• How to build runnable JARs with Spring dependencies using Maven

    If you need to build a runnable spring-based JAR using maven, there could be some problems in the spring's configuration parsing. You know, to build a runnable JAR we have to include in the JAR all the dependencies, and Maven can help a lot in this, for example using the maven-assembly-plugin.

    Here is a sample configuration of such plugin:


    The plugin works well, but if you have more than the simple spring-core dependency, than you could have an Exception like: 
    Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [http://www.springframework.org/schema/security]

    The problem is that spring uses in each module's JAR two meta files:

    • META-INF/spring.handlers
    • META-INF/spring.schemas

    such files are used in conjuction with configurations' XML Schemas to validate the application configuration even if the application is executed off-line. Because each Spring module brings these files, when the assemply plugin runs, it simply overwrites multiple times such files in the META-INF/ directory of the resulting JAR.
    As result, we have that some configurations can't be validated and so the BeanDefinitionParsingException is thrown.

    To avoid the problem we can use the maven-shade-plugin that performs some transformations to the resulting JAR's files. Here is an example configuration:


    As you can see we are specifying something more than the MainClass: we are also saying that when spring.handlers and spring.schemas files are found, their contents must be appended to already existing files in the META-INF directory.

    Running the maven package goal, we'll now get a working spring-based runnable JAR! 


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yangwn/p/Maven_Spring_Runnable_Jar.html
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