• lua api 官方文档 函数后面的方括号 说明 [-0, +0, –]


    每一个lua api 函数结尾都给出了这样的说明例如:

    [-0, +1, –]


    方括号里面有三个字段我们称为[-o, +p, x]



    void lua_settable (lua_State *L, int index); [-2, +0, e]

     [-2, +0, e] 有球settable会弹出2个元素压入0个元素,这个函数会抛出错误。




    Here we list all functions and types from the C API in alphabetical order. Each function has an indicator like this:[-o, +p, x]

    The first field, o, is how many elements the function pops from the stack. The second field, p, is how many elements the function pushes onto the stack. (Any function always pushes its results after popping its arguments.) A field in the form x|y means the function can push (or pop) x or y elements, depending on the situation; an interrogation mark '?' means that we cannot know how many elements the function pops/pushes by looking only at its arguments (e.g., they may depend on what is on the stack). The third field, x, tells whether the function may raise errors: '-' means the function never raises any error; 'm' means the function may raise out-of-memory errors and errors running a __gc metamethod; 'e' means the function may raise any errors (it can run arbitrary Lua code, either directly or through metamethods); 'v' means the function may raise an error on purpose.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangdongsheng/p/8971761.html
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