复制以下代码 然后执行
或者下载wget http://amysql.com/file/AMH/3.2/amh.sh; chmod 775 amh.sh; ./amh.sh 2>&1 | tee amh.log;
#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH wget http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/libiconv-1.14.tar.gz clear; # Logo ****************************************************************** CopyrightLogo=' AMH 5.2 Powered by amh.sh 2006-2015 http://amh.sh All Rights Reserved =========================================================================='; echo "$CopyrightLogo"; # VAR ****************************************************************** InstallModel=$1; InstallFrom=$2; SysName=''; SysBit=''; CpuNum=''; RamTotal=''; RamSwap=''; StartDate=''; StartDateSecond=''; RandomValue=$RANDOM; IPAddress=`ip addr | egrep -o '[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}' | egrep -v "^192.168|^172.1[6-9].|^172.2[0-9].|^172.3[0-2].|^10.|^127.|^255." | head -n 1`; DefaultPassword=''; InstallStatus=''; ServerLocation=''; MirrorHost='code.amh.sh'; # Version AMHVersion='amh-5.2'; AMHConfVersion='amh-conf-5.2'; LibiconvVersion='libiconv-1.14'; MysqlVersion='mysql-generic-5.5.40'; PhpVersion='php-generic-5.3.28'; NginxVersion='nginx-generic-1.6.0'; # InstallModel if [ "$InstallModel" == 'gcc' ]; then MysqlVersion='mysql-5.5.40'; PhpVersion='php-5.3.28'; NginxVersion='nginx-1.6.0'; fi; # Function List ******************************************************************************* function CheckSystem() { [ $(id -u) != '0' ] && echo '[Error] Please use root to install AMH.' && exit; egrep -i "debian" /etc/issue /proc/version >/dev/null && SysName='Debian'; egrep -i "ubuntu" /etc/issue /proc/version >/dev/null && SysName='Ubuntu'; whereis -b yum | grep '/yum' >/dev/null && SysName='CentOS'; #egrep -i "red hat|redhat" /etc/issue /proc/version >/dev/null && SysName='RedHat'; #egrep -i "centos" /etc/issue /proc/version >/dev/null && SysName='CentOS'; [ "$SysName" == '' ] && echo '[Error] Your system is not supported install AMH' && exit; SysBit='32' && [ `getconf WORD_BIT` == '32' ] && [ `getconf LONG_BIT` == '64' ] && SysBit='64'; CpuNum=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'processor' | wc -l`; echo "${SysName} ${SysBit}Bit"; RamTotal=`free -m | grep 'Mem' | awk '{print $2}'`; RamSwap=`free -m | grep 'Swap' | awk '{print $2}'`; echo "Server ${IPAddress}"; echo "${CpuNum}*CPU, ${RamTotal}MB*RAM, ${RamSwap}MB*Swap"; echo ''; if ! echo "${MysqlVersion}${PhpVersion}" | grep '.*generic.*generic.*' >/dev/null; then RamSum=$[$RamTotal+$RamSwap]; [ "$SysBit" == '32' ] && [ "$RamSum" -lt '250' ] && echo -e "[Error] Not enough memory install AMH. (32bit system need memory: ${RamTotal}MB*RAM + ${RamSwap}MB*Swap > 250MB)" && exit; if [ "$SysBit" == '64' ] && [ "$RamSum" -lt '480' ]; then echo -e "[Error] Not enough memory install AMH. (64bit system need memory: ${RamTotal}MB*RAM + ${RamSwap}MB*Swap > 480MB)"; [ "$RamSum" -gt '250' ] && echo "[Notice] Please use 32bit system."; exit; fi; fi; } function SetPassword() { DefaultPassword=`echo -n "${IPAddress}_${RandomValue}_$(date)" | md5sum | sed "s/ .*//" | cut -b -12`; echo '[Notice] AMH and MySQL Account:'; echo "admin: ${DefaultPassword}"; echo -e "root: 33[36m${DefaultPassword} 33[0m "; echo '=========================================================================='; } function ConfirmInstall() { echo -e "[Notice] Confirm Install - AMH 5.2 Please select your nearest mirror: (1~4)" select selected in 'China [CN]' 'United States [USA]' 'Japan [JP]' 'Other [ALL]' 'Exit'; do break; done; [ "$selected" == 'Exit' ] && echo 'Exit Install.' && exit; [ "$selected" != '' ] && echo -e "[OK] You Selected: ${selected} " && ServerLocation=$selected && return 0; ConfirmInstall; } function CloseSelinux() { [ -s /etc/selinux/config ] && sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config; setenforce 0 >/dev/null 2>&1; } function InstallReady() { rm -rf /etc/localtime; ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime; echo "$ServerLocation" | grep -q 'China' && MirrorHost='code2.amh.sh'; if [ "$SysName" == 'CentOS' ]; then yum_repos_s=`ls /etc/yum.repos.d | wc -l`; if [ "$yum_repos_s" == '0' ]; then sed -i 's/^exclude/#exclude/' /etc/yum.conf; release_n='5' && grep 'release 6' /etc/issue && release_n='6'; basearch_n='i386' && [ "$SysBit" == '64' ] && basearch_n='x86_64'; cd /etc/yum.repos.d; wget http://${MirrorHost}/files/amh-redhat${release_n}-base.repo; sed -i "s#$releasever#$release_n#g" amh-redhat${release_n}-base.repo; sed -i "s#$basearch#$basearch_n#g" amh-redhat${release_n}-base.repo; yum clean all; yum makecache; fi; yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make curl bzip2 ntp vixie-cron; else apt-get -y update; apt-get -y install gcc g++ make curl bzip2 ntpdate cron; fi; ntpdate -u pool.ntp.org; StartDate=$(date); StartDateSecond=$(date +%s); echo "Start time: ${StartDate}"; groupadd www; useradd -m -s /sbin/nologin -g www www; mkdir -p /root/amh/{modules,conf}; mkdir -p /home/{wwwroot,usrdata}; cd /tmp/; wget http://${MirrorHost}/files/${AMHConfVersion}.tar.gz; tar -zxvf ${AMHConfVersion}.tar.gz; cp -a ./${AMHConfVersion}/conf /root/amh/; chmod -R 775 /root/amh/conf /root/amh/modules; gcc -o /bin/amh -Wall ./${AMHConfVersion}/conf/amh.c; chmod 4775 /bin/amh; echo $ServerLocation >/root/amh/conf/location.conf; rm -rf ${AMHConfVersion}.tar.gz ${AMHConfVersion} /root/amh/conf/amh.c; } function InstallBaseModule() { amh download ${LibiconvVersion}; amh download ${MysqlVersion}; amh download ${NginxVersion}; amh download ${PhpVersion}; amh download ${AMHVersion}; amh ${LibiconvVersion} install && amh ${MysqlVersion} install ${DefaultPassword} && amh ${NginxVersion} install && amh ${PhpVersion} install && amh ${AMHVersion} install ${NginxVersion} ${MysqlVersion} ${PhpVersion} ${DefaultPassword} ${DefaultPassword} ${InstallFrom} && InstallStatus='success'; } # AMH Installing **************************************************************************** CheckSystem; SetPassword; ConfirmInstall; CloseSelinux; InstallReady; InstallBaseModule; echo '=========================================================================='; if [ "${InstallStatus}" == 'success' ]; then echo '[AMH] Congratulations, AMH 5.2 install completed.'; echo "AMH Management: "; echo "http://${IPAddress}:8888"; echo "https://${IPAddress}:9999"; echo 'AMH User: admin'; echo -e "AMH Password: 33[36m${DefaultPassword} 33[0m "; echo "MySQL User: root"; echo -e "MySQL Password: 33[36m${DefaultPassword} 33[0m "; echo ''; echo "Start time: ${StartDate}"; echo "Completion time: $(date) (Use: $[($(date +%s)-StartDateSecond)/60] minute)"; echo 'More help please visit:http://amh.sh'; else echo 'Sorry, Failed to install AMH'; echo 'Please contact us: http://amh.sh'; fi; echo '==========================================================================';