• Ref out keywords

    ref parameters
    Passing variables by value is the default. We can, however, force value parameters to be passed by reference.
    To do so, we use the ref keyword. If a parameter is passed to a method, and if the input argument
    for that method is prefixed with the ref keyword, then any changes that the method makes to the variable
    will affect the value of the original object:
    static void SomeFunction(int[] ints, ref int i)
    ints[0] = 100;
    i = 100; // the change to i will persist after SomeFunction() exits
    We will also need to add the ref keyword when we invoke the method:
    SomeFunction(ints, ref i);
    Chapter 3
    Adding the ref keyword in C# serves the same purpose as using the & syntax in C++ to specify passing
    by reference. However, C# makes the behavior more explicit (thus hopefully preventing bugs) by requiring
    the use of the ref keyword when invoking the method.
    Finally, it is also important to understand that C# continues to apply initialization requirements to
    parameters passed to methods. Any variable must be initialized before it is passed into a method,
    whether it is passed in by value or reference.
    out parameters
    In C-style languages, it is common for functions to be able to output more than one value from a single
    routine. This is accomplished using output parameters, by assigning the output values to variables that
    have been passed to the method by reference. Often, the starting values of the variables that are passed
    by reference are unimportant. Those values will be overwritten by the function, which may never even
    look at any previous value.
    It would be convenient if we could use the same convention in C#. However, C# requires that variables
    be initialized with a starting value before they are referenced. Although we could initialize our input
    variables with meaningless values before passing them into a function that will fill them with real,
    meaningful ones, this practice seems at best needless and at worst confusing. However, there is a way
    to short-circuit the C# compiler’s insistence on initial values for input arguments.
    This is achieved with the out keyword. When a method’s input argument is prefixed with out, that
    method can be passed a variable that has not been initialized. The variable is passed by reference, so any
    changes that the method makes to the variable will persist when control returns from the called method.
    Again, we also need to use the out keyword when we call the method, as well as when we define it:
    static void SomeFunction(out int i)
    i = 100;
    public static int Main()
    int i; // note how i is declared but not initialized
    SomeFunction(out i);
    return 0;
    The out keyword is an example of something new in C# that has no analogy in either Visual Basic or
    C++, and which has been introduced to make C# more secure against bugs. If an out parameter isn’t
    assigned a value within the body of the function, the method won’t compile.
    Method overloading
    C# supports method overloading—several versions of the method that have different signatures (that is,
    the name, number of parameters, and parameter types). However, C# does not support default parameters
    in the way that, say, C++ or Visual Basic do. In order to overload methods, you simply declare the
    methods with the same name but different numbers or types of parameters:
    Objects and Types
    class ResultDisplayer
    void DisplayResult(string result)
    // implementation
    void DisplayResult(int result)
    // implementation
    Because C# does not support optional parameters, you will need to use method overloading to achieve
    the same effect:
    class MyClass
    int DoSomething(int x) // want 2nd parameter with default value 10
    DoSomething(x, 10);
    int DoSomething(int x, int y)
    // implementation
    As in any language, method overloading carries with it the potential for subtle runtime bugs if the
    wrong overload is called. In Chapter 4 we discuss how to code defensively against these problems. For
    now, we’ll point out that C# does place some minimum differences on the parameters of overloaded
    ❑ It is not sufficient for two methods to differ only in their return type.
    ❑ It is not sufficient for two methods to differ only by virtue of a parameter having been declared
    as ref or out.
    From "Pro C# 3rd"
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