• 【引用】webkit内核浏览器支持的特殊CSS样式和CSS3.0


    • -webkit-border-radius

    • -webkit-border-top-left-radius

    • -webkit-border-top-right-radius

    • -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius

    • 语法
      -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: horizontal_radius vertical_radius;
      :-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 50px 100px;
      • -webkit-border-image
      border-image: uri top right bottom left x_repeat y_repeat
      border-image: uri top right bottom left / border x_repeat y_repeat
      border-image: uri top right bottom left / top_border right_border bottom_border left_border x_repeat y_repeat


      • -webkit-box-sizing
      • -webkit-box-shadow
      • -webkit-margin-collapse
      • -webkit-margin-start
      • -webkit-padding-start
      • -webkit-animation
      • -webkit-animation-delay
      • -webkit-animation-direction
      • -webkit-animation-duration
      • -webkit-animation-iteration-count
      • -webkit-animation-name
      • -webkit-animation-play-state
      • -webkit-animation-timing-function
      • -webkit-backface-visibility
      • -webkit-perspective
      • -webkit-perspective-origin
      • -webkit-transform
      • -webkit-transform-origin
      • -webkit-transform-origin-x
      • -webkit-transform-origin-y
      • -webkit-transform-origin-z
      • -webkit-transform-style
      • -webkit-transition
      • -webkit-transition-delay
      • -webkit-transition-duration
      • -webkit-transition-property
      • -webkit-transition-property
      • -webkit-transition-timing-function
      • -webkit-background-clip
      • -webkit-background-composite
      • -webkit-background-origin
      • -webkit-background-size
      • -webkit-marquee-direction
      • -webkit-marquee-increment
      • -webkit-marquee-repetition
      • -webkit-marquee-speed
      • -webkit-marquee-style
      • -webkit-text-fill-color
      • -webkit-text-security
      • -webkit-text-size-adjust
      • -webkit-text-stroke
      • -webkit-text-stroke-color
      • -webkit-text-stroke-width
      • -webkit-line-break
      • -webkit-appearance
      • -webkit-nbsp-mode
      • -webkit-rtl-ordering
      • -webkit-user-drag
      • -webkit-user-modify
      • -webkit-user-select
      • -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing
      • -webkit-border-vertical-spacing
      • -webkit-column-break-after
      • -webkit-column-break-before
      • -webkit-column-break-inside
      • -webkit-column-count
      • -webkit-column-gap
      • -webkit-column-rule
      • -webkit-column-rule-color
      • -webkit-column-rule-style
      • -webkit-column-rule-width
      • -webkit-column-rule-width
      • -webkit-columns
      • -webkit-box-align
      • -webkit-box-direction
      • -webkit-box-flex
      • -webkit-box-flex-group
      • -webkit-box-lines
      • -webkit-box-ordinal-group
      • -webkit-box-orient
      • -webkit-box-pack
      • -webkit-touch-callout
      • -webkit-dashboard-region
      • -webkit-tap-highlight-color
    WebKit-Specific Unsupported Properties
    • -webkit-border-fit

    • -webkit-font-size-delta

    • -webkit-highlight

    • -webkit-line-clamp

    • -webkit-match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color

    • -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect

    • -webkit-transition-repeat-count

    Unsupported Properties from the CSS Specification
    • font-size-adjust—Describes the font aspect ratio to preserve proportionality in the event of font substitution. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1; reintroduced in CSS 3.

    • font-stretch—Selects a normal, condensed, or extended variant of a font in an element or describes availability of these variants in a font definition. Declared in CSS 2.1/CSS 3.

    • marker-offset—Sets the offset of a marker (abullet in a bulleted list, for example). Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

    • marks—Sets what type of crop marks to use on paged media. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

    • page—Used for named page support. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

    • quotes—Sets the quotation mark characters used for nested <q> tags.

    • size—Sets page dimensions for paged media. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

    • speak-header—Sets whether a browser should speak the contents of the corresponding table heading cell before speaking the contents of each cell. Unsupported CSS 2 aural media property. Aural media deprecated in CSS 2.1. Property reintroduced in CSS 3

    • text-line-through—Composite property describing overstrike color, style, and mode. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-line-through-color—Describes color for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-line-through-mode—Describes the mode for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-line-through-style—Describes the style for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-line-through-width—Describes the width for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-overline—Composite property describing overline color, style, mode, and width(like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-overline-color—Describes the color of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-overline-mode—Describes the mode of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-overline-style—Describes the style of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-overline-width—Describes the width of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-underline—Composite property describing underline color, style, mode, and width. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-underline-color—Describes the color of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-underline-mode—Describes the mode of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-underline-style—Describes the style of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

    • text-underline-width—Describes the width of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

    Unsupported Properties Specific to Other Browsers
    • scrollbar-3dlight-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

    • scrollbar-arrow-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

    • scrollbar-darkshadow-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

    • scrollbar-face-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

    • scrollbar-highlight-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

    • scrollbar-shadow-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

    • scrollbar-track-color—Microsoft Internet Explorer property.


    至于怎么用?google 一下你就知道!

    google chrome渲染的没有safari 4的好,应该是内核没有升级,要么就是没有针对windows进行优化



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhihaowang/p/10128444.html
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