中缀表达式(Infix expression)即符合a op b的格式, 后缀表达式(Post Fix expression)即符合a b op 的格式。为什么要有后缀表达式?原因在于后缀表达式可以很容易的被计算机理解。
举个例子,a*(b+c)/d, 转化为后缀表达式是abc+*d/, 计算机会用栈来解释执行该表达式。
- computer will scan each characters in the expression
- put abc to the stack, a, b, c
- Meet +, pop two operands, b+c, push sum of b and c to the stack
- meet *, pop two operands, sum * a, put sum*a to the stack
- meet d, push d to stack
- meet /, pop d and sum*a, calc sum*a/d
- put the result to the stack. Done. the top of stack is the final result
既然后缀表达式对计算机如此有用,那么当计算机遇到中缀表达式时,转化成后缀表达式就是"one common ask”.
- 数字或字母
- 左括号或者右括号
- 操作符,+ - × /
- 栈为空,目标扫描字符是一个操作符
- 目标字符是左括号
- 栈不为空,目标扫描字符优先级大于栈顶元素
- 目标字符是右括号,此时要一直pop直到发现左括号
- 目标字符优先级小于栈顶元素,pop之
- 转化过程中括号全部消失,后缀表达式的目的就在于让计算机更好的理解优先级
- 能在栈里呆住的都是predence 极高的操作符
- 扫描完毕后,不要忘了栈里还可能有优先级很高的操作符,append 之
public static string ConvertInfixToPostFix(string expression) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression)) { return string.Empty; } Stack<char> stack = new Stack<char>(); var chars = expression.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) { if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(chars[i])) { result.Append(chars[i]); } else if (chars[i] == '(') { stack.Push(chars[i]); } else if (chars[i] == ')') { while(stack.Count != 0 && stack.Peek() != '(') { result.Append(stack.Pop()); } if(stack.Count != 0 && stack.Peek() != '(') { return "Invalid Experssion"; } else { stack.Pop(); } } // operator else { while (stack.Count != 0 && Priority(chars[i]) <= Priority(stack.Peek())) { result.Append(stack.Pop()); } if (stack.Count == 0 || Priority(chars[i]) > Priority(stack.Peek())) { stack.Push(chars[i]); } } } // end of for loop while (stack.Count != 0) { result.Append(stack.Pop()); } return result.ToString(); }