• 关于有固定列的eltable 在滚动加载的时候固定列的行和非固定列的行对不齐有几px的错位且doLayout不生效有对应的解决方案

    关于有固定列的el-table 在滚动加载的时候固定列的行和非固定列的行对不齐有几px的错位且doLayout不生效有对应的解决方案:



    // @ts-ignore
    import elInfiniteScroll from "element-ui/lib/infinite-scroll";
    const elScope = "ElInfiniteScroll";
    const msgTitle = `[el-table-infinite-scroll]: `;
    const elTableScrollWrapperClass = ".el-table__body-wrapper";
    // 处理滚动过程中固定列的行和非固定列的行不对齐的情况
    function handleException( el: HTMLElement , scrollElem: HTMLElement, addEventLister: boolean = true) {
      let scrollTimer: any = null;
      function scrollCallback() {
        scrollTimer = setTimeout(() => {
          const scrollFixedElem = el.querySelector(".el-table__fixed-body-wrapper") as any;
          if (!scrollFixedElem) {
          if (scrollFixedElem.scrollTop !== scrollElem.scrollTop) {
            scrollFixedElem.scrollTop = scrollElem.scrollTop;
          const barHeight = 8;
          const tableHeaderHeight = 50;
          if (scrollElem.scrollHeight + barHeight === scrollElem.scrollTop + scrollElem.offsetHeight) {
            scrollFixedElem.style.top = tableHeaderHeight - barHeight + "px";
          } else {
            scrollFixedElem.style.top = tableHeaderHeight + "px";
        }, 0);
      if (addEventLister) {
        scrollElem.addEventListener("scroll", scrollCallback);
      } else {
        scrollElem.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollCallback);
     * 同步 el-infinite-scroll 的配置项
     * @param sourceVNode
     * @param sourceElem
     * @param targetElem
    function asyncElOptions(sourceVNode: any, sourceElem: any, targetElem: any) {
      let value;
      ["disabled", "delay", "immediate"].forEach((name: string) => {
        name = "infinite-scroll-" + name;
        value = sourceElem.getAttribute(name);
        if (value !== null) {
          targetElem.setAttribute(name, value);
      // fix: windows/chrome 的 scrollTop + clientHeight 与 scrollHeight 不一致的 BUG
      const name = "infinite-scroll-distance";
      value = sourceElem.getAttribute(name);
      targetElem.setAttribute(name, value < 1 ? 1 : value);
    export default {
      inserted(el: any, binding: any, vnode: any, oldVnode: any) {
        // 获取 table 中的滚动层
        const scrollElem = el.querySelector(elTableScrollWrapperClass);
        // 如果没找到元素,返回错误
        if (!scrollElem) {
          throw `${msgTitle}找不到 ${elTableScrollWrapperClass} 容器`;
        // 设置自动滚动
        scrollElem.style.overflowY = "auto";
        // dom 渲染后
        setTimeout(() => {
          // if (!el.style.height) {
          //   scrollElem.style.height = "400px";
          //   console.warn(
          //     `${msgTitle}请尽量设置 el-table 的高度,可以设置为 auto/100%(自适应高度),未设置会取 400px 的默认值(不然会导致一直加载)`
          //   );
          // }
          asyncElOptions(vnode, el, scrollElem);
          // 绑定 infinite-scroll
          elInfiniteScroll.inserted(scrollElem, binding, vnode, oldVnode);
          // 将子集的引用放入 el 上,用于 unbind 中销毁事件
          el[elScope] = scrollElem[elScope];
        }, 0);
        // 处理滚动过程中固定列的行和非固定列的行不对齐的情况
        handleException( el, scrollElem);
      componentUpdated(el: any, binding: any, vnode: any) {
        asyncElOptions(vnode, el, el.querySelector(elTableScrollWrapperClass));
      unbind: (el: any) => {
        try {
          const scrollElem = el.querySelector(elTableScrollWrapperClass);
          handleException( el, scrollElem, false);
        } catch (e) {


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ygunoil/p/16060371.html
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