#1、列表生成式 l=[] for i in range(6): l.append('egg%s' %i) print(l) ''' ['egg0', 'egg1', 'egg2', 'egg3', 'egg4', 'egg5'] ''' l=['egg%s' %i for i in range(6)] print(l) l=['egg%s' %i for i in range(15) if i > 10] print(l) ''' ['egg0', 'egg1', 'egg2', 'egg3', 'egg4', 'egg5'] ['egg11', 'egg12', 'egg13', 'egg14'] ''' #2、生成器表达式 l=('egg%s' %i for i in range(15) if i > 10) print(next(l)) print(next(l)) print(next(l)) ''' egg11 egg12 egg13 ''' #3、练习题 names=['egon','alex_sb','wupeiqi','yuanhao','lxx'] res=map(lambda x:x.upper(),names) #使用map函数把names列表中的值经过lambda匿名函数变为大写 names=list(res) print(names) ''' ['EGON', 'ALEX_SB', 'WUPEIQI', 'YUANHAO', 'LXX'] ''' #列表生成器 names=['egon','alex_sb','wupeiqi','yuanhao','lxx'] names=[name.upper() for name in names] print(names) ''' ['EGON', 'ALEX_SB', 'WUPEIQI', 'YUANHAO', 'LXX'] ''' names=['egon','alex_sb','wupeiqi','yuanhao','lxx'] names=[len(name) for name in names if not name.endswith('sb')] print(names) ''' [4, 7, 7, 3] ''' # nums=[] # with open('a.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: # for line in f: # # print(len(line)) # nums.append(len(line)) # # print(max(nums)) with open('a.txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: # nums=(len(line) for line in f) # print(nums) # print(next(nums)) # print(next(nums)) # print(next(nums)) # print(max(nums)) # print(max(nums)) # max((len(line) for line in f)) print(max(len(line) for line in f))