/*一、运算符 1、算术运算符 +:加 -:减 *:乘 /:除 可以保留小数部分 div:除 如果整数与整数相除只保留整数部分 %:求余数 mod:求余数 */ select 1/2; #0.5 select 1 div 2; #0 /* 2、比较运算符 >:大于 <:小于 =:等于 注意区别,Java中是==,mysql中是= >=:大于等于 <=:小于等于 !=:不等于 <>:不等于 <=>:安全等于 用于判断null值的比较运算符 null值的判断,习惯上我们用is null 和is not null */ #查询薪资大于20000元的员工 select * from t_employee where salary > 20000; #查询所有男员工 select * from t_employee where gender = '男'; select * from t_employee where gender != '女'; select * from t_employee where gender <> '女'; #查询奖金比例commision_pct是null的员工 select * from t_employee where commission_pct <=> null; select * from t_employee where commission_pct is null; /* 3、逻辑运算符 &&和and:逻辑与 两个条件同时满足 ||和or:逻辑或 两个条件满足任意一个 ^和xor:逻辑异或 两个条件只能满足其中一个 !和not: 不满足xx条件 */ #查询薪资大于20000元的女员工 select * from t_employee where salary > 20000 && gender = '女'; select * from t_employee where salary > 20000 and gender = '女'; #查询男员工 select * from t_employee where not gender = '女'; select * from t_employee where !(gender = '女'); #查询薪资大于10000 异或 性别是男的,即它俩只能满足一个 #即查询薪资大于10000的女的或薪资低于10000的男的 select * from t_employee where salary>10000 ^ gender ='男'; select * from t_employee where salary>10000 xor gender ='男'; /* 4、范围 (1)区间范围: 在[a,b]之间,between a and b 不在[a,b]之间,not between a and b (2)集合范围 in(...) not in(...) */ #查询薪资在[15000,20000]之间的员工 select * from t_employee where salary between 15000 and 20000; select * from t_employee where salary >= 15000 and salary <=20000; #查询薪资在9000,10000,12000 select * from t_employee where salary in(9000,10000,12000); select * from t_employee where salary =9000 || salary =10000 || salary =12000; /* 5、模糊查询 like '%x%' x代表确定的字符 %表示不确定的0~n个字符 '_x%' x代表确定的字符 _表示确定的1个字符 */ #查询,名字ename中包含“冰”这个字的员工 select * from t_employee where ename like '%冰%'; #查询,名字ename是张xx,三个字 select * from t_employee where ename like '张__'; #查询,名字ename是第二个字是'冰' select * from t_employee where ename like '_冰%';