• Strassen矩阵乘法











    for i = 1 to col // row
        for j = 1 to row // col
            tmp = 0
            for k = 1 to col 
                tmp += A[i*col + k]*B[j + k*row]
            end for
            C[i*col + j] = tmp
        end for
    end for





    一共有8个(n/2)(n/2)的矩阵乘法和,4个(n/2)(n/2)的矩阵加法。再次使用以前的Master Method,

    T(n) = 8T(n/2) + T(n^2)



    下面就到了伟大的Strassen’s Idea了。谁也不知道他是怎么想出来这个算法的,但是呢,一个指导思想是,要想降低算法的时间复杂度,就要设法降低乘法的次数,这位Strassen做到了,将8次乘法减少到7次!









    Strassen 矩阵乘法实现


    #include <iostream>  
    using namespace std;   
    const int N = 6;     //Define the size of the Matrix  
    template<typename T>   
    void input(int n, T p[][N]) {   
         for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {   
             cout<<"Please Input Line "<<i+1<<endl;   
            for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {   
    template<typename T>   
    void output(int n, T C[][N]) {   
          cout<<"The Output Matrix is :"<<endl;   
         for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {   
            for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {   
    template<typename T>   
    void Matrix_Multiply(T A[][N], T B[][N], T C[][N]) {  //Calculating A*B->C  
         for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {   
            for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {   
                C[i][j] = 0;         
               for(int t=0; t<2; t++) {   
                   C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][t]*B[t][j];           
    template <typename T>   
    void Matrix_Add(int n, T X[][N], T Y[][N], T Z[][N]) {   
         for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {   
            for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {   
                Z[i][j] = X[i][j] + Y[i][j];           
    template <typename T>   
    void Matrix_Sub(int n, T X[][N], T Y[][N], T Z[][N]) {   
         for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {   
            for(int j=0; j<n; j++) {   
                Z[i][j] = X[i][j] - Y[i][j];           
    template <typename T>   
    void Strassen(int n, T A[][N], T B[][N], T C[][N]) {   
          T A11[N][N], A12[N][N], A21[N][N], A22[N][N];   
          T B11[N][N], B12[N][N], B21[N][N], B22[N][N];        
          T C11[N][N], C12[N][N], C21[N][N], C22[N][N];   
          T M1[N][N], M2[N][N], M3[N][N], M4[N][N], M5[N][N], M6[N][N], M7[N][N];   
          T AA[N][N], BB[N][N];   
         if(n == 2) {  //2-order  
             Matrix_Multiply(A, B, C);        
          } else {   
            for(int i=0; i<n/2; i++) {   
               for(int j=0; j<n/2; j++) {   
                   A11[i][j] = A[i][j];   
                   A12[i][j] = A[i][j+n/2];   
                   A21[i][j] = A[i+n/2][j];   
                   A22[i][j] = A[i+n/2][j+n/2];   
                   B11[i][j] = B[i][j];   
                   B12[i][j] = B[i][j+n/2];   
                   B21[i][j] = B[i+n/2][j];   
                   B22[i][j] = B[i+n/2][j+n/2];       
            //Calculate M1 = (A0 + A3) × (B0 + B3)  
             Matrix_Add(n/2, A11, A22, AA);   
             Matrix_Add(n/2, B11, B22, BB);   
             Strassen(n/2, AA, BB, M1);   
            //Calculate M2 = (A2 + A3) × B0  
             Matrix_Add(n/2, A21, A22, AA);   
             Strassen(n/2, AA, B11, M2);   
            //Calculate M3 = A0 × (B1 - B3)  
             Matrix_Sub(n/2, B12, B22, BB);   
             Strassen(n/2, A11, BB, M3);   
            //Calculate M4 = A3 × (B2 - B0)  
             Matrix_Sub(n/2, B21, B11, BB);   
             Strassen(n/2, A22, BB, M4);   
            //Calculate M5 = (A0 + A1) × B3  
             Matrix_Add(n/2, A11, A12, AA);   
             Strassen(n/2, AA, B22, M5);   
            //Calculate M6 = (A2 - A0) × (B0 + B1)  
             Matrix_Sub(n/2, A21, A11, AA);   
             Matrix_Add(n/2, B11, B12, BB);   
             Strassen(n/2, AA, BB, M6);   
            //Calculate M7 = (A1 - A3) × (B2 + B3)  
             Matrix_Sub(n/2, A12, A22, AA);   
             Matrix_Add(n/2, B21, B22, BB);   
             Strassen(n/2, AA, BB, M7);   
            //Calculate C0 = M1 + M4 - M5 + M7  
             Matrix_Add(n/2, M1, M4, AA);   
             Matrix_Sub(n/2, M7, M5, BB);   
             Matrix_Add(n/2, AA, BB, C11);   
            //Calculate C1 = M3 + M5  
             Matrix_Add(n/2, M3, M5, C12);   
            //Calculate C2 = M2 + M4  
             Matrix_Add(n/2, M2, M4, C21);   
            //Calculate C3 = M1 - M2 + M3 + M6  
             Matrix_Sub(n/2, M1, M2, AA);   
             Matrix_Add(n/2, M3, M6, BB);   
             Matrix_Add(n/2, AA, BB, C22);   
            //Set the result to C[][N]  
            for(int i=0; i<n/2; i++) {   
               for(int j=0; j<n/2; j++) {   
                   C[i][j] = C11[i][j];   
                   C[i][j+n/2] = C12[i][j];   
                   C[i+n/2][j] = C21[i][j];   
                   C[i+n/2][j+n/2] = C22[i][j];           
    int main() 
        //Define three Matrices  
        int A[N][N],B[N][N],C[N][N];       
        for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {   
           for(int j=0; j<N; j++) {   
               A[i][j] = i * j;   
               B[i][j] = i * j;      
         Strassen(N, A, B, C);   
         output(N, C);   
         return 0;   


    Strassen Algorithm Implementation in C++
    Coded By: Seyyed Hossein Hasan Pour MatiKolaee in May 5 2010 .
    Mazandaran University of Science and Technology,Babol,Mazandaran,Iran
    Email : Master.huricane@gmail.com
    YM    : Deathmaster_nemessis@yahoo.com
    Updated may 09 2010.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <windows.h>
    using namespace std;
    int Strassen(int n, int** MatrixA, int ** MatrixB, int ** MatrixC);//Multiplies Two Matrices recrusively.
    int ADD(int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int** MatrixResult, int length );//Adds two Matrices, and places the result in another Matrix
    int SUB(int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int** MatrixResult, int length );//subtracts two Matrices , and places  the result in another Matrix
    int MUL(int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int** MatrixResult, int length );//Multiplies two matrices in conventional way.
    void FillMatrix( int** matrix1, int** matrix2, int length);//Fills Matrices with random numbers.
    void PrintMatrix( int **MatrixA, int MatrixSize );//prints the Matrix content.
    int main()
        int MatrixSize = 0;
        int** MatrixA;
        int** MatrixB;
        int** MatrixC;
        clock_t startTime_For_Normal_Multipilication ;
        clock_t endTime_For_Normal_Multipilication ;
        clock_t startTime_For_Strassen ;
        clock_t endTime_For_Strassen ;
        time_t start,end;
        cout<<setw(45)<<"In the name of GOD";
        cout<<endl<<setw(60)<<"Strassen Algorithm Implementation in C++ "
            <<endl<<endl<<setw(50)<<"By Seyyed Hossein Hasan Pour"
            <<endl<<setw(60)<<"Mazandaran University of Science and Technology"
            <<endl<<setw(40)<<"May 9 2010";
    Please Enter your Matrix Size(must be in a power of two(eg:32,64,512,..): ";
        int N = MatrixSize;//for readiblity.
        MatrixA = new int *[MatrixSize];
        MatrixB = new int *[MatrixSize];
        MatrixC = new int *[MatrixSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < MatrixSize; i++)
            MatrixA[i] = new int [MatrixSize];
            MatrixB[i] = new int [MatrixSize];
            MatrixC[i] = new int [MatrixSize];
      //*******************conventional multiplication test
            cout<<"Phase I started:  "<< (startTime_For_Normal_Multipilication = clock());
    Phase I ended: "<< (endTime_For_Normal_Multipilication = clock());
    Matrix Result... 
      //*******************Strassen multiplication test
    Multiplication started: "<< (startTime_For_Strassen = clock());
            Strassen( N, MatrixA, MatrixB, MatrixC );
    Multiplication: "<<(endTime_For_Strassen = clock());
    Matrix Result... 
        cout<<"Matrix size "<<MatrixSize;
    Normal mode "<<(endTime_For_Normal_Multipilication - startTime_For_Normal_Multipilication)<<" Clocks.."<<(endTime_For_Normal_Multipilication - startTime_For_Normal_Multipilication)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" Sec";
    Strassen mode "<<(endTime_For_Strassen - startTime_For_Strassen)<<" Clocks.."<<(endTime_For_Strassen - startTime_For_Strassen)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" Sec
        return 0;
    in order to be able to create a matrix without any limitaion in c++,
    one way is to create it using pointers.
    as you see by using a pointer to pointer strategy we can make a multi-
    dimensional Matrix of any size . The notation also makes us capable of
    creating a matrix with VARIABLE size at runtime ,meaning we can resize
    the size of our matrix at runtime , shrink it or increase it , your choice.
    what we do is simple , first we make a pointer of pointer variable , this
    means that our first pointer will point to another pointer which again
    this pointer ,points to sth else(we can make it point to an array) .
    int **A;
    will declare the variable , we now need to expand it .
    now make a pointer based array and allocate the memory dynamicly
    A = new int *[desired_array_row];
    this gives us a one diminsional pointer based array,now you want a 2D array?
    big deal,lets make one.
    we use for() to achieve this goal , remember when i said we are going to make
    a variable which is a pointer of pointer ? which meant any location pointed to somewhere else
    , we made a pointer based array , a one diminsional one , just up there ,
    and you know this fatct that an array is consits of individual blocks right?
    and the fact that each block can be used just like a solo variable.
    so simply if we could write
    A = new int *[any_size];
    cant we do it to all of our indiviual array blocks which are just like the solo variable ?
    so this means that if we could do it with A, and get an array , we can use the same method
    to make different arrays for different block of the array we made in first place.
    we use for() to iterate through all of the blocks of the previously made array, and
    then for each block we create a single array .
    for ( int i = 0; i < desired_array_row; i++)
    A[i] = new int [desired_column_size];
    after this for , we can enjoy our 2D array wich can be access like any ordinary array we know.
    just use the conventional notation for accessing array blocks for either reading or writing.( A[i][j])
    and remember to free the space we allocated for our 2D array at the end of the program .
    we do such a thing this way:
    for ( int i = 0; i < your_array_row; i++)
        delete [] A[i];
    delete[] A;
    .using this method you can make any N-diminsional array, you just need to use for with right iteration.
    int Strassen(int N, int **MatrixA, int **MatrixB, int **MatrixC)
            int HalfSize = N/2;
            int newSize = N/2;
            if ( N <= 64 )//choosing the threshhold is extremely important, try N<=2 to see the result
                int** A11;
                int** A12;
                int** A21;
                int** A22;
                int** B11;
                int** B12;
                int** B21;
                int** B22;
                int** C11;
                int** C12;
                int** C21;
                int** C22;
                int** M1;
                int** M2;
                int** M3;
                int** M4;
                int** M5;
                int** M6;
                int** M7;
                int** AResult;
                int** BResult;
                //making a 1 diminsional pointer based array.
                A11 = new int *[newSize];
                A12 = new int *[newSize];
                A21 = new int *[newSize];
                A22 = new int *[newSize];
                B11 = new int *[newSize];
                B12 = new int *[newSize];
                B21 = new int *[newSize];
                B22 = new int *[newSize];
                C11 = new int *[newSize];
                C12 = new int *[newSize];
                C21 = new int *[newSize];
                C22 = new int *[newSize];
                M1 = new int *[newSize];
                M2 = new int *[newSize];
                M3 = new int *[newSize];
                M4 = new int *[newSize];
                M5 = new int *[newSize];
                M6 = new int *[newSize];
                M7 = new int *[newSize];
                AResult = new int *[newSize];
                BResult = new int *[newSize];
                int newLength = newSize;
                //making that 1 diminsional pointer based array , a 2D pointer based array
                for ( int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
                    A11[i] = new int[newLength];
                    A12[i] = new int[newLength];
                    A21[i] = new int[newLength];
                    A22[i] = new int[newLength];
                    B11[i] = new int[newLength];
                    B12[i] = new int[newLength];
                    B21[i] = new int[newLength];
                    B22[i] = new int[newLength];
                    C11[i] = new int[newLength];
                    C12[i] = new int[newLength];
                    C21[i] = new int[newLength];
                    C22[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M1[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M2[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M3[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M4[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M5[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M6[i] = new int[newLength];
                    M7[i] = new int[newLength];
                    AResult[i] = new int[newLength];
                    BResult[i] = new int[newLength];
                //splitting input Matrixes, into 4 submatrices each.
                for (int i = 0; i < N / 2; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < N / 2; j++)
                        A11[i][j] = MatrixA[i][j];
                        A12[i][j] = MatrixA[i][j + N / 2];
                        A21[i][j] = MatrixA[i + N / 2][j];
                        A22[i][j] = MatrixA[i + N / 2][j + N / 2];
                        B11[i][j] = MatrixB[i][j];
                        B12[i][j] = MatrixB[i][j + N / 2];
                        B21[i][j] = MatrixB[i + N / 2][j];
                        B22[i][j] = MatrixB[i + N / 2][j + N / 2];
                //here we calculate M1..M7 matrices .
                ADD( A11,A22,AResult, HalfSize);
                ADD( B11,B22,BResult, HalfSize);
                Strassen( HalfSize, AResult, BResult, M1 ); //now that we need to multiply this , we use the strassen itself .
                ADD( A21,A22,AResult, HalfSize);              //M2=(A21+A22)B11
                Strassen(HalfSize, AResult, B11, M2);       //Mul(AResult,B11,M2);
                SUB( B12,B22,BResult, HalfSize);              //M3=A11(B12-B22)
                Strassen(HalfSize, A11, BResult, M3);       //Mul(A11,BResult,M3);
                SUB( B21, B11, BResult, HalfSize);           //M4=A22(B21-B11)
                Strassen(HalfSize, A22, BResult, M4);       //Mul(A22,BResult,M4);
                ADD( A11, A12, AResult, HalfSize);           //M5=(A11+A12)B22
                Strassen(HalfSize, AResult, B22, M5);       //Mul(AResult,B22,M5);
                SUB( A21, A11, AResult, HalfSize);
                ADD( B11, B12, BResult, HalfSize);             //M6=(A21-A11)(B11+B12)
                Strassen( HalfSize, AResult, BResult, M6);    //Mul(AResult,BResult,M6);
                SUB(A12, A22, AResult, HalfSize);
                ADD(B21, B22, BResult, HalfSize);             //M7=(A12-A22)(B21+B22)
                Strassen(HalfSize, AResult, BResult, M7);     //Mul(AResult,BResult,M7);
                //C11 = M1 + M4 - M5 + M7;
                ADD( M1, M4, AResult, HalfSize);
                SUB( M7, M5, BResult, HalfSize);
                ADD( AResult, BResult, C11, HalfSize);
                //C12 = M3 + M5;
                ADD( M3, M5, C12, HalfSize);
                //C21 = M2 + M4;
                ADD( M2, M4, C21, HalfSize);
                //C22 = M1 + M3 - M2 + M6;
                ADD( M1, M3, AResult, HalfSize);
                SUB( M6, M2, BResult, HalfSize);
                ADD( AResult, BResult, C22, HalfSize);
                //at this point , we have calculated the c11..c22 matrices, and now we are going to
                //put them together and make a unit matrix which would describe our resulting Matrix.
                for (int i = 0; i < N/2 ; i++)
                    for (int j = 0 ; j < N/2 ; j++)
                        MatrixC[i][j] = C11[i][j];
                        MatrixC[i][j + N / 2] = C12[i][j];
                        MatrixC[i + N / 2][j] = C21[i][j];
                        MatrixC[i + N / 2][j + N / 2] = C22[i][j];
                // dont forget to free the space we alocated for matrices,
                for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++)
                    delete[] A11[i];delete[] A12[i];delete[] A21[i];
                    delete[] A22[i];
                    delete[] B11[i];delete[] B12[i];delete[] B21[i];
                    delete[] B22[i];
                    delete[] C11[i];delete[] C12[i];delete[] C21[i];
                    delete[] C22[i];
                    delete[] M1[i];delete[] M2[i];delete[] M3[i];delete[] M4[i];
                    delete[] M5[i];delete[] M6[i];delete[] M7[i];
                    delete[] AResult[i];delete[] BResult[i] ;
                    delete[] A11;delete[] A12;delete[] A21;delete[] A22;
                    delete[] B11;delete[] B12;delete[] B21;delete[] B22;
                    delete[] C11;delete[] C12;delete[] C21;delete[] C22;
                    delete[] M1;delete[] M2;delete[] M3;delete[] M4;delete[] M5;
                    delete[] M6;delete[] M7;
                    delete[] AResult;
                    delete[] BResult ;
            }//end of else
        return 0;
    int ADD(int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int** MatrixResult, int MatrixSize )
        for ( int i = 0; i < MatrixSize; i++)
            for ( int j = 0; j < MatrixSize; j++)
                MatrixResult[i][j] =  MatrixA[i][j] + MatrixB[i][j];
        return 0;
    int SUB(int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int** MatrixResult, int MatrixSize )
        for ( int i = 0; i < MatrixSize; i++)
            for ( int j = 0; j < MatrixSize; j++)
                MatrixResult[i][j] =  MatrixA[i][j] - MatrixB[i][j];
        return 0;
    int MUL( int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int** MatrixResult, int MatrixSize )
        for (int i=0;i<MatrixSize ;i++)
                  for (int j=0;j<MatrixSize ;j++)
                       for (int k=0;k<MatrixSize ;k++)
        return 0;
    void FillMatrix( int** MatrixA, int** MatrixB, int length)
        for(int row = 0; row<length; row++)
            for(int column = 0; column<length; column++)
               MatrixB[row][column] = (MatrixA[row][column] = rand() %5);
                //matrix2[row][column] = rand() % 2;//ba hazfe in khat 50% afzayeshe soorat khahim dasht
    void PrintMatrix(int **MatrixA,int MatrixSize)
           for(int row = 0; row<MatrixSize; row++)
                for(int column = 0; column<MatrixSize; column++)
                    cout<<MatrixA[row][column]<<"	";
                    if ((column+1)%((MatrixSize)) == 0)




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yangquanhui/p/4937467.html
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