• sharepoint content type publishing

    1. Create 1 Project Team sites (Site1) on SharePoint(可以用普通site)
    2. Go to http://<PCName>:8080/_admin/ServiceApplications.aspx
    3. Select Managed Metadata Service Application item, then click redmondpkmacct from Ribbon
    4. Input Administrator -> click Add, then check Full Control -> click OK
    5. then select "managed metadata service" 上面的properties , input http://<PCName>/sites/Site1 at Content Type hub Input Box -> check Report syndication import errors item -> click on OK -> OK
    6. Select 第二个 Managed Metadata Service Application Proxy, then click Properties-> Check item ¡°Consumes content types from the Content Type Gallery at http://exhb-0836/sites/test1.¡± And ¡°Push-down Content Type Publishing updates from the Content Type Gallery to sub-sites and lists using the content type.¡±
    7. Active Content Type Syndication Hub feature on Site1

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaomayizoe/p/5036304.html
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