Simple Editing
ESC退出到命令模式, i进入插入模式.
1. 光标的移动
0(数字): 移动光标到行首
$: 移动光标到行尾, 2$: 移动光标的下一行的行尾, 4$= 3j + $
h: 左移一个光标
j: 下移一个光标
2k: 上移两个光标
4l: 右移4个光标
+: 转到下一行的首字符
-: 转到上一行的首字符
b or B: 前一个单词(或当前单词)词首, 大写B: 前一个单词的词首, 不算计数符号和标点符号
e or E: 后一个单词(或当前单词)词尾
w or W: 后一个单词词首, , 大写W: 后一个单词的词首, 不算计数符号和标点符号
G: 移动要一个特定的行, 可以使用G命令. G移动到文件末尾, 1G移动到文件开头, 43G移动到43行.
2. 简单的编辑
注: 前面加上数字,表示多次执行该命令.
i for insert; a for append; c for change; and d for delete.
move text with a d for "delete", then a p for "put".
copy text with a y for "yank", then a p for "put".
i: (insert)在光标前处插入
a: (append)在光标后插入
c: changing text, leave you in insert mode until u press the ESC key.
cw: To the end of a word
c2b: Back two words
c$: to the end of line
c0: to the beginning of line
cw: delete the word marked and insert new text until ESC is pressed
cc: replace the entire current line until ESC is pressed.
C=c$: replace characters from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
x: delete only one or 2 characters.
r: replaces a single character with another single character. U do not have to press ESC.
Substituing text(替换文本), leave u in insert mode
s: replace a single character
S: replace wholes lines.
R: enters overstrike(覆写) mode. leave u in insert mode.
Changing Case
~: change a lowercase letter to uppercase or an uppercase letter to lowercase.
Deleting Text
dw: delete by word, 删除当前光标 至 下个单词开始字符 之间的所有字符, 包括空格.
de: 删除当前光标 至当前单词的最后一个字符. 不包括后面的空格(如果有的话)
dE: 同上, 不过它将标点符号视为普通字符, 如 "text,abc" 如果逗号后面没有空格的话, 该命令视其为一个单词来删除.
dd: delete the entire line that the cursor is on.
D=d$: delete from the cursor position to the end of the line.
Moving text
just like a "cut and paste"
p: puts the text that is in the buffer after the cursor position.
P: puts the text before the cursor
Transposing(调换,互换) two letters
xp: delete character and put after cursor
Copying Text
y for yank and p for put.
yy: copy an entire line
Y=yy; Notice is not same as D=d$ & C=c$;
Repeat command
.(the period): repeat the same editing command
u: undo your last command
U: undo all edits on a single line, as long as the cursor remains on that line. Once you move off a line, you can no longer user U.
CTRL-R: redo an undone operation.
some other insert commands for inserting text at different positions relative to the cursor:
注: 除了R之外, 其余几条命令执行后, 均处于insert模式
A: Append text to end of current line
I: Insert text at beginning of line
o(小写字母o): 在当前光标的下一行插入新行
O(大写字母o): 在当前光标的上一行插入新行
s: 删除当前光标下的字符, 并且替换text. 进入insert模式, 相当于xi.
S: 删除当前行, 替换为新text. 相当于0D.
R: 用新字符覆写旧字符. 进入replace 模式, 可使用bakespace先前移动光标, 且恢复覆写内容.
50i*ESC: 插入50个星号
25i*-ESC: 插入50个字符, 25对"*-"
Joining Two Lines with J
J: 连接当前光标所在行和下一行 成一行, 之后, 光标位于连接处(第二行的第一个字符处)
在.vimrc中设置显示行号: set nu, 或在命令模式输入":set nu"