• 注意类STL——map







    // priority_queue.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <map>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	map<int, string> mapStudent;
    	mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(1,"zl"));
    	mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type(2,"gs"));
    	//2 gs而不是hys
    	mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type(2,"hys"));
    	pair<map<int,string>::iterator, bool> insert_pair;
    	insert_pair = mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type(2,"hys"));
    	cout << "结果胜利或者失败:" << insert_pair.second << endl;
    	map<int, string>::iterator it;
    	map<int, string>::reverse_iterator rit;
    	for(it = mapStudent.begin(); it != mapStudent.end(); it++)
    		cout << it->first << " " << it->second << endl;
    	cout << "---------------" << endl;
    	for(rit = mapStudent.rbegin(); rit != mapStudent.rend(); rit++)
    		cout << rit->first << " "<< rit->second << endl;
    	return 0;








    注:好久没触接c++了,我一下没找到“注意1”的误错,LG笑奸 注意和类
    // priority_queue.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <map>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    class student {
    	unsigned int ID_;
    	string name_;
    	student(unsigned int id, string name):ID_(id), name_(name) 
    	unsigned int ID() const {
    		return ID_;
    	string name() const {
    		return name_;
    	//Error	1	error C2679: binary '<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const student' (or there is no acceptable conversion)	c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\include\xstddef	180	1	priority_queue
    	bool operator < (const student &s) const {
    		return (ID() < s.ID());
    	friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &o, const student &s) {
    		o << s.ID_ << " " << s.name_;
    		return o;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	map<student, int> stu;
    	student s1(1, "zl"), s2(2,"gs");
    	stu.insert(pair<student,int>(s1, 59));
    	stu.insert(pair<student,int>(s2, 80));
    	map<student, int>::iterator it;
    	for (it = stu.begin(); it != stu.end(); it++) {
    		cout << it->first << " " << it->second << endl;
    	return 0;




    bool operator < (const XX &t1, const XX &t2)
         return t1 < t2;











    bool operator < (/*const*/ student &s) const {
    		return (ID() < s.ID());








    // priority_queue.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <map>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    class student {
    	unsigned int ID_;
    	string name_;
    	student(unsigned int id, string name):ID_(id), name_(name) 
    	unsigned int ID() const {
    		return ID_;
    	string name() const {
    		return name_;
    	//Error	1	error C2679: binary '<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const student' (or there is no acceptable conversion)	c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\include\xstddef	180	1	priority_queue
    	//bool operator < (const student &s) const {
    	//	return (ID() < s.ID());
    	friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &o, const student &s) {
    		o << s.ID_ << " " << s.name_;
    		return o;
    class cmp {
    	bool operator()(const student& s1, const student &s2) const {
    		return s1.ID() < s2.ID();
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	map<student, int, cmp> stu;
    	student s1(1, "zl"), s2(2,"gs");
    	stu.insert(pair<student,int>(s1, 59));
    	stu.insert(pair<student,int>(s2, 80));
    	map<student, int>::iterator it;
    	for (it = stu.begin(); it != stu.end(); it++) {
    		cout << it->first << " " << it->second << endl;
    	return 0;


    文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 雅虎最擅长的不是开通新业务,是关闭旧业务。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xinyuyuanm/p/3061738.html
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