How to start and stop exe
From Forum Nokia Wiki
Reviewer Approved To start a exe
Symbian 8 and earlier
#include <eikdll.h>
TInt err = EikDll::StartExeL(_L("c:\\system\\apps\\test.exe"));
Symbian 9, for Server or Console application
#include <apgcli.h> // link against apgrfx.lib
#include <apacmdln.h> // link against apparc.lib
TThreadId app_threadid;
CApaCommandLine* cmdLine;
cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandRun );
RApaLsSession ls;
TInt err=ls.StartApp(*cmdLine,app_threadid);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cmdLine
Symbian 9, for View-based application
#include <apgcli.h> // link against apgrfx.lib
const TUid KAppUid={0x12345678};
TThreadId app_threadid;
RApaLsSession ls;
TInt err=ls.StartDocument(KDocName, KAppUid, app_threadid);
Symbian 9, RProcess
_LIT(KMyExeFileCmd,"first_argument second third");
RProcess proc;
// start the process running! Don't forget this.
proc.Close(); // Closes the handle, not the process.
To stop it
First, you need to find the process
On Symbian 9, process name is in the following format:
<name>[<UID3>]<instance number>
where: <name> - the name of executable or the name of Console - so remember it can be changed;
<UID3> - UID3 of executable, in lowercase HEX, 8 digits, always the same;
<instance number> - instance number, 4 digits, starting from 0001. For example name of kernel process is:
Note: For S60 3rd Edition development, you are required the PowerMgmt capability to achieve this task.
TFindProcess processFinder(_L("test.exe*")); // by name, case-sensitive
//TFindProcess processFinder(_L("*[12345678]*")); // by UID3
TFullName result;
RProcess processHandle;
while ( processFinder.Next(result) == KErrNone)
User::LeaveIfError(processHandle.Open ( processFinder, EOwnerThread));
"Danger, Will Robinson!" |
- Killing a process is bad practice as the internal state of the process and of the resources it might have open cannot be controlled. It is recommended that your implement a communication mechanism that would allow you to tell your daemon to release the reserved resources and then exit.
From Forum Nokia Wiki
Reviewer Approved To start a exe
Symbian 8 and earlier
#include <eikdll.h>
TInt err = EikDll::StartExeL(_L("c:\\system\\apps\\test.exe"));
Symbian 9, for Server or Console application
#include <apgcli.h> // link against apgrfx.lib
#include <apacmdln.h> // link against apparc.lib
TThreadId app_threadid;
CApaCommandLine* cmdLine;
cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandRun );
RApaLsSession ls;
TInt err=ls.StartApp(*cmdLine,app_threadid);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cmdLine
Symbian 9, for View-based application
#include <apgcli.h> // link against apgrfx.lib
const TUid KAppUid={0x12345678};
TThreadId app_threadid;
RApaLsSession ls;
TInt err=ls.StartDocument(KDocName, KAppUid, app_threadid);
Symbian 9, RProcess
_LIT(KMyExeFileCmd,"first_argument second third");
RProcess proc;
// start the process running! Don't forget this.
proc.Close(); // Closes the handle, not the process.
To stop it
First, you need to find the process
On Symbian 9, process name is in the following format:
<name>[<UID3>]<instance number>
where: <name> - the name of executable or the name of Console - so remember it can be changed;
<UID3> - UID3 of executable, in lowercase HEX, 8 digits, always the same;
<instance number> - instance number, 4 digits, starting from 0001. For example name of kernel process is:
Note: For S60 3rd Edition development, you are required the PowerMgmt capability to achieve this task.
TFindProcess processFinder(_L("test.exe*")); // by name, case-sensitive
//TFindProcess processFinder(_L("*[12345678]*")); // by UID3
TFullName result;
RProcess processHandle;
while ( processFinder.Next(result) == KErrNone)
User::LeaveIfError(processHandle.Open ( processFinder, EOwnerThread));
"Danger, Will Robinson!" |
- Killing a process is bad practice as the internal state of the process and of the resources it might have open cannot be controlled. It is recommended that your implement a communication mechanism that would allow you to tell your daemon to release the reserved resources and then exit.