OPCServer KepServer; OPCGroup KepGroup; bool opc_connected; string remoteServerName = "KEPware.OPCSampleServer"; string remoteServerIP = ""; public OPCManagerService() { try { KepServer = new OPCServer(); KepServer.Connect(remoteServerName, remoteServerIP); if (KepServer.ServerState != (int)OPCServerState.OPCRunning) { //这里你可以根据返回的状态来自定义显示信息,请查看自动化接口API文档 //tsslServerState.Text = "状态:" + KepServer.ServerState.ToString() + " "; return; } } catch (Exception) { return; } opc_connected = true; KepServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupIsActive = true; KepServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupDeadband = 0f; //the percentage change required before a change is reported, used to filter noise KepServer.OPCGroups.DefaultGroupUpdateRate = 10; //the rate is ms before item is updated KepGroup = KepServer.OPCGroups.Add("OPCDOTNETGROUP"); KepGroup.IsSubscribed = false; KepGroup.OPCItems.DefaultIsActive = false; }
//OPCDataItemValue是自定义的一个类,用来保存OPCItem的实时数据 public OPCDataItemValue GetDataItemValue(string ItemID) { if (!opc_connected) return null; try { OPCItem item = KepGroup.OPCItems.AddItem(ItemID, 1); Object value; Object quality; Object timestamp; item.Read((short)OPCDataSource.OPCDevice, out value, out quality, out timestamp); OPCDataItemValue itemValue = new OPCDataItemValue(); itemValue.DataValue = value; itemValue.TimeStamp = (DateTime)timestamp; itemValue.Quality = Convert.ToInt32(quality); Array removeServerHandle = (Array)(new int[2] { 0, item.ServerHandle }); Array removeErrors; KepGroup.OPCItems.Remove(1, ref removeServerHandle, out removeErrors); return itemValue; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public List<OPCDataItemValue> GetDataItems(string ItemID) { if (!opc_connected) return null; try { List<OPCDataItemValue> dataItems = new List<OPCDataItemValue>(); OPCDataItemValue opcDataItem = null; int[] itmHandleServer = new int[2]; //index starts at 1 OPCItem KepItem = KepGroup.OPCItems.AddItem(ItemID, 1); itmHandleServer[1] = KepItem.ServerHandle; Array handles = (Array)itmHandleServer; Array values; Array errors; object qualities; object timestamps; //store the timestamp of the read //read directly from device KepGroup.SyncRead((short)OPCDataSource.OPCDevice, 1, ref handles, out values, out errors, out qualities, out timestamps); opcDataItem = new OPCDataItemValue(); opcDataItem.ID = KepItem.ItemID; opcDataItem.DataValue = values.GetValue(1); Array t = (Array)timestamps; opcDataItem.TimeStamp = (DateTime)t.GetValue(1); Array q = (Array)qualities; opcDataItem.Quality = Convert.ToInt32(q.GetValue(1)); dataItems.Add(opcDataItem); //删除OPCItem的方法和上面代码中的一样,这里就不写了。 return dataItems; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public OPCDataItemProperties GetDataItemProperties(string ItemID, List<int> PropertyIDs) { if (!opc_connected) return null; try { OPCDataItemProperties property = new OPCDataItemProperties(); OPCItem item = KepGroup.OPCItems.AddItem(ItemID, 1); List<int> idList = new List<int>(PropertyIDs); idList.Insert(0, 0); Array ids = (Array)idList.ToArray(); int count = PropertyIDs.Count; Array values; Array errors; KepServer.GetItemProperties(ItemID, count, ref ids, out values, out errors); property.Count = count; property.IDs = ids; property.Values = values; property.Errors = errors; Array removeServerHandle = (Array)(new int[2] { 0, item.ServerHandle }); Array removeErrors; KepGroup.OPCItems.Remove(1, ref removeServerHandle, out removeErrors); return property; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public OPCDataItemAvailableProperties GetDataItemAvailableProperties(string ItemID) { if (!opc_connected) return null; try { OPCDataItemAvailableProperties properties = new OPCDataItemAvailableProperties(); OPCItem item = KepGroup.OPCItems.AddItem(ItemID, 1); int propertyCount; Array propertyIDs; Array propertyDescriptions; Array propertyDataTypes; KepServer.QueryAvailableProperties(ItemID, out propertyCount, out propertyIDs, out propertyDescriptions, out propertyDataTypes); properties.Count = propertyCount; properties.IDs = propertyIDs; properties.Descriptions = propertyDescriptions; properties.DataTypes = propertyDataTypes; Array removeServerHandle = (Array)(new int[2] { 0, item.ServerHandle }); Array removeErrors; KepGroup.OPCItems.Remove(1, ref removeServerHandle, out removeErrors); return properties; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }