• 表格可在线编辑效果


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    <title>网页特效 可在线编辑的表格 站长特效网欢迎您。</title>
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    <div id="www_zzjs_net">
    <table id="TheTable" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed">
    <input id="ButtonAddRow" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Add Row" onclick="addRow()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonRemoveRow" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Remove Row" onclick="removeRow()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonAddCell" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Add Cell" onclick="addCell()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonRemoveCell" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Remove Cell" onclick="removeCell()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonMoveUp" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Move Up" onclick="moveUp()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonMoveDown" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Move Down" onclick="moveDown()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonMoveLeft" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Move Left" onclick="moveLeft()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonMoveRight" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Move Right" onclick="moveRight()"><br>
    <input id="ButtonEditContents" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Edit Contents" onclick="editContents();">
    <input type=text style="display: none;  400px;" id="EditCell"><br>
    <input id="ButtonEditStyle" style=" 200px;" type="button" value="Edit Table Style" onclick="editStyle();">
    <input type="text" style="display: none;  400px;" id="EditStyle"><br>
      var lastSelection = null;
      ButtonAddRow.setExpression("disabled", "nothingSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonRemoveRow.setExpression("disabled", "! rowSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonAddCell.setExpression("disabled", "nothingSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonRemoveCell.setExpression("disabled", "! cellSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonMoveUp.setExpression("disabled", "! rowSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonMoveDown.setExpression("disabled", "! rowSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonMoveLeft.setExpression("disabled", "! cellSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonMoveRight.setExpression("disabled", "! cellSelected(lastSelection)");
      ButtonEditContents.setExpression("disabled", "(! cellSelected(lastSelection)) || (EditCell.style.display == '')");
      ButtonEditStyle.setExpression("disabled", "(EditStyle.style.display == '')");
      ButtonEditStyle.setExpression("value", "'Edit ' + whatIsSelected(lastSelection) + ' Style'");
    function select(element) {
      var e, r, c;
      if (element == null) {
      e = window.event.srcElement;
      } else {
      e = element;
      if ((window.event.altKey) || (e.tagName == "TR")) {
      r = findRow(e);
      if (r != null) {
      if (lastSelection != null) {
      lastSelection = r;
      } else {
      c = findCell(e);
      if (c != null) {
      if (lastSelection != null) {
      lastSelection = c;
     window.event.cancelBubble = true;
    www_zzjs_net.onclick = select;
    function cancelSelect() {
     if (window.event.srcElement.tagName != "BODY")
     if (lastSelection != null) {
      lastSelection = null;
    document.onclick = cancelSelect;
    function findRow(e) {
      if (e.tagName == "TR") {
      return e;
      } else if (e.tagName == "BODY") {
      return null;
      } else {
      return findRow(e.parentElement);
    function findCell(e) {
      if (e.tagName == "TD") {
      return e;
      } else if (e.tagName == "BODY") {
      return null;
      } else {
      return findCell(e.parentElement);
    function deselectRowOrCell(r) {
      r.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = "";
      r.runtimeStyle.color = "";
      //r.runtimeStyle.fontFamily = "Verdana";
    function selectRowOrCell(r) {
      r.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = "darkblue";
      r.runtimeStyle.color = "white";
      //r.runtimeStyle.fontFamily = "Verdana";
    function addRow() {
      var r, p, nr;
      if (lastSelection == null) {
      r = null;
      p = TheTable.children[0];
      } else {
      r = lastSelection;
     if (r.tagName == "TD") {
      r = r.parentElement;
     p = r.parentElement;
     nr = document.createElement("TR");
     p.insertBefore(nr, r);
     return nr;
    function removeRow() {
      var r, p, nr;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     r = lastSelection;
     if (r.tagName == "TD") {
      r = r.parentElement;
     p = r.parentElement;
     lastSelection = null;
      return r;
    function addCell() {
      var r, p, c, nc, text;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     r = lastSelection;
     if (r.tagName == "TD") {
      r = r.parentElement;
      c = lastSelection;
      } else {
      c = null;
     nc = document.createElement("TD");
      text = document.createTextNode("New Cell");
     nc.insertBefore(text, null);
      r.insertBefore(nc, c);
     return nc;
    function removeCell() {
      var c, p, nr;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     c = lastSelection;
     if (c.tagName != "TD") {
      return null;
     p = c.parentElement;
     lastSelection = null;
      return c;
    function editContents() {
      var c, p, nr;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     c = lastSelection;
     if (c.tagName != "TD") {
      return null;
     EditCell.style.display = "";
     EditCell.value = c.innerHTML;
     c.setExpression("innerHTML", "EditCell.value");
     EditCell.onblur = unhookContentsExpression;
    function unhookContentsExpression() {
      EditCell.value = '';
      EditCell.style.display = "none";
    function editStyle() {
      var c;
     if (lastSelection == null) {
      c = TheTable;
      } else {
      c = lastSelection;
      EditStyle.style.display = "";
     EditStyle.value = c.style.cssText;
     c.style.setExpression("cssText", "EditStyle.value");
     EditStyle.onblur = unhookStyleExpression;
    function unhookStyleExpression() {
      var c;
     if (lastSelection == null) {
      c = TheTable;
      } else {
      c = lastSelection;
     EditStyle.value = '';
      EditStyle.style.display = "none";
    function moveUp() {
      var r, p, ls;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     r = lastSelection;
     if (r.tagName != "TR") {
      return null;
     if (r.rowIndex == 0)
     ls = r.previousSibling;
     p = ls.parentElement;
     p.insertBefore(r, ls);
     return r;
    function moveDown() {
      var r, p, ls;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     r = lastSelection;
     if (r.tagName != "TR") {
      return null;
     ls = r.nextSibling;
     if (ls == null)
      return null;
     p = ls.parentElement;
     ls = ls.nextSibling;
     p.insertBefore(r, ls);
     return r;
    function moveLeft() {
      var c, p, ls;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     c = lastSelection;
     if (c.tagName != "TD") {
      return null;
     ls = c.previousSibling;
     if (ls == null)
      return null;
     p = ls.parentElement;
     p.insertBefore(c, ls);
     return c;
    function moveRight() {
      var c, p, ls;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     c = lastSelection;
     if (c.tagName != "TD") {
      return null;
     ls = c.nextSibling;
     if (ls == null)
      return null;
     p = ls.parentElement;
     ls = ls.nextSibling;
     p.insertBefore(c, ls);
     return c;
    function nothingSelected() {
      return (lastSelection == null);
    function rowSelected() {
      var c;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     c = lastSelection;
     return (c.tagName == "TR")
    function cellSelected() {
      var c;
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return false;
     c = lastSelection;
     return (c.tagName == "TD")
    function whatIsSelected() {
      if (lastSelection == null)
      return "Table";
      if (lastSelection.tagName == "TD")
      return "Cell";
      if (lastSelection.tagName == "TR")
      return "Row";

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangs1986/p/3642888.html
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