 1 };
     10 int born[] = { 2, 3, 1, 4, 0 };
     11 int distance[L][L][L][L][L][L][L][L];
     12 int flag[L][L][L][L][L][L][L][L];
     13 int queue[M];
     14 int sequence[] = { 0, 1, 2, 7, 3, 6, 5, 4 };
     16 int main()
     17 {
     18     char temp[N];
     19     int t, i, j, k, p, head;
     20     scanf( "%d", &t );
     21     while( t-- )
     22     {
     23         // 初始化
     24         memset( distance, 0, sizeof(distance) );
     25         memset( flag, 0, sizeof(flag) );
     26         p = 0;
     27         for( i=0; i<N; ++i )
     28         {
     29             scanf( "%s", temp );
     30             if( temp[0] == 'G' && temp[1] == 'O' )
     31                 former[sequence[p++]] = 0;
     32             else if( temp[0] == 'W' && temp[1] == 'O' )
     33                 former[sequence[p++]] = 1;
     34             else if( temp[0] == 'W' && temp[1] == 'A' )
     35                 former[sequence[p++]] = 2;
     36             else if( temp[0] == 'F' && temp[1] == 'I' )
     37                 former[sequence[p++]] = 3;
     38             else
     39                 former[sequence[p++]] = 4;
     40         }
     41         p = 0;
     42         for( i=0; i<N; ++i )
     43         {
     44             scanf( "%s", temp );
     45             if( temp[0] == 'G' && temp[1] == 'O' )
     46                 goal[sequence[p++]] = 0;
     47             else if( temp[0] == 'W' && temp[1] == 'O' )
     48                 goal[sequence[p++]] = 1;
     49             else if( temp[0] == 'W' && temp[1] == 'A' )
     50                 goal[sequence[p++]] = 2;
     51             else if( temp[0] == 'F' && temp[1] == 'I' )
     52                 goal[sequence[p++]] = 3;
     53             else
     54                 goal[sequence[p++]] = 4;
     55         }
     56         head = p = 0;
     57         for( i=0; i<N; ++i )
     58             queue[p++] = former[i];
     59         flag[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] = 1;
     60         while( head < p )
     61         {
     62             memset( sign, 0, sizeof(sign) );
     63             for( i=0; i<N; ++i )
     64             {
     65                 former[i] = queue[head+i];
     66                 sign[former[i]] = 1;
     67             }
     69             int x = distance[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]];
     72             // 顺时针旋转
     73             int temp = former[N-1];
     74             for( i=N-1; i>0; --i )
     75                 former[i] = former[i-1];
     77             former[0] = temp;
     79             if( flag[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] == 0 )
     80             {
     81                 distance[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] = x+1;
     82                 flag[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] = 1;
     84                 for( i=0; i<N; ++i )
     85                     if( former[i] != goal[i] )
     86                         break;
     87                 if( i == N  ) // 一致跳出while循环
     88                     break;
     89                 else // 不一致放入队列中去
     90                     for( i=0; i<N; i++ )
     91                         queue[p++] = former[i];
     92             }
     93             // 相克替换
     95             for( k=0; k<N; k++ ) // for一遍
     96             {
     97                 if( sign[kill[queue[head+k]]] == 1 ) // 如果相克
     98                 {
     99                             // 从队列中得到当前状态
    100                     for( j=0; j<N; ++j )
    101                         former[j] = queue[head+j];
    102                     former[k] = born[queue[head+k]]; // 进行替换
    103                     if( flag[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] == 0 )
    104                     {
    105                         distance[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] = x+1;
    106                         flag[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] = 1;
    108                         for( j=0; j<N; ++j )
    109                             if( former[j] != goal[j] )
    110                                 break;
    111                         if( j == N )
    112                             goto END;
    113                         else
    114                             for( j=0; j<N; ++j )
    115                                 queue[p++] = former[j];
    116                     }
    117                 }
    118             }
    119             head += 8;
    120         }
    121 END:    if( head < p )
    122             printf( "%d
    ", distance[former[0]][former[1]][former[2]][former[3]][former[4]][former[5]][former[6]][former[7]] );
    123         else
    124             printf( "-1
    " );
    125     }
    126     return 0;
    127 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongshuxin/p/3280577.html
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