POJ 3083 -- Children of the Candy Corn(DFS+BFS)
比如说右转优先,即为向右,向前,向左,向后,即逆时针方向for(int i=1;i>=-2;i--)
左转优先,即为向左,向前,向右,向后,即顺时针方向for(int i=-1;i<=3;i++)
1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<queue> 4 #include<cstdio> 5 using namespace std; 6 int r,c;///行r,列c 7 int r0,c0,r3,c3;///r0,c0用来标记入口,r3,c3用来标记出口 8 const char *dirs = "NESW"; 9 const int maxn = 41; 10 char square[maxn][maxn]; 11 const int dr[] = {-1,0,1,0}; 12 const int dc[] = { 0,1,0,-1}; 13 struct node{ 14 int row,col,deep; 15 int dir;///0123对应NESW 16 node(int row=0,int col=0,int dir=0,int deep=0):row(row),col(col),dir(dir),deep(deep){} 17 }; 18 bool inside(int xx,int yy) 19 { 20 return xx>=1 && xx<=r && yy>=1 && yy<=c; 21 } 22 23 bool flag1; 24 int step1; 25 void dfs1(node *way,int x,int y,int d,int step) 26 {///左转优先 27 way[step].row = x; 28 way[step].col = y; 29 way[step].dir = d; 30 if(x==r3 && y==c3)///走到出口 31 { 32 step1 = step; 33 flag1 = true; 34 return; 35 } 36 for(int i=-1;i<=3;i++) 37 { 38 int tempDir = (way[step].dir + 4 + i)%4;///进行旋转 39 int xx = way[step].row + dr[tempDir]; 40 int yy = way[step].col + dc[tempDir]; 41 if(inside(xx,yy) && square[xx][yy]!='#') 42 {///没有出界,可以行走 43 dfs1(way,xx,yy,tempDir,step+1); 44 } 45 if(flag1) 46 return; 47 } 48 return; 49 } 50 51 int step2;bool flag2; 52 void dfs2(node *way,int x,int y,int d,int step) 53 {///右转优先 54 way[step].row = x; 55 way[step].col = y; 56 way[step].dir = d; 57 if(x==r3 && y==c3)///走到出口 58 { 59 step2 = step; 60 flag2 = true; 61 return; 62 } 63 for(int i=1;i>=-2;i--) 64 { 65 int tempDir = (way[step].dir + 4 + i)%4;///进行旋转 66 int xx = way[step].row + dr[tempDir]; 67 int yy = way[step].col + dc[tempDir]; 68 if(inside(xx,yy) && square[xx][yy]!='#') 69 {///没有出界,可以行走 70 dfs2(way,xx,yy,tempDir,step+1); 71 } 72 if(flag2) 73 return; 74 } 75 return; 76 } 77 node d[maxn][maxn][4]; 78 79 void bfs(int x,int y,int d) 80 { 81 queue<node> q; 82 node u(x,y,d,1);///入口结点 83 q.push(u); 84 while(!q.empty()) 85 { 86 node u = q.front();q.pop(); 87 if(u.row == r3 && u.col == c3) 88 { 89 cout<<u.deep<<endl; 90 return; 91 } 92 for(int i=0;i<=3;i++) 93 { 94 int tempDir = (u.dir +i)%4;///进行旋转 95 int xx = u.row + dr[tempDir]; 96 int yy = u.col + dc[tempDir]; 97 if(inside(xx,yy) && square[xx][yy]!='#') 98 {///没有出界,可以行走 99 node v(xx,yy,tempDir,u.deep+1); 100 q.push(v); 101 } 102 } 103 } 104 } 105 106 int startDir() 107 {///计算从入口进入之后的方向 108 if(r0 == 1) return 2; 109 else if(r0 == r) return 0; 110 else if(c0 == 1) return 1; 111 else return 3; 112 } 113 int main() 114 { 115 int n; 116 cin>>n; 117 while(n--) 118 { 119 cin>>c>>r;///输入为先输入列数,在输入行数 120 char temp; 121 for(int i=1;i<=r;i++) 122 for(int j=1;j<=c;j++) 123 { 124 temp = getchar(); 125 while(temp == ' ') temp = getchar(); 126 square[i][j] = temp; 127 if(temp == 'S'){r0 = i;c0 = j;} 128 if(temp == 'E'){r3 = i;c3 = j;} 129 } 130 node *way = new node[maxn*maxn]; 131 ///求解左转优先 132 flag1 = false;step1 = 1; 133 int startdir = startDir(); 134 dfs1(way,r0,c0,startdir,1); 135 if(flag1) cout<<step1<<" "; 136 ///求解右转优先 137 flag2 = false;step2 = 1; 138 dfs2(way,r0,c0,startdir,1); 139 if(flag2) cout<<step2<<" "; 140 ///求解最短路径 141 bfs(r0,c0,startdir); 142 } 143 return 0; 144 }
Time Limit Exceeded原因:POJ对STL兼容性不高,使用queue超时
最后,BFS不能走重复路线,否则会陷入死循环,Runtime Error
1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<cstdio> 4 using namespace std; 5 int r,c;///行r,列c 6 int r0,c0,r3,c3;///r0,c0用来标记入口,r3,c3用来标记出口 7 8 const int maxn = 42; 9 char square[maxn][maxn]; 10 const int dr[] = {-1,0,1,0}; 11 const int dc[] = { 0,1,0,-1}; 12 13 struct node{ 14 int row,col,deep; 15 int dir;///0123对应NESW 16 node(int row=0,int col=0,int dir=0,int deep=0):row(row),col(col),dir(dir),deep(deep){} 17 }; 18 bool inside(int xx,int yy) 19 { 20 return xx>=1 && xx<=r && yy>=1 && yy<=c; 21 } 22 int dfs12(int x,int y,int d) 23 {///左转优先 24 if(square[x][y] == 'E') 25 return 1; 26 int tempDir,xx,yy; 27 for(int i=-1;i<=3;i++) 28 { 29 tempDir = (d + 4 + i)%4;///进行旋转 30 xx = x + dr[tempDir]; 31 yy = y + dc[tempDir]; 32 if(inside(xx,yy) && square[xx][yy]!='#') 33 {///没有出界,可以行走 34 break; 35 } 36 } 37 return dfs12(xx,yy,tempDir)+1; 38 } 39 int dfs22(int x,int y,int d) 40 {///you转优先 41 if(square[x][y] == 'E') 42 return 1; 43 int tempDir,xx,yy; 44 45 for(int i=1;i>=-2;i--) 46 { 47 tempDir = (d + 4 + i)%4;///进行旋转 48 xx = x + dr[tempDir]; 49 yy = y + dc[tempDir]; 50 if(inside(xx,yy) && square[xx][yy]!='#') 51 {///没有出界,可以行走 52 break; 53 } 54 } 55 return dfs22(xx,yy,tempDir)+1; 56 } 57 58 node queue[1600]; 59 bool has_walk[maxn][maxn]; 60 void bfs(int x,int y,int d) 61 { 62 int head=0,tail=1; 63 node u(x,y,d,1); 64 has_walk[x][y] = false; 65 queue[head] = u;///入口结点 66 while(head<tail) 67 { 68 node u = queue[head++]; 69 if(u.row == r3 && u.col == c3) 70 { 71 cout<<u.deep<<endl; 72 return; 73 } 74 for(int i=0;i<=3;i++) 75 { 76 int tempDir = (u.dir +i)%4;///进行旋转 77 int xx = u.row + dr[tempDir]; 78 int yy = u.col + dc[tempDir]; 79 if(inside(xx,yy) && square[xx][yy]!='#' && has_walk[xx][yy]) 80 {///没有出界,可以行走,没有走过true 81 node v(xx,yy,tempDir,u.deep+1); 82 has_walk[xx][yy] = false; 83 queue[tail] = v; 84 tail++; 85 } 86 } 87 } 88 } 89 90 int startDir() 91 {///计算从入口进入之后的方向 92 if(r0 == 1) return 2; 93 else if(r0 == r) return 0; 94 else if(c0 == 1) return 1; 95 else return 3; 96 } 97 int main() 98 { 99 int n; 100 while(cin>>n) 101 while(n--) 102 { 103 cin>>c>>r;///输入为先输入列数,在输入行数 104 memset(has_walk,true,sizeof(has_walk));///true表示当前格子没有走过,可以走 105 char temp; 106 for(int i=1;i<=r;i++) 107 for(int j=1;j<=c;j++) 108 { 109 temp = getchar(); 110 while(temp == ' ') temp = getchar(); 111 square[i][j] = temp; 112 if(temp == 'S'){r0 = i;c0 = j;} 113 if(temp == 'E'){r3 = i;c3 = j;} 114 } 115 ///求解左转优先 116 int startdir = startDir(); 117 cout<<dfs12(r0,c0,startdir)<<" "; 118 ///求解右转优先 119 cout<<dfs22(r0,c0,startdir)<<" "; 120 ///求解最短路径 121 bfs(r0,c0,startdir); 122 } 123 return 0; 124 }
5 8 8 ######## #......# #.####.# #.####.# #.####.# #.####.# #...#..# #S#E#### 9 5 ######### #.#.#.#.# S.......E #.#.#.#.# ######### 8 5 ######## #.#.#..# S......E #.#.#..# ######## 2 3 ## SE ## 8 8 ######E# #......# #.####.# #.####.# #.####.# #.####.# #...#..# #S######
结果: 37 5 5 17 17 9 14 14 8 2 2 2 13 29 13