docker:/root/sbin# cat #!/bin/bash #This script is dynamic modify docker container disk #Author Deng Lei if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ]; then echo "Usage: container_name increase_capacity" echo "Example: I want increase 11G to test" echo "The command is: sh `basename $0` test 11" exit 1 fi if [ `docker inspect $1 &>>/dev/null && echo 0 || echo 1` -eq 1 ];then echo "The container $1 is no exist!" exit 1 fi container_id=`docker inspect -f '{{ .Id }}' $1` now_disk=`dmsetup table /dev/mapper/docker-*-$container_id|awk '{print $2}'` disk=$(($2*1024*1024*1024/512)) if [ $disk -lt $now_disk ];then echo "I can't shink container $1 from $(($now_disk*512/1024/1024/1024))G to ${2}G!I only modify contanier increase disk!" exit 1 fi dmsetup table /dev/mapper/docker-*-$container_id|sed "s/0 [0-9]* thin/0 $disk thin/"|dmsetup load /dev/mapper/docker-*-$container_id dmsetup resume /dev/mapper/docker-*-$container_id resize2fs /dev/mapper/docker-*-$container_id if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "dynamic container $1 disk to ${2}G is success!" else echo "dynamic container $1 disk to ${2}G is fail!" fi docker:/root/sbin# sh ./ d460fd1a2b32 50