pip3 install 安装包名.whl
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf8 # author:Z time:2018/8/27 """ Simple Snake console game for Python 3. From https://github.com/borisuvarov/cursed_snake Use it as introduction to curses module. Warning: curses module available only in Unix. On Windows use UniCurses (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/UniCurses). UniCurses is not installed by default. """ import curses # https://docs.python.org/3/library/curses.html import time import random def redraw(): # Redraws game field and it's content after every turn # win.erase() win.clear() draw_food() # Draws food on the game field draw_snake() # Draws snake draw_menu() win.refresh() def draw_menu(): win.addstr(0,0, "Score: " + str(len(snake) - 2) + " Press 'q' to quit", curses.color_pair(5)) def draw_snake(): try: n = 0 # There can be only one head for pos in snake: # Snake is the list of [y, x], so we swap them below if n == 0: win.addstr(pos[1], pos[0], "@", curses.color_pair(ex_foodcolor)) # Draws head else: win.addstr(pos[1], pos[0], "#", curses.color_pair(ex_foodcolor)) # Draws segment of the body n += 1 except Exception as drawingerror: print(drawingerror, str(cols), str(rows)) def draw_food(): for pos in food: win.addstr(pos[1], pos[0], "+", curses.color_pair(foodcolor)) def drop_food(): x = random.randint(1, cols - 2) y = random.randint(1, rows - 2) for pos in snake: # Do not drop food on snake if pos == [x, y]: drop_food() food.append([x, y]) def move_snake(): global snake # List global grow_snake # Boolean global cols, rows # Integers head = snake[0] # Head is the first element of "snake list" if not grow_snake: # Remove tail if food was not eaten on this turn snake.pop() else: # If food was eaten on this turn, we don't pop last item of list, grow_snake = False # but we restore default state of grow_snake if direction == DIR_UP: # Calculate the position of the head head = [head[0], head[1] - 1] # We will swap x and y in draw_snake() if head[1] == 0: head[1] = rows - 2 # Snake passes through the border elif direction == DIR_DOWN: head = [head[0], head[1] + 1] if head[1] == rows - 1: head[1] = 1 elif direction == DIR_LEFT: head = [head[0] - 1, head[1]] if head[0] == 0: head[0] = cols - 2 elif direction == DIR_RIGHT: head = [head[0] + 1, head[1]] if head[0] == cols - 1: head[0] = 1 snake.insert(0, head) # Insert new head def is_food_collision(): for pos in food: if pos == snake[0]: food.remove(pos) global foodcolor global ex_foodcolor ex_foodcolor = foodcolor foodcolor = random.randint(1, 6) # Pick random color of the next food return True return False def game_over(): global is_game_over is_game_over = True win.erase() win.addstr(10, 20, "Game over! Your score is " + str(len(snake)) + " Press 'q' to quit", curses.color_pair(1)) def is_suicide(): # If snake collides with itself, game is over for i in range(1, len(snake)): if snake[i] == snake[0]: return True return False def end_game(): curses.nocbreak() win.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() # Initialisation starts -------------------------------------------- DIR_UP = 0 # Snake's directions, values are not important, DIR_RIGHT = 1 # they сan be "a", "b", "c", "d" or something else DIR_DOWN = 2 DIR_LEFT = 3 is_game_over = False grow_snake = False snake = [[10, 5], [9, 5]] # Set snake size and position direction = DIR_RIGHT food = [] foodcolor = 2 ex_foodcolor = 3 win = curses.initscr() # Game field in console initialised with curses module curses.start_color() # Enables colors curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) win.keypad(1) # Enable arrow keys win.nodelay(1) # Do not wait for keypress curses.curs_set(0) # Hide cursor curses.cbreak() # Read keys instantaneously curses.noecho() # Do not print stuff when keys are pressed rows, cols = win.getmaxyx() # Get terminal window size # Initialisation ends --------------------------------------------- # Main loop starts ------------------------------------------------ drop_food() redraw() while True: if is_game_over is False: redraw() key = win.getch() # Returns a key, if pressed time.sleep(0.1) # Speed of the game if key != -1: # win.getch returns -1 if no key is pressed if key == curses.KEY_UP: if direction != DIR_DOWN: # Snake can't go up if she goes down direction = DIR_UP elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: if direction != DIR_LEFT: direction = DIR_RIGHT elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: if direction != DIR_UP: direction = DIR_DOWN elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT: if direction != DIR_RIGHT: direction = DIR_LEFT elif chr(key) == "q": break if is_game_over is False: move_snake() if is_suicide(): game_over() if is_food_collision(): drop_food() grow_snake = True end_game() # Main loop ends --------------------------------------------------