• yum源优化

      cd /
     1021  ls
     1022  mv data /root
     1023  ls /root
     1024  cd data
     1025  cd /root/data
     1026  ls
     1027  cat 6379
     1028  cd 6379
     1029  ls
     1030  cd -
     1031  touch oldboy.txt
     1032  ls
     1033  rm oldboy.txt 
     1034  ls
     1035  mkdir boy
     1036  ls
     1037  rm -f boy
     1038  rm -rf boy
     1039  cls
     1040  clear
     1041  date
     1042  cd ..
     1043  touch test.txt
     1044  vi text.txt
     1045  vim text.txt 
     1046  grep 'oldboy' text.txt 
     1047  grep -v 'oldboy' text.txt 
     1048  sed '/oldboy/d' text.txt 
     1049  awk 'NR<3' text.txt
     1050  awk 'NR<5' text.txt
     1051  awk 'NR<2' text.txt
     1052  awk 'NR<=2' text.txt
     1053  vi text.txt 
     1054  awk '{print $3}' text.txt 
     1055  awk '{print $2}' text.txt 
     1056  awk '{print $1}' text.txt 
     1057  awk '{print $0}' text.txt 
     1058  mkdir /oldboy/demo/data
     1059  mkdir -v /odl/dle/dll
     1060  mkdir -v -p /oldboy/demo/data
     1061  touch manage.py rule.py
     1062  ls
     1063  mv manage.py /oldboy/demo/data
     1064  mv rule.py /oldboy/demo/data
     1065  ls
     1066  cd /oldboy/demo/data
     1067  ls
     1068  touch -v test{1..100}
     1069  touch  test{1..100}
     1070  ls
     1071  ls -1
     1072  touch oldboy{11,100}
     1073  ls oldboy1*
     1074  cp /etc/service .
     1075  cp /etc/services .
     1076  ls
     1077  rm -f test*
     1078  ls
     1079  cd /
     1080  mv /oldboy /tmp/
     1081  ls /tmp
     1082  ls /tmp/oldboy/demo/data/
     1083  cls
     1084  cd /opt
     1085  mv /tmp/oldboy/ /
     1086  ls /
     1087  ls /oldboy/demo/data/
     1088  ls /tmp
     1089  mv /oldboy/ /tmp
     1090  ls /tmp/
     1091  cd /tmp/oldboy/demo/data/
     1092  ls
     1093  rm -f manage.py oldboy* services 
     1094  ls
     1095  touch oldboy{1..3}
     1096  ls
     1097  cp oldboy1 oldboy2 oldboy3 /tmp
     1098  ls /tmp
     1099  cd /tmp
     1100  ls
     1101  rm -r oldboy
     1102  ls
     1103  rm -rf oldboy
     1104  ls
     1105  cd /
     1106  ls
     1107  head -n 2 test.txt 
     1108  cat test.txt 
     1109  vim test.txt
     1110  head -n 2 test.txt 
     1111  tail -n 1 text.txt
     1112  tail -n 1 test.txt 
     1113  tail -n 2 test.txt 
     1114  seq 10
     1115  seq 5 15
     1116  seq 5 2 15
     1117  clear
     1118  seq 5 15 > 123.txt
     1119  cat 123.txt 
     1120  head -n 9 123.txt | tail -n 7
     1121  ip addr
     1122  ip addr|tail -n 4|head -n 1
     1123  clear
     1124  ls
     1125  cd /tmp
     1126  ls
     1127  mv /test.txt /tmp
     1128  ls
     1129  cp test.txt /mnt
     1130  ls /mnt/
     1131  cp /mnt/test.txt .
     1132  which cp
     1133  ls /usr/bin/cp
     1134  /usr/bin/cp /mnt/test.txt .
     1135  ls
     1136  /usr/bin/cp -i /mnt/test.txt .
     1137  cp -h
     1138  cp --h
     1139  clear
     1140  cp /mnt/test.txt .
     1141  alias
     1142  unalias cp
     1143  cp /mnt/test.txt .
     1144  alias
     1145  alias cp='cp -i'
     1146  alias
     1147  alias ipr='ip addr'
     1148  ipr
     1149  alias
     1150  unalias ipr
     1151  ipr
     1152  unalias
     1153  alias
     1154  cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
     1155  cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
     1156  alias cat_ens33='cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33'
     1157  cat_ens33
     1158  cd ~
     1159  seq 100 > ett.txt
     1160  cat ett.txt
     1161  head -n 30 ett.txt|tail -n 11
     1162  awk 'NR>19 && NR<31' ett.txt
     1163  sed '/20/,/30/p' ett.txt 
     1164  sed -n '/20/,/30/p' ett.txt 
     1165  grep '20' -A 10 ett.txt
     1166  grep '30' -B 10 ett.txt
     1167  grep '25' -C 5 ett.txt
     1168  clear
     1169  yum install bc -y
     1170  touch abc.txt
     1171  vim abc.txt 
     1172  cat abc.txt |bc
     1173  ls
     1174  rm -f abc.txt 
     1175  ls
     1176  mkdir -p /oldboy/test{1..3}
     1177  echo '11111111111./hostlists.txt'
     1178  echo '11111111111./hostlists.txt' > /oldboy/
     1179  echo '11111111111./hostlists.txt' > /oldboy/111.sh
     1180  echo '11111111111./hostlists.txt' > /oldboy/test1/222.sh
     1181  echo '11111111111./hostlists.txt' > /oldboy/test2/333.sh
     1182  echo '11111111111./hostlists.txt' > /oldboy/test3/666.sh
     1183  find /oldboy -type f -name "*.sh"
     1184  find /oldboy -type f -name "*.sh" |xargs cat
     1185  find /oldboy -type f -name "*.sh" |xargs sed 's#./hostlists.txt#../idctest_iplist#g'
     1186  find /oldboy -type f -name "*.sh" | xargs sed -i "s#./hostlists.txt#../idctest_iplist#g"
     1187  find /oldboy -type f -name "*.sh" |xargs cat
     1188  netstat -tunlp
     1189  ss -tunlp
     1190  ls /mnt
     1191  cd /
     1192  ls
     1193  cd mnt
     1194  rm -f test.txt 
     1195  cd ~
     1196  ls /mnt
     1197  ls -l /dev/sr0
     1198  ls -l /dev/cdrom
     1199  mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
     1200  cd /mnt
     1201  ls
     1202  cd Packages/
     1203  ls
     1204  ls -l |wc -l
     1205  rpm -ivh vsftpd-3.0.2-25.el7.x86_64.rpm 
     1206  rpm -e vsftpd-3.0.2-25.el7.x86_64
     1207  rpm -Uvh vsftpd-3.0.2-25.el7.x86_64.rpm 
     1208  rpm -q vsftpd
     1209  rpm -qa
     1210  rpm -qa |grep vsf
     1211  rpm -q vsftp
     1212  cd
     1213  which vim
     1214  rpm -qf /usr/bin/vim
     1215  rpm -ql vsftpd
     1216  cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
     1217  ls
     1218  cat CentOS-Base.repo 
     1219  ls
     1220  ls allrepo
     1221  cat epel.repo
     1222  cd
     1223  yum install openssl
     1224  yum install openssl-devel
     1225  yum install openssl*
     1226  yum install lib*
     1227  yum list
     1228  yum list |grep python
     1229  yum list |grep vsftpd
     1230  yum grouplist
     1231  yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
     1232  yum remove glibc
     1233  yum remove vsftpd
     1234  yum install -y vsftpd
     1235  cd _
     1236  cd -
     1237  pwd
     1238  ls
     1239  mkdir ali
     1240  mv *.repo ali
     1241  ls
     1242  vim local.repo
     1243  mount
     1244  yum clean all
     1245  yum remove vsftpd
     1246  yum install -y vsftpd
     1247  systemctl start vsftpd
     1248  systemctl enable vsftpd
     1249  cd 
     1250  mkdir /var/ftp/pub/centos7
     1251  cp -a /mnt/* /var/ftp/pub/centos7
     1252  ifconfig
     1253  iptables -F
     1254  cd -
     1255  vim ftp.repo
  • 相关阅读:
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuqidong/p/11565605.html
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