• C 语言学习——Valgrind 内存问题简述




    • -g : 增加调试信息,供 valgrind 精准定位。
    • -oo : 关闭 gcc 优,优化产生的代码可能会造成 valgring 误判。


    --leak-check = full

    no : 不进行内存泄漏检测;yes : 显示内存泄漏情况;full : 显示内存泄漏和出错代码;

    --show-reachable = yes

    详细显示 still reachable 和 indirectly lost 两种类型的内心泄漏,默认不显示;、


    内存泄漏 : 由于疏忽和错误造成程序未能释放已经不能再使用的内存。


    possibly lost : 指针指向内存的内存位置

    still reachable : 程序运行结束后,内存没有释放,仍然可以访问。

    definitely lost:内存无法访问

    indirectly lost:虽然有地址指向该空间,但是无法访问

                Pointer  chain                 AAA Leak Case         BBB Leak Case
         ------------------------------       ---------------        -------------
    (1) RRR ----------------------> BBB                              DR
    (2) RRR -------> AAA ---------> BBB          DR                  IR
    (3) RRR                         BBB                              DL
    (4) RRR          AAA ---------> BBB          DL                  IL
    (5) RRR ----------?-----------> BBB                              (y)DR, (n)DL
    (6) RRR -------> AAA ----?----> BBB          DR                  (y)IR, (n)DL
    (7) RRR ---?---> AAA ---------> BBB          (y)DR, (n)DL        (y)IR, (n)IL
    (8) RRR ---?---> AAA ----?----> BBB          (y)DR, (n)DL        (y,y)IR, (n,y)IL, (_,n)DL
    (9) RRR          AAA ----?----> BBB          DL                  (y)IL, (n)DL
    Pointer chain legend:
    - RRR: a root set node or DR block
    - AAA, BBB: heap blocks
    - --->: a start-pointer
    - -?->: an interior-pointer
    Leak Case legend:
    - DR: Directly reachable
    - IR: Indirectly reachable
    - DL: Directly lost
    - IL: Indirectly lost
    - (y)XY: it's XY if the interior-pointer is a real pointer
    - (n)XY: it's XY if the interior-pointer is not a real pointer
    - (_)XY: it's XY in either case

    case 1:RRR  ----> BBB

    void *RRR;
    int main()
      RRR = malloc(8);
      return 0;

    ==1244== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1244==   still reachable : 8 bytes in blocks

    cas2 :RRR ----> AAA ----> BBB

    void **RRR;
    int main()
            RRR = (void **)malloc(8); 
            *RRR = malloc(8); 
            return 0;    

    ==1345== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1345==     still reachable: 16 bytes in 2 blocks


    case 3:RRR          BBB

    int main()
            void *RRR = malloc(8);
            return 0;

    ==1400== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1400==     definitely lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks

    case4: RRR           AAA  ------> BBB

    int main()
             void **RRR = (void**)malloc(8);
             *RRR = malloc(8);
             return 0;

    ==1461== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1461==     definitely lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks;

    ==1461==     indirectly lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks;

    case 5: RRR   ----?-----> BBB

    void *RRR;
    int main()
            RRR = malloc(8);
            RRR = (char *)RRR + 2;
            return 0;

    ==1530== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1530==      possibly lost: 8bytes in 1 blocks;

    case6: RRR -----> AAA ---?---> BBB

    void **RRR;
    int main()
            RRR = (void**)malloc(8);
            *RRR = malloc(8);
            *RRR = (char *)(*RRR) + 2;
            return 0;

    ==1587== LEAK SUMMARAY;

    ==1587==     possibly  lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks;

    ==1587==     still reachable: 8 bytes in 1 blocks;

    case 7: RRR ---?---> AAA ----> BBB

    void **RRR;
    int main()
            RRR = (void **)malloc(8);
            *RRR = malloc(8);
             RRR = (void **)((char *)RRR + 1);
             return 0;  

    ==1642== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1642==     possibly lost: 16 bytes in 2 blocks;

    case8: RRR ---?---> AAA ---?---> BBB

    void **RRR;
    int main()
            RRR = (void **)malloc(8);
            *RRR = malloc(8);
            *RRR = ((char*)(*RRR) + 1);
            RRR = (void**)((char*)RRR + 1);
            return 0;

    ==1776== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==1776==     possibly lost: 16 bytes in 2 blocks;

    case 9:RRR          AAA ---?---> BBB

    int main()
           void **RRR = (void**)malloc(8);
           *RRR = malloc(8);
           *RRR = ((char*)(*RRR) + 1);
           return 0;

    ==3856== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==3856==     definitely lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks;

    ==3856==     indirectly lost: 8 bytes in 1 blocks;



    int *arr = new int[2];
    arr[2] = 2;
    arr[0] = arr[2];
    delete [] arr;

    ==2371== Invalid write of size 4

    ==2371==     at 0x80485FD: main(test.c:2)


    ==2371== Invalid write of size 4

    ==2371==     at 0x8048607: main(test.c:3)

    注意: 如果在栈空间上申请数组 arr ,valgrind 则检测不出读写越界


    char *str = new char[10];
    char *src =  str;
    char *dst = str + 2;
    memcpy(dst, src, 4);
    delete [] str;

    ==2413== Source and destination overlap in memcpy(0x4339902a, 0x4339028, 4)

    ==2413===    at 0x402EE13: memcpy (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.s0)

    ==2413==      by 0x8048654: main(test.c:4)


    char *str = new char[10];
    char *rep = str;
    delete[] str;
    delete[] rep;

    ==2440== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()

    ==2440==     at 0x402BD38: operator delete

    ==2440==     by 0x8048623: main (test.c:5) 

    ==2440== Address 0x4339028 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 10 free 

    ==2440==      at 0x402BD38: operator delete

    ==2440==      by 0x8048610: main (test.c:4)

    ==2440== HEAP SUMMARY:

    ==2440==       in use ar exit: 0 bytest in 0 blocks

    ==2440==       total heap usage: 1 allocs, 2  frees , 10 bytes allocated


    int main()
            void *RRR = malloc(10);
            RRR = (char *)RRR + 1;
            return 0;

    ==3953== HEAP SUMMARy:

    ==3953== 10 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1

    ==3953==       at 0x402A17C: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.so)

    ==3953==       by 0x804861: main(test.c:6)


    ==3953== LEAK SUMMARY:

    ==3953==       definitely  lost: 10 bytes in 1 blocks


    int *arr= new int[10];

    ==2519== Mismatched free() / delete / delete[]

    ==2519==      at 0x402B3D8: free

    ==2519==      by 0x8048601: main(test.c:3)

    ==2519== Address 0x4339028 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 40 alloc

    ==2519==       at 0x402ADFC: operator new

    ==2519==       by 0x80485F1: main (test.c:1)


    valgrind memcheck 在内部模拟一个 CPU 环境,所有的数据处理流程都在内部CPU进行模拟。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xushuhai/p/10775252.html
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