作者联系方式:李先静 <xianjimli at hotmail dot com>
- 'Mobile Explorer for MobileX installer
- set shl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- set sha = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- install_path = shl.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%") + "/mobile_me"
- system_root = shl.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%") + "/system32"
- if fso.FolderExists(install_path) then
- fso.DeleteFolder(install_path)
- end if
- fso.CreateFolder(install_path)
- set folder = fso.GetFolder("./")
- set files = folder.files
- for each file in files
- file.Copy(install_path + "/" + file.name)
- next
- filenames = Split("libexpat.dll,mehost.dll,mobilex_me.dll", ",")
- for x=0 to UBound(filenames)
- set file = fso.GetFile(install_path + "/" + filenames(x))
- file.Copy(system_root + "/" + filenames(x))
- next
- sha.ShellExecute install_path + "/WceRndis.inf", "", "", "install", 1
- sha.ShellExecute install_path + "/WceIS.inf", "", "", "install", 1
- sha.ShellExecute install_path + "/wceusbsh.inf", "", "", "install", 1
- shl.Run "regsvr32 """ + system_root + """/mobilex_me.dll", , true
- 'Mobile Explorer for MobileX uninstaller
- set shl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- install_path = shl.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%") + "/mobile_me"
- system_root = shl.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%") + "/system32"
- shl.Run "regsvr32 /u """ + system_root + """/mobilex_me.dll", , true
- On Error Resume Next
- if fso.FolderExists(install_path) then
- fso.DeleteFolder(install_path)
- end if
- filenames = Split("libexpat.dll,mehost.dll,mobilex_me.dll", ",")
- for x=0 to UBound(filenames)
- filename=system_root + "/" + filenames(x)
- if fso.FileExists(filename) then
- fso.DeleteFile(filename)
- end if
- next