• Dependencies


    Necessary dependencies


    JDK 1.6+ 1

    Default dependencies


    use mvn dependency:tree > dep.log command to analysis,Dubbo default depends on the following 3rd party libraries:

    使用命令 mvn dependency:tree > dep.log 去分析,Dubbo默认依赖以下第三方库:

    [INFO] +- com.alibaba:dubbo:jar:2.5.9-SNAPSHOT:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.springframework:spring-context:jar:4.3.10.RELEASE:compile
    [INFO] |  +- org.javassist:javassist:jar:3.21.0-GA:compile
    [INFO] |  - org.jboss.netty:netty:jar:3.2.5.Final:compile

    All dependencies here are selected for the default configuration of the Dubbo, which are based on stability and performance considerations.


    • javassist.jar 3: if <dubbo:provider proxy="jdk" /> or <dubbo:consumer proxy="jdk" />,or <dubbo:application compiler="jdk" />, is not required.
    • spring-context.jar 4: If you are using ServiceConfig and ReferenceConfig API calls, is not required.
    • netty.jar 5: if <dubbo:protocol server="mina"/> or <dubbo:protocol server="grizzly"/>,Then change to mina.jar or grizzly.jar. If <protocol name="rmi"/>, is not required.

    Optinal dependencies


    These dependencies needs to be added to project manually,when you need them.


    • netty-all 4.0.35.Final
    • mina: 1.1.7
    • grizzly: 2.1.4
    • httpclient: 4.5.3
    • hessian_lite: 3.2.1-fixed
    • fastjson: 1.2.31
    • zookeeper: 3.4.9
    • jedis: 2.9.0
    • xmemcached: 1.3.6
    • hessian: 4.0.38
    • jetty: 6.1.26
    • hibernate-validator: 5.4.1.Final
    • zkclient: 0.2
    • curator: 2.12.0
    • cxf: 3.0.14
    • thrift: 0.8.0
    • servlet: 3.0 6
    • validation-api: 1.1.0.GA 6
    • jcache: 1.0.0 6
    • javax.el: 3.0.1-b08 6
    • kryo: 4.0.1
    • kryo-serializers: 0.42
    • fst: 2.48-jdk-6
    • resteasy: 3.0.19.Final
    • tomcat-embed-core: 8.0.11
    • slf4j: 1.7.25
    • log4j: 1.2.16

    1. In theory, Dubbo only depend on JDK, not depend on any 3rd party libs, you can finish logic by using JDK.  理论上,dubbo只需要依赖JDK,不依赖任何第三方库,你可以使用JDK完成逻辑。

    2. Log output jar  日志输出jar

    3. Bytecode generation  字节生成

    4. Configuration parsing  配置解析

    5. Network transmission  网络传输

    6. JAVAEE  

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhijicompanyethan/p/13946900.html
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