1 RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK ='F:\公司项目\2012年12月\k恺威寰宇解决方案\恺威寰宇Web\App_Data\xclh(1).bak' 2 3 RESTORE DATABASE [xclh] 4 FROM DISK ='d:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\xclh.bak' 5 with 6 move 'xclh_Data' to 'd:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\xclh_Data.MDF', 7 move 'xclh_Log' to 'd:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\xclh_Log.LDF' 8
declare tb cursor local for select 'sp_changeobjectowner ''['+replace(user_name(uid),']',']]')+'].[' +replace(name,']',']]')+']'',''dbo''' from sysobjects where xtype in('U','V','P','TR','FN','IF','TF') and status>=0 open tb declare @s nvarchar(4000) fetch tb into @s while @@fetch_status=0 begin exec(@s) fetch tb into @s end close tb deallocate tb go